Spreading Sparks

Rare Encounters


The morning after Daesung had come into the shop I felt sick. Not physically sick, but emotionally. For the first time in two years I had felt a emotion besides pain and anger. I had felt the butterflies in my center, and the heat of a blush on my cheeks. It felt differant, but distantly familiar, as if I was getting a taste of something from a past life. How was it a total stranger had made this happen within five minutes of being in the shop?
My leg was hurting again. The shop had been busy and I hadn't been able to rest as much as I usually did. Finally, sensing I would collapse if I kept it up, I waved to a fellow employee in the kitchen and asked her to take over for me. I went out to the sitting area and almost fell into a chair. My entire leg from my thigh to my toes tingled with relief.
I couldn't help but feel bitter. I couldn't even work properly with this dumb leg. I was a hindrence to society now. What was the point. If I had been fully paralyzed, at least then maybe I could write a book and be a hero for overcoming a large obstacle; But since my disability wasn't critical, I wasn't taken seriously. People assumed I could work through it, no matter how much it hurt me to continue on.
"Good morning!"
I jumped in my seat and looked up abruptly. I hadn't even noticed, but Daesung was standing right there. He looked cheerful, grinning and dressed in a plain black sweater and jeans, but I found the plain look made him stand out more. I noticed more so today the muscles down his body, from his shoulders to his arms and his abs. I wondered what he looked like with his shirt off...
He smiled at me. "Do you mind if I join you?"
Of course I, again, had not realized I had been staring. I blushed darkly.
"O-oh. No, I don't mind." I said, awkwardly, drawing a circle on the ground with the heel of my good foot. I bit my lip.
Daesung sat down in the chair across from me. "Are you not working?" He asked, tilting his head in an adorable way. Of course he was adorable... Just to add to the butterflies. I cursed myself slightly.
"I was but..." I paused and looked at my leg, embarrassed, not wanting to say the reason for fear of sounding like a weakling.
His eyes flickered slightly, sensing my discomfort, and immediately took my train of thought by speaking again. "Well I'm glad you're not. That means I can talk to you before I go to work." His voice was angelic. A low, comforting tone that was almost like a soft purr. 
"Work?" I repeated, tilting my head absently. I was too busy staring at his perfect eyes and perfect smile.
"At the studio. I guess it isn't really work if I enjoy it, which I do...More like practice." He grinned. "My other members and I are working on choreographing a new song."
That caught my attention. I blinked slightly. "Daesung..." I whispered. "Wait. Like... Of Big Bang?" I felt stupid. Very, very stupid. I lived in Korea. Sure I wasn't native, but I lived here. I saw signs and posters every day. I watched them on the news. How had I not recognized the man right in front of me?
He blinked, not realizing I hadn't known, then grinned. "Yep, that's me."
"Oh...Wow. I feel kinda stupid now." I said, looking at my feet to hide my blush.
"Well don't do that. I kinda like it when I'm not recognized. I like my life to be as normal as possible." He smiled, obviously not one to care about it but I still felt like the dullest possible crayon in the box.
Daesung changed the subject for me again. "Do you work here every morning?" He asked. If I didn't know better I'd say his tone was hopeful, as if he'd hope I said yes. Of course though I knew better. What could a star like him possibly want with a half-crippled girl in a coffee shop?
"Unfortunately yes. From open to noon I am here every day. Then I go home." And sat on the couch staring at the wall. I never realized just how pathetic I was until just now. I mentally started kicking myself.
"I'll have to make a point to come in more often then." He said, smiling that perfect goddamned smile again. I both loved and hated the way I instantly melted when he smiled.
If it was even possible, I blushed even darker. "Well...I'll be here." I said lamely. Hadn't I just said that? How come I couldn't think of something cool to say?
He smiled and then looked at his phone, checking the time, before standing up. 
"Well I have to go now. I'll see you tomorrow, Chae." He purred.
Just like that he was gone, but my emotions weren't.
I hadn't felt it in a long time, but I sensed affection for another being in my heart. I was looking forward to the morning at work for the first time.
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Chapter 5: so happy to see your update! Because you mentioned his long bang, it reminded me of the problem i got in this fic. Dae didn't have blonde hair in Tonight period right, did he? sorry I'm not so picky, but although I love his blonde hair so much, I still want the fic to be a little bit real. But you know, it's a fic, so whatever!! hhaha ^^

p/s: I love his dark black hair in tonight too <3
Chapter 4: I love this story....romantic but not chessy :) I love the way it flows...please update soon!!!!! I bet there would be a storm coming when Dae goes to Vegas!!
thatIntrovert #3
Chapter 3: omg this story is too beautiful!!
FiddlerCrab #4
Chapter 3: I really like this story and would love to see more <3
Amazing job!
Chapter 2: Update soon! ^^