Into the New World

Open Your Eyes

Chapter 3: Into the New World


All of her life, Seohyun had held the belief that she controlled her own life. She controlled when she woke up, controlled what she ate, controlled how hard she worked, and controlled what decisions she wanted to make for herself. Her parents had always taught her that the key to living a successful life was self-control, and Seohyun had really taken it to heart. If the company told her she had to do something, she did it her own way, satisfying both them and her.

Even when she had agreed to do “We Got Married”, she didn’t do anything until she was ready, no matter how bad she saw in Yonghwa’s eyes that he wanted to hold her hand or touch her in some way. She remembered clearly when she made the decision to hold his hand. He would always be the first, no matter how she looked at it. Back then, her heart fluttered when she was with him. And then it was over, and she had to control her emotions and feelings. She was good at that. The best.

Looking at the situation she was currently in right now, she was almost positive that her whole life had been one big lie. She had to accept that Yonghwa was right. They were in the future, and this was definitely not a decision she had made on her own.

Yonghwa was sitting next to her in the van, as far away as possible, staring moodily out the window. Once upon a time, she had really liked him. She hadn’t expected to actually fall for her partner on the show. If anything, she thought that they would pair her up with someone she was already close with. Someone who knew her limitations but could still appear intimate with her to the public. She hadn’t expected Yonghwa, the funny oppa who was cool enough to be in a band, and constantly stumped her and made her laugh. Who made her realize what the hype was about when it came to boys. The first boy who she wished had the courage to kiss her but knew he couldn’t and never would.

But that had been a long time ago. Those feelings hadn’t been there for a long time. How was it that she had come to marry him and have his baby?

She needed to talk to someone about this. She was terrified that she’d have to perform with the girls without knowing what the heck was going on but was desperate to see them.

Not just any unnie would suffice. Seohyun needed to talk to Hyoyeon, the one unnie who would give it to her straight. Seohyun was going to ask “Unnie, why did I marry Jung Yonghwa?” and Hyoyeon would have an answer and not think twice about why she was asking such a stupid question.

The thought eased her mind just a bit, but now she had to face Yonghwa. They needed to keep it together if they were going to survive this concert.  

“Oppa,” she started quietly. Her manager turned around in his seat expectantly. “Anni—“ she waved him off, then swallowed her pride. “Yeobo…”

Yonghwa turned to look at her now.

Seohyun frowned at him, trying to find the right words to say. She knew her manager was listening to every word. “About what I said back there, I didn’t mean it that way. Honestly. I’m just shocked that they would let us marry so young in our circumstances. I feel so scared, but since we woke up, you’re handling everything and taking things as they come. Komoyo.”

Yonghwa sighed. “I’m CNBlue’s leader. When someone says something without thinking or does something wrong, I have to handle it, take responsibility. That’s what I have to do now. I can’t fall apart.”


Yonghwa was falling apart. He was still distraught over Yunji, confused as all hell, and even though she had just apologized, he was angry with Seohyun. He knew exactly what she had meant when she had said what she did back at the apartment. In her eyes, he wasn’t smart enough for her, or handsome enough, or anything enough. She had made that very clear in the past. He didn’t know what led to them being married in the future, but as far as Yonghwa remembered, Seohyun hadn’t been interested.

How could a girl who never wanted to be his in the past fall so happily into his arms to get married for the future?   

And why the hell was her manager picking both of them up? Where was his own?

He couldn’t let her see how unnerving all of this was. He needed to be the oppa, the one who took care of her even though they were practically strangers. Kind of. Sort of.

He tried to take his mind off of both Yunji and Seohyun. It was good that they were on their way to a concert. It meant that they were both successful in their music careers and that CNBlue was still together. He wondered what they all looked like. Would Jungshin still have the long hair or was he wearing it short again these days? Did Minhyuk still look three years younger than his actual age? Did Jonghyun finally tan? Had the company finally let them take the reigns of their music?

So many questions played in his mind that he wanted the van to go faster.

Still, he had to consider the fact that he would be thrown onto stage not having a clue of what he was supposed to play. He made it a mental note to learn the lyrics only of whatever they were singing and leave the guitar to Jonghyun. Chances are, the venue would make them mock-play if they were playing with other artists. He would also tell the boys that he was going to sneak in an “old” song that was fresh in his mind. And no one would suspect a thing.

Eventually, they arrived to the arena and avoided paparazzi quite easily. Seohyun’s manager shuffled them along the long familiar hallways backstage, and although she didn’t cling to him, Seohyun was tight at his side. Some people dressed up in sparkly costumes acknowledged them and bowed happily. He and Seohyun bowed back awkwardly, not recognizing any of them. Some people they did recognize, but only a few. Her manager stopped them at the door that read CNBlue.

“Be at the dressing room in ten minutes, Seohyun,” he ordered and disappeared into the crowd.

Yonghwa breathed and pushed open the door. And there they were, already practicing at the table, chattering casually in between music notes and drumstick taps. The three of them looked up at him in the doorway. Jungshin was still tall as ever, still handsome, and his hair was still long, still lush and ridiculously gorgeous. Part of it was corn-rolled on the left side. Minhyuk had a tame Mohawk that suited him. He looked cooler than he had ever looked but his face remained youthful and attractive. Jonghyun was still pale, but he was buff with short stubble on his chin that made him ridiculously good-looking. It occurred to Yonghwa that he hadn’t looked in a mirror yet. He had no idea what he looked like.

Jungshin and Minhyuk gave out loud, excited, informal greetings.

“Hey!” Jonghyun shouted happily, and the next thing Seohyun knew, he lifted her off her feet and cradled her in his arms.

“Yah!” she screamed in surprise, smacking his chest. Jonghyun looked equally surprised at her reaction.

“Yah!” Yonghwa yanked on his dongsaeng’s arm roughly. “Put her down! What do you think you’re doing!”

“Woah, Hyung,” Jonghyun put her down immediately and took a step back. Minhyuk and Jungshin stepped forward with shocked and confused looks.

“Uh, did something happen? Is Yunji ok?” asked Minhyuk.

“Yunji’s fine,” Yonghwa snapped, staring daggers at Jonghyun. “Why aren’t you apologizing?”

“Apologize?” asked Jonghyun.


Jonghyun looked back at Jungshin and Minhyuk, who shrugged, then back at Yonghwa and Seohyun, who was hugging herself.

“I’m going to go find my dressing room,” she said, staring at the ground and left the room.

“Hyung, did you guys fight?” Jungshin whispered to him as if she were still in the room.

“Jonghyun, out in the hall. Now,” ordered Yonghwa. He may have woken up in the future, but he was still the leader and still their hyung.

Jonghyun followed him out into the hallway.

“Why would you put your hands on someone’s wife like that?” asked Yonghwa with genuine curiosity. It was so out of character for Jonghyun to do something like that.

“Hyung, I’ve been doing that to Seohyun for the past three years and not once have you guys reacted how you did just now. I thought it was an inside joke between all of us,” Jonghyun explained.

Yonghwa breathed. Future Yonghwa apparently had no pride. “How did the joke come about. Don’t ask questions, just remind me. Tell me everything.”

“Ok,” Jonghyun started slowly. “You were getting on a flight from Busan when Seohyun went into labor with Yunji.”

“Why was I in Busan?”

“You shot a commercial for a restaurant. We were all having a meal together when it happened, and I called you in a panic. You told me to drive her to the hospital and to not let her feet touch the ground. We were all running around like idiots, and I picked her up and carried her into the hospital. I kept holding her until they brought a wheelchair. We always joke that her feet can’t touch the ground when she’s around me. That’s how we greet each other,” Jonghyun laughed. “Did you hit your head this morning?”

“Did I make it to the hospital when Yunji was born?”

Jonghyun stared at him worryingly. “Yeah, you did. Good thing too because Jungshin was about to pass out. What happened this morning? Did you and Seohyun fight?”

“I’ll tell you about it later. Right now, I really need your help, but you can’t ask questions. Later, but not right now.”


“But first, mianne. I didn’t know,” Yonghwa told the truth. “I’ll tell Seohyun about the misunderstanding later.” He gave the boy a strong pat on his shoulder. “Jonghyun, you look good. All of you guys do.”

Jonghyun cracked a smile, the one that made all of their fangirls swoon. “You too, Hyung. Crazy, but good-looking”. And they were good again.


Seohyun didn’t know how many people she had bowed to before she made it all the way down to the door that read “SNSD”. She breathed a sigh of relief, finally feeling at home, and pushed open the door. The sound of a crying baby hit her at once.

There in the middle of the dressing room stood Yoona bouncing a small baby on her hip, trying to get the child to calm down.

“Unnie, please, come and get this baby,” she laughed, mouth wide open after observing the child’s red, distressed face.   

A long-haired Sunny rose from her make-up chair, bounded over happily to the baby, and made a bunch of cute faces. When the baby calmed down a little, she reached out her arms and said very lovingly, “Come to your Omma, Seonghwan-ie.”

The minute the baby was in her arms, he fell quiet. Sunny placed kisses all over his face.

“Oh, hey, Seohyun-ah!” she greeted happily when she saw her standing there, no doubt looking lost and incredulous. Yoona pinched her side and said hello as well.

A little boy maybe one year older than Yunji, angry and pouting, wandered out from a cluster of stylists. He sat on the couch, a deep scowl etched on his face, and crossed his arms angrily.

“That’s right. Sit there and think about your attitude until your Appa comes,” Taeyeon approached him, hands on her hips.

“Leave the kid alone,” Tiffany followed, amused by the seriousness of the situation. “He didn’t mean it.”

“Yah! Do you want to join him on the couch?” threatened Taeyeon, and then the both of them laughed. They both looked up and saw Seohyun. “Ah, Seohyun, you’re late. Hurry and get ready,” said Tiffany.

“Nae, Unnie.” He voice was quiet. Everyone looked the same, only they didn’t. Still beautiful, but no longer the silly girls she once knew. 

She saw Sooyoung, sitting in the makeup chair chatting on what looked like a phone, or something from outerspace. She caught sight of Seohyun in the mirror and waved. Yuri and Jessica practiced dance moves in a corner of the room, unable to get through more than one eight count without stopping to talk or laugh about something. They bowed informally and continued their conversation. She wandered through like a ghost, unsure of everything she saw. One thing or person she didn’t see was Hyoyeon.

Jessica approached her and observed her. “An hour late? Dressed like this? Our Seohyun? Yonghwa must’ve really done a number on you last night.”

Everyone laughed loudly, including the stylists and make-up artists.

“Unnie!” said Seohyun, blushing with embarrassment.

“You sound jealous, Jess,” smirked Tiffany, who had joined Taeyeon’s angry son on the couch.  “If you want it like Seohyun, get married already.”

“You first.”

Again, everyone laughed except Seohyun. “Where’s Hyoyeon unnie?” she asked out loud.

The laughing stopped. Even Taeyeon’s son’s demeanor changed. They all stared at her as if she had lasers coming out of her eyes.

“Did something happen?” she asked uncomfortably.

Sooyoung, now off the phone, laughed nervously and draped her arm around her. “Seohyun-ah, let’s go find manager oppa.”

When they were out of the dressing room, Sooyoung her, looking furious. “Are you crazy! Why would you do that? Why would you even speak that name in there?”

“Unnie, I—“

“Don’t do it again.”

“Waeyo? How can we perform without—?“

“Are you feeling ok?” Sooyoung asked, observing her face closely. “Did something happen between you and Yonghwa? Is Yunji ok?”

“Nae. Everything’s fine.” Seohyun felt her heart begin to pound. She felt lightheaded and sick. Where was Hyoyeon and why was Sooyoung yelling at her about bringing it up?

“Unnie, don’t get upset, but I’m feeling really confused today. Extremely confused. Why isn’t—“ she hesitated on Hyoyeon’s name, “that person here performing with us?”

Sooyoung looked exasperated. “Just be happy we’re even allowed on this stage today. Go drink some water. Clear your head.”

Just then, Jungshin approached. He and Sooyoung regarded each other and things became tense. Seohyun looked back and forth between the two of them.

“Jungshin,” Sooyoung greeted him curtly.

He rolled his eyes and faked a grin. “Sooyoung Noona. Always a pleasure.”

“Pleasure? Hmm, not what I remember at all,” the girl replied.

Jungshin scowled at her. “So sad. A woman your age, still bitter. Tell me, when was the last time?”

Sooyoung stepped closer. “Oh, don’t worry about me, Lee Jungshin. Noona’s still got it. Although I wouldn’t trust what your groupies in Japan have.”

“Don’t act like you know everything about my life. Last I knew, you couldn’t wait to get out of it,” Jungshin got a little louder.

Seohyun looked around to see if anyone else was watching whatever she was.

“I didn’t see you giving me a reason to stay!” Sooyoung shouted.

“Yah! Unnie!” Seohyun interrupted, holding the two of them apart.

“Nevermind, Seohyun-ah.” Jungshin said her name but was still glaring at Sooyoung. “I’ll talk to you when I don’t have to be confronted with my past mistakes.”

He continued down the hall, and Sooyoung shouted tauntingly after him, “Jungshin’s life, fighting!”

Several people looked at her and then at Jungshin, who didn’t turn around to acknowledge the comment, although he was most likely seething.

Seohyun massaged her temples, trying to wrap her head around the confrontation that had just happened. “Unnie, what was that about?”

“Oh chincha, I really hate seeing him,” was all Sooyoung replied. “Don’t ever set me up again.”

Sooyoung headed back for the dressing room when Seohyun remembered the fact that she was 100% unprepared for the show. How she was going to keep track of everything going on around her, she had no idea.

“Wait, Unnie, I need your help quick!” Seohyun grabbed her arm.

Two guys, one of whom was some athlete guy whose name escaped her and another who she didn’t recognize at all, bowed informally to them and walked right into the Girls’ Generation dressing room.  

“What are they doing?” Seohyun pointed at the closing door.

“Hopefully getting their kids. I can’t put up with that bratty Tae Joon for more than five minutes.”

Seohyun thought about Yunji, adorable and innocent looking, and then about Sunny’s baby and Taeyeon’s son. The baby, Seonghwan, was cute and chubby. Tae Joon looked like he was disciplined a lot. She wondered if she and Taeyeon had ever arranged a playdate or if she as a sunbae had given Sunny tips on taking care of her baby. She had to wrangle her thoughts. Sunny with a baby. So strange. Taeyeon with a toddler. Even stranger!

She shook her head and tugged on Sooyoung’s arm again. “Unnie, please help me. Don’t ask questions. Just help me before I ruin our image.”

“Image,” Sooyoung scoffed, impatiently. “I thought you’ve long since quit caring about that. I know I have.”

Seohyun wondered what on earth she meant by that and what had happened to Hyoyeon unnie, her best friend and roommate. The only one who could comfort her at a time like this. For now, Sooyoung would have to suffice. 



A/N:  The way I see it, they’re probably be more comfortable in this backstage/dressing room area then at a home they’ve never seen. They feel nervous because they’re unprepared, yet it’s something that feels familiar so they relax a little more. BUT how will the performances go? Where’s Hyoyeon? What the hell happened between Jungshin and Sooyoung? What the hell is happening now? And how far into the future DID they go? Keep reading to find out! Next update will be at the end of this week, sometime before or by Sunday. Thanks!

Ps: the athlete, probably a baseball player, is Sunny’s husband and the other guy is Taeyeon’s unfamous husband.

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Nonik1288 #1
Chapter 18: I’ve been rereading it
Please update again
Chapter 18: i read this again. and wishing again you'd come back to finish this story. stay safe!
Chapter 18: oh my gosh! how could i overlook this story?!?!?! this has came on my suggested stories many times before but i didn't choose to read it thinking it was a body swap. i'm just happy that i got to read this beautiful YS fanfic. on the other hand, it's been 5 years since the last update. MrsCoolGoesKpop, will we ever get to see more? your readers hope so!
Chapter 18: I really love tthis story <3
unfeignedfaith #5
Chapter 18: Nooooooo just when things were progressing, I’ve reached the end of it.

Please come back. Like really. For good.
I can use my imagination but your plotline is better. I want to read from your point of view.
unfeignedfaith #6
Chapter 17: Let the rocket fire away! Puhleeeeease! XD
Cooooome baaaaaack!
unfeignedfaith #7
Chapter 16: Lazy donkey or not, you promised to not abandon this story! And I really hope you won’t! This is too precious!

But omg! I love the progression of it and how with this sort of set up, their feelings for each other are being rekindled once again with all the resentment of the pst etc. It’s actually rather fascinating to read how these two are fairing so well im every situation they’re both thrown into. I swear any person would’ve slipped and make a mess of things, exposing their cluelessness... but Seohyun’s wit and Yonghwa’s caring nature is just on point here. You’ve delivered their real personality into their characters here.

unfeignedfaith #8
Chapter 10: This is bloody fantastic! I haven’t read this in years so the feeling’s all fresh and new. I really hope you’d continue it evem if the yongseo feels have diminished over time. But I do hope the previous GDA stint would spark some inspiration in you to see this story through. Thank you for this rather unique storyline. I adore it to bits!
unfeignedfaith #9
Chapter 2: Reading this again from the start. Woah I can’t believe this story was written 5 years ago... daaaaamn. None the less, it’s just as good though! Ahhh the realness of it despite the fantasy they’re in.
unfeignedfaith #10
Will you still continue this story? I miss it so much...