Bad news

A Day Without You

Ever since Yunho had proposed to you, your life was even more brightened.

It was a Monday and the both of you came from school (Seoul national university). The both of you had a 3 week break from school. You had put your things away and were getting ready to make lunch. Yunho had sat on the couch. * I guess it's time*



He was clearing his thoughts and then came to a conclusion.


He walked over to you and hugged your waist "I have to tell you something"


"what" You cut the lettuce in half.


" I got a letter from the army I have to join them" He said


*what!?* " Oww" You cut your finger while you were cutting.


"~~~~~~! are you okay?" He quickly the faucet, putting your finger under the water and opened the cabinet and pulled out a band aid.


*Going to the army already......* you thought

tears started to well up in your eyes


He quickly put  the band-aid on " does it hurt?"  He looked at you


"no i'm fine" you pulled your arm away from him and threw away the lettuce that got blood on it.


"What's wrong" He caressed your shoulder.


"What do you mean what's wrong? are you really going to leave me?" You put down your knife and turned around to look at him.


"Baby I want to stay with you but I have to go at least for two years or I'll go to jail. I'll come back wont I? " He touched your cheeks.


You sighed thinking It was true." when are you leaving ?"


".....In two days BUT look I didn't want you too get all worried " He said


You had nothing to say you were worried if he would get hurt or anything bad would happen.


he could see the worry in your eyes and he just hugged you. You would miss his broad warm chest that comforted you and when he always caressed your back softly like a baby.


"the good thing is I can call you and everything right?" He said


You nodded your head and turn around to make lunch.


*I hope we can see each other in 2 years again I cant live without you either* he looked at you sadly making the lunch.




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Thanks (@Sakuramitsuki)
Chapter 1: Cool story waiting for the next chapter