
10 Facts About Girls


ii. Don't talk bad about a girl's friends. Ever.




It was possibly the most boring Sunday afternoon in the history of Sunday afternoons. I sat on the cream colored couch, watching children shows while she peacefully slept next to me. If it weren’t for the television, the house would be completely silent.

“I’m surprised they aren’t here today. Thank god,” I sighed happily at the fact that the noisy friends of hers had decided not to hang out today.

“Excuse you?” her eyes remained closed as she spoke.

Panicking, I covered my mouth quickly and cursed, “Never mind.”

“No, what were you saying,” she demanded, her eyes fully open now as she was glaring at me.

“I was just saying that your friends aren’t here, so it’s really quiet without them swearing every sentence and talking about hot guys, and…” I’m an idiot. I mentally finished the rest of sentence because her piercing glare sent a shiver through my spine.

“… and they aren’t telling you about the -ish things they’ve done this time…”

“Go kill yourself, Myungsoo. I take that as a personal insult, you damn idiot!” she threw a pillow at my face and stepped on my foot.

I was baffled. “You’re not like that, I swear! I was just saying that your friends were,” I stuttered, realizing I wasn’t going to get out of this easily.

“Shorts and a cute shirt are not ty, wearing makeup is not ty, and they don’t grind on guys like your friends grind on girls! Is it bad to talk about cute guys? I mean, you talk about other girl’s right in front of my face!” she continued to hit me with multiple pillows, not allowing me to speak or catch a breath.

“And when did you have the right to disrespect girls, huh?” she finally stopped hitting me and put her hands on her hips, waiting for an answer.

“But they are!” I replied, still referring to when I called them .

“Oh, so you think it’s okay that you can talk about hot girls in front of my face, but we can’t talk about guys without you calling us… that? How fair is that?”

“It’s not fair at all.” I replied, my eyes looking straight down at my feet.

“It was a rhetorical question!” she snapped, stepping on my foot yet again.

“And don’t you dare start talking about how guys are stronger and deserve to have more lenience blah blah blah. I couldn’t give a rat’s about what you have to say about yourself,” she continued lecturing me.

“But we are stronger,” she glared at me when I said those four words.

“Are you still alive after bleeding for seven days straight each month?”


“Exactly, so shut up.”



Merry Christmas everyone!

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Be sure to re-read chapter five! I changed it because I didn't like how it was previously.


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I can't remember the last time I picked up a story from the main page but I'm glad I did in this case. Your way of writing is so unique and I love your dry sense of humour. Even the plot is quirky and you set it out in an intriguing way. Amongst all of the praise I have for this fic, there is just one point that I didn't quite like, and that was how abruptly you introduced your O.C's illness. To me, it seemed a little rushed and like you had something on your mind while writing it. Perhaps there was a reason for it being such a way, like you wanted to make sure there was enough room for other 'Facts'...
I'm going to stick with this though because despite the shock from chapter 5, it has been very enjoyable to read. I'm looking forward to see how your story pans out.
Good luck with the following chapters and keep up the great work. \(^_^)/
HelloPatriciaz #2
Chapter 5: please updatee soon
Chapter 5: Wait so... she does have cancer? ;;
Chapter 4: omg i like this story author-nim! please update soon
Chapter 4: Aheheheheheheeheheheheheeh omgggggggg >///<
"Kim Myungsoo."
"Im Haneul."
I can see that in my head perfectly x)
Chapter 3: This is so freaking cute. <3
UGHHHHH I'm dying from how hilarious and adorable this fic is.

Srsly, CH 3 was so CUTE.
nizzyool #8
Chapter 3: oooooooh Myungsoo! she's hard to handle but yeah... the two suit each other ;)
Chapter 3: omGf. i. cannot. do this. no. i just. cuteness. omg.
Chapter 2: Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh /sass.