Just One Beat *HIATUS*

"Changmin-ah! You shouldn't greet people like that." Kyuhyun said. Seohyun glared at

Changmin and remained silent. She didn't want to make another scene. Changmin glared

back at her. "I see you guys have already met.." Kyuhyun said. "Yes. We have." Changmin

replied without looking away from Seohyun. "Well, I'll introduce you guys to each other.

Seohyun this is Changmin and Changmin this is Seohyun." Kyuhyun introduced. "We know."

Seohyun and Changmin responded in unison. Kyuhyun chuckled at their response. Then

Seohyun's phone began to ring. "Hello?" Seohyun answered. "Joohyun! Where are you at?!

You're supposed to be at work!" Her dad's phone roared. "Appa! I'm sorry! I'm on my way

now!" Seohyun said."Hurry up!" Her dad ended the call. Seohyun shoved her phone into her

purse and turned to Kyuhyun. "Kyuhyun-ssi, I got to go. I have to be at work. See you!"

Seohyun bowed and turned to leave but something blocked her way. Changmin stood in

front of the pathway. "Can you please move?" Seohyun asked. She didn't want to start

anything. Changmin smirked evilly and replied. "No." Seohyun heaved a sigh. "Move while

I'm being nice." Seohyun warned. "Nope, I'm good." Changmin responded as he leaned onto

a seat. "Move now or else." Seohyun warned again. "Not going to happen." Changmin said.

Seohyun's blood began to boil. "Move now!" She shouted. "Someone's feisty." Changmin

teased. "I warned you." "Ooo! What are you going to-" Changmin's response was cut off by

a blow to his privates. He fell to his knees, clearing the pathway. Changmin groaned in pain.

"I told you to move." Seohyun laughed at Changmin. She turned back around to Kyuhyun.

"Make sure he gets some pain killers for that. Bye, Kyuhyun." Seohyun smiled, waved, and

left the auditorium. Kyuhyun knelt by Changmin's side. "Are you okay?" Kyuhyun asked.

Changmin groaned in pain. Kyuhyun chuckled quietly. "Yah! Don't laugh at me!" Changmin hit

Kyuhyun's arm. "Let's get you up." Kyuhyun pulled Changmin to his feet. "Let's get some ice

for your balls." Kyuhyun and Changmin made their way to the infirmary. "Oh my! What

happened?" The nurse gasped. "He was taught a lesson." Kyuhyun smirked sheepishly.

"Please take a seat. I'll get some ice." The nurse left. Changmin laid on a bed. "I hope that

taught you not to mess with a girl who hates you." Kyuhyun laughed. "Would you shut the

hell up?! Good lord! I don't need to hear that right now!" Changmin yelled. Kyuhyun stopped

laughing. "Sorry.." Kyuhyun apologized. Then it was silent. "I'm going to get back at her."

Changmin said. "Huh? What do you mean?" Kyuhyun asked. "I'm going to make her pay."

Changmin said. "What do you mean pay? Money?" "No. I'm going to make her pay with her

heart." Changmin chuckled evilly to himself. "Her heart?" Kyuhyun was confused. "I'm going

to make her fall in love with me and break her heart. Haha! I'm such a genius!" Changmin

complimented himself. "Not a genius..more like an idiot to me.." Kyuhyun mumbled.

Changmin stopped laughing. "Did you say something?" He asked. "Nope. Nothing at all. Do

you think you can make her fall in love with you?" Kyuhyun asked. "Of course I can! I'm the

infamous heartbreaker! There's not a heart I can't break!" Changmin said. "I don't think this

plan is right.." Kyuhyun said. "Well, how about we make a bet then? Whoever wins her heart

has to buy the other something really expensive." Changmin purposed. "I don't know.."

Kyuhyun said. "Come on! It'll be fun!" Changmin said. Kyuhyun contemplated. "How about

this? If she falls in love with you, I'll get you something nice despite my financial status. If

she doesn't, then you've got to stop your heart breaking ways. Deal?" Kyuhyun purposed.

"No! You have to join in."Changmin said. "I am. I'll get you something if you can do it."

Kyuhyun said. "It's no fun then.."Changmin complained. "Just agree already." Kyuhyun said.

"Fine but you better get me something very expensive!" Changmin replied. "Don't worry. I

will." Kyuhyun responded. "The bet starts tomorrow. Okay?" "Yeah yeah yeah.." Kyuhyun

agreed. "I've brought you some ice!" The nurse walked in.

             Seohyun hurried to her father's company. "I can't believe I'm late..Dad's going to

kill!" Seohyun said to herself. When she reached the company building, she rushed inside.

When she reached the 59th floor, she stepped off the elevator and hurried to her father's

office. She rushed in. "Appa, I'm sorry I'm-" Seohyun stopped midsentence. Mr. Seo was

sitting with a client. Mr. Seo and the client looked up. "Oh, Joohyun-ah, you're here? Come

and sit with us." Mr. Seo patted on the space next to him. Seohyun sat down next to her

father. "Joohyun-ah, meet Mr. Shim, one of my best friends from grade school." Mr. Seo

ushered to man the sitting across the table. Seohyun bowed toward the man, showing

respect. "Oh! What a charming daughter! You've raised her very well!" The man smiled at

Seohyun. "Thank you very much, sir." Seohyun thanked and bowed again. "She has great

manners." Mr. Shim complimented. "She takes after her mother." Mr. Seo chuckled.

Seohyun smiled bitterly at the thought. Her mother was no long around due to an accident

when she was a baby. "Joohyun-ah, you must be wondering why I called Mr. Shim here."

Mr. Seo said. "To catch up?" Seohyun asked. "That and to discuss your future." Mr. Seo

told Seohyun. "My future?" Seohyun was confused. "Your future with my son." Mr. Shim

interrupted the conversation. "Your son?" Seohyun asked. "Yes, with my son. Your father

called you here so we could speak with you about an arranged marriage." Mr. Shim said.

"An arranged marriage?!" Seohyun gasped. "Yes, an arranged marriage." Mr. Seo

repeated. "I'm too young to get married though." Seohyun exclaimed. "No you're not. Your

mother and I were married around your age. You’re at the perfect age." Mr. Seo reasoned.

"But I don't want to get married. I want to find my own husband." Seohyun complained.

"Your own husband?" Mr. Shim asked. Seohyun nodded. "How about this? I'll give you a

year. Look for a husband. If you don't succeed in finding a husband, you will marry Mr.

Shim's son. Is that okay?" Mr. Shim proposed. Seohyun thought for a moment. "Fine. If I

can't find a suitable husband, I will marry your son." Seohyun agreed. "Sounds like we have

a deal." Mr. Shim and Seohyun shook hands. Then Mr. Shim's phone rang. "Oh,

Changmin-ah!" Seohyun's body began to develop goose bumps. "What is it? Right now? I'm

discussing business matters at the moment." He glanced at Seohyun.

      "Your future with the Seo Company." Mr. Shim said. "The Seo Company?" Changmin

asked as he placed ice on his privates. "What future?" He continued his question. "Your

engagement with Seo Joohyun, the heiress of Seo Company." His father answered.

"WHAT?! MARRIAGE?!" Changmin yelled. Kyuhyun jumped at the sound of Changmin's

voice. "Yes. With Miss Seo Joohyun." His father replied. "SEO JOOHYUN?!" He gasped.

Kyuhyun looked at Changmin. "I'm on my way!" Changmin got to his feet and ended the call.

"Seo Joohyun?" Kyuhyun asked. "As in Seohyun." Changmin said. "I'll see you later! I have

to go discuss a matter with my father.." Changmin left. He reached his car and made his

way to the Seo Company building.

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Chapter 1: update soon please
Chapter 10: haha, changseo please!!!! but i feel like their parts in the play are a precursor to what's going to happen... min and kyu both fall in love w/ seohyun, but min will have to let her go for kyu (like the way the phantom has to let go of christine for raoul)
Chapter 10: Yay!!! Seokyu accident kiss!!! <3<3
zarifah95 #4
Chapter 10: Oh and please update soon! I accidentally pressed press comment while commenting. Hahaha peace out. God bless
zarifah95 #5
Chapter 10: Oh my god. Thank you for updating again. I've been rereading the whole story since your last update~ omg I love this chapter. Forget about the bet already. Omg my seokyu heart is .... It just feels good. I don't know why but fighting kyu oppa~! I really want to know how changmin oppa will react when he finds out about the accidental kiss. My instinct does tell me that he will forced one which instantaneously gets a smacked for doing that
Chapter 10: i await for Changseo and your update!!! :D
Chapter 9: Great update! Love the accidental kiss, I wonder what's gonna happen next time she meets Kyuhyun...anyway, please continue updating! I love your stories. :)
Chapter 9: Sweet Kyuhyun :)
And Changmin started to fall to Seohyun?? :D
12000481 #9
Update plsssss :-)