Cafe Creeper

I'm In Love with the Devil


Work. Work. Work. 
I was heading off to work now after school ended. Luckily, I finished my homework in school so I didn't have to bring anything home with me. I left everything in my locker. Good thing that guy wasn't there again.
Speaking of that guy..
I haven't seen him since the guidance room. He was really a mystery. After he 'left' the room, he didn't try to annoy me or trick me anymore. I was hoping he'd back off and find a new target to bully. That jerk.
I don't even know who he is. And how does he know me? I've never seen him in my life before. Which was weird, because I doubt anyone could see him, since apparently people thought I was hallucinating. 
I entered the cafe that I worked at, and surprisingly no one was there. Ahhh...that's right. Tonight was the night that I would be working alone. My co-workers Eunji and Yooyoung were away at a business trip. Of course, I couldn't go. I didn't have enough money. 
That meant I had to close down the shop after 9:00. It'll be a hard day today, but it seems like I wouldn't be getting much customers today. I should have brought a book or something to keep me busy. 
I headed over to the counter and putted on my apron and tied my hair up. I had my back turned away from the door when I heard it open. I thought a customer came in, but as I turned around, no one was there. *weird..* 
I had nothin to do, because I had no customers yet. I couldn't clean anything because there were no messes. Time ticked by as I rested my chin in my palm, letting my elbow on the counter. 
I had the feeling like there were a pair of eyes on me, like I should look up and meet eyes with them. The feeling bothered me a lot, and I suddenly had chills down my back. I looked out the window, but there were no sign of people anywhere. I looked across the cafe, but everything was the same, there were no customers in sight. 
The next few hours were starting to get creepy. No one came into the cafe, which made me a little bit more scared to be alone. The feeling of being watched was still creeping on me, so I eventually closed all the curtains. Yet the feeling didn't go away. The doors kept opening and closing like someone was entering, but no one was. A chair would move a little bit and it would scrape the floor when no one moved it. I would suddenly feel a gust of cold wind hit me when none of the windows or doors were open. 
Maybe I was hallucinating. Maybe everyone was right. I was just over thinking things. Maybe i felt lonely in life, and that I had dreamt of a man that kept annoying me. Maybe all these supernatural hinge that kept happening were just signs that I was overworking myself. 
It was only  8:00, and i decided it was time to close down. I had absolutely no customers today, which wasted my time completely. I turned around to put my apron back on the hook. 
Oh gosh. I'm hearing things again. Calm down realized that you're just imagining stuff, so just ignore it and continue with life..
"Ahem." It came louder this time. Curious, I turned around to see if anyone was there, and there stood a man leaning on the counter, tapping the counter with his nail. *oh, not you again!*
Yes, you guessed it. That annoying guy is back again. How did he manage to find out where I worked? How the heck did he even come in here? I didn't hear the door open. 
"You're not even gonna ask me what I want? Some worker you are." He scoffed. Man, he was such a jerk.
"What are you doing here?" I asked annoyed.
"What does it look like? Did I come here to take a dump?" He rolled his eyes.
"Well, the bathrooms that way. Just remember to flush." I told him. Of course, I knew he was joking. 
"No." He rolled his eyes. "Can I just get a bottle of water?" 
"Man, I've been here for 2 hours and you didn't even notice me. I hope you get fired." 
"2 hours? I would have noticed you if you came that long ago." I said. 
"Then how come you didn't?"
"What? Are you going to tell me that dead people shouldn't be working?" I rolled my eyes again. I headed over to the refrigerator and pulled out a water bottle.
"Ohh..good. You caught on pretty fast." He smirked. 
"Whatever. Im not dead." I swear, if a roll my eyes one more time, it's going to fall out. 
I handed him the water bottle. "Thanks." He smiled. His eyes turned into moons. "Well, of course you're not're alive, at least in my eyes." He chuckled. His smile was so was hot. And did he just compliment me?
"Hah...who am I kidding? You're dead." He drank the bottle hungrily. I watched as he drank it all in one go. I especially stared at his Adam apple. It bobbed up and down as he swallowed. My eyes moved to his chin. His jawline was perfectly shaped, like someone had carved it out of stone. Why the heck am I even checking him out??
"Yeah, why are you checking me out?" He smirked. He wiped his lips with the back of his hand after drinking and---- wait what?! How did he know I was checking him out? Did I happen to say everything out loud? Oh gosh!
"You're cute." He softly patted my head. "Like a lost dog." He smiled once more. "More like a dead lost dog." He stretched awkwardly as he walked over to one of the tables and sat down and rested his legs on the table. Some guy he was.
"I don't get you.." I narrowed my eyes. "What? Are you some sort of magician? How did you possibly come into my class without anyone noticing? And how did you enter and leave places without anyone knowing? How come no one in my entire school noticed your prescence but me? How did you know that I was checking you out? Do you like, read minds or something?" 
"Oh, so you admit you were checking me out?" He raised his eyebrows. "It's fine..I have that effect on ladies. least, I had." 
"You said you were hear for 2 hours. Clearly you weren't, because I would have noticed someone come in..." My eyes widened. " was you who kept opening and shutting the door, and you kept moving the chairs!" 
"Duhh.." He raised his right hand to his forehead and made a 'L' sign with his fingers. He did not just call me a loser! 
"But I was the only one in here! I didn't see anyone at all!" I defended. "I swear, you're just a creep who's been trying to make me look like I'm insane!"
"Now..." He stood up and slowly walked over to me. "Why would I do such thing?" 
"Because you're a jerk! You almost made me late to class this morning, and you made me be sent to the guidance counselor!" I yelled. This guy was just sick. "Why were you waiting at my locker? I don't even know you!" 
"But I know you." He smiled. "You're name is Park Mikki, you're 18 years old." He rubbed his neck. "Don't think I'm a stalker though." 
"Oh, that's exactly what I think you are!" I rolled my eyes. Luckily my eyes didn't fall out. "What your name then? Hmm?" I raised an eyebrow. I crossed my arms angrily and tapped my foot on the ground as I waited for his response.
Once again, he raised his right hand up to his hand and made a 'L' with his fingers. "Okay, you already called me a loser before, I get it. Now, tell me your---"
"No." He chuckled. "My name. It's L." He moved his right hand closer to me. "See?" 
"L?" I repeated. 
"You're some sicko...who in the work world come up with the name L to replace their real name?"
"My parents did..." He mumbled sadly under his breath. His puppy eyes grew larger. He's a stuck up.
"I'm a stuck up? Stop calling he names, woman!" 
"How can you read my mind?!" 
He sighed, like he just got defeated. "Look, Mikki, there's a lot of explaining but---"
"How do you even know my name?!" 
"I know, shocker right? Barely anyone knows your name." He said. 
"Okay, I had enough of your meanness. You bought your drink so can you please leave? I'm ready to shut this place." I told him. I turned around to grab my bag. I mean, I didn't really need to shut down this place until 9:00, but I just wanted to stop talking to this man -L-..whatever his name was! 
I turned around again to find him not their anymore. His bottle of water was still sitting on the table, half drunk. But there was absolutely no sign of him anywhere. I didn't hear the door open, if I did then the little bell on top would have rung. I know I'm not hallucinating, because the water bottle was proof. I saw him drink from it, and there it was sitting on the table, already drunken. 
How did he leave so fast, without me hearing or knowing? 
And now, I had that feeling again. That feeling of someone staring at me. I was really starting to get freaked out, really freaked out. 
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zhanrong01 #1
Chapter 1: Very interesting storyline! Playful devil haha.
cherrytomato1003 #2
Chapter 1: hohhhhh~ mystery man eh? XD