I will wait for you

A Day Without You

The next morning you woke up extra early, packing every thing Yunho needed, also you cooked everything he liked. Yunho had woken up and freshen up. He came down stairs with his normal attire.  He saw the luggage's and snack packed. He looked at the table and saw all his favorite dishes.


"It's like a feast!" He sat down to eat.


" eat quickly your going to miss the train" You said


"Araso, araso" he ate a bit faster


As soon as he was done eating he called a cab.


He went up to you " I'm really going to miss you"


"me too" you tried to hold in your tears you wanted to look strong.


you gave him a tight hug he hugged you back, kissing the top of your head.


He grabbed your face gently and wiped the tears way. He kissed your upper lip and then nibbled on the bottom which you like the most you kissed him back . you stopped to get air and then he hugged you again


" you better not look for other woman" you sniffled


"yah why would I when I have the best women on earth and you better not look for a guy." he said


"I have the best man on earth why would I" you replied back.  Yunho laughed


"Wait for me okay?"  He looked into your sparkling eyes

"I will wait for you. " you said


Right then the taxi honked


The both of you came apart and you helped him with his luggage.


he put the stuff in the trunk  and then looked at you.


He was about to go in but you ran up to him and kissed him once more.


"Bye I love You " you said softly


" I love you too, love" He said and went into the taxi and it drove off.




You and Yunho called every day every hour he could. You were busy with school and he was busy in training. He had made a lot of friends and missed you A LOT . It's been a few months and you got the hang of it. Jenny and Changmin would come over to keep you company. 

" hey Oppa" you waved at the webcam.


"hey babe" he waved back most of his hair was cut


"what are you doing " You  said


"i'm not really doing anything but i miss you" He said


" Me too" you pouted


" guess what I'm going into the battle field tomorrow!" he said in excitement


" really be safe okay " you looked at the screen wanting to touch him


"Don't worry I'll be fine and I was thinking let's get married right when I come back and have kids" he said


you giggled " okay"


"really? I cant wait " he said

"babe I got to go okay I'll talk to you later" he said quickly


" okay bye love you" you said


"love you too" he signed off of Skype



You  went to sleep that day early and you woke up cause of a phone call ringing.


you went downstairs to get it and It was Changmin "~~~~~~~! I have to tell you something "


"what, what happened I was sleeping" you said


"Yunho.......got shot.....he's dead" Changmin sstarted to cry


Your eyes grew wide and you didn't understand you were confused. you fell right on the floor and the phone fell out of your hand. Your heart was beating too fast you were sweating in shock.  


"hello ~~~~~~~" Changmin said on the phone you couldn't hear him


Everything was black for you but, then it was white You saw yourself standing in front of a mirror wearing a wedding dress.  you went through double doors and you saw people sitting at the church it was Yunho's parents.

Also your grand parents and your mom .  You were really excited that they came to your wedding and your dad took your hand and walked you down isle. He put your hand in Yunho's and the priest asked. " do you allow ~~~~~~to be your wife"


Yunho said "Yes" looking into your eyes like he always did that made you feel more alive


"Do you ~~~~~~ allow Yunho to be your husband"  the priest said


"Yes" you smiled


"you may kiss the bride" the priest said.


Yunho grabbed your waist and kissed you like he always did. You felt that same feeling. Everyone was cheering. It felt real, everything did . it was like everything was fine.


All you knew during that kiss you wouldn't last a day without him.


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Thanks (@Sakuramitsuki)
Chapter 1: Cool story waiting for the next chapter