Guardian of Woods

Twisted Dreams
"So what is your decision master? " Zeth asked while I was in a moment of thinking...
"I decided just to make the time flow... I can't just leave things like this, besides this is my fate whether it is the present or the past. I'll do anything I can if it to finish my missions. " I know I am making a serious decision and a very selfish one but I am prepare for the consequences of my choice. 
"If you say so my master. "Zeth bowed with his front leg bend and stood up proudly looking at the sky, 
"It has been a long time since I helped a master. I'll definitely will do my best" he sounded excited,
Suddenly a strong winds blews across the field making the grass move swiftly from right to left.. That is weird, how can there's wind blown when the time stop? 
"Master I think you should stay behind me" Zeth said sternly as he bring himself in front with an obvious stern face, 
"What's going on?" I ask confused of the sudden protection. 
"I think someone has come to pay us a visit" Zeth sneered again,
What is with that tone? Someone? But isn't everyone had stopped? 
"As I told you before, there are creatures like me who also are special and it is better if you not to think of anything." Zeth warned me.
What does he mean by that? Is this the job of the special creature he talks about? 
"Who's there that had come to show respect to my master. Show yourself." Zeth ordered,
I just waited behind him and see what will happen later on.. the longer I wait, the more nervous I get... I don't know why but I feel like I really like to see what kind of person or creature that are going to appear,  is it a dwarf? An elf or an egor... maybe someone with magic just like me... I am seriously nervous right now to see what type of magical creature that might appear since I had been liking those fairy tales stories ever since I was young and still taking liking it into another level...
Slowly grass stepped could be hear so clearly that I could tell which direction it came from.
I kept my eyes on the dark spot between the two big trees and as seconds passes I could see a thick fat leg that had creepy animal fur that was shone by the moonlight.
A soft shriek came from my mouth as I saw a big hideous wolf that are walking it way out to the brighten field.
“It seems like you haven't loss your senses mighty guardian as what I heard, you are indeed are a legend” speaked the wolf.
“I could say the same to you, you still had the marvelous sense on your nose there” Zeth reply with a sarcastic compliment.
“I see that you had found another holder, if I'm not mistaken I could smelled it" the wolf smelled me... that was creepy.
“That has nothing for you to be concern of, really... ” Zeth makes me looks like a useless stuff. That's hurt
“Well in that case you don't have to hid her behind so protectively, it's not like I'm gonna steal her or something.. Just like what you said before, I'm here to greet the great holder and show my respect as the guardian of this woods... I knew that someone had come to make things right.” the wolf sounded like he know something, 
How did he know I'm a holder and is this wolf really the guardian of the woods...
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I liked this :3
Rexist #2
Chapter 28: Awww~!!! Tell me what is next? Can't wait!!!
Update soon please!
khatz17 #4
Chapter 17: i love your story!!!
DeullieSa34 #5
Chapter 16: I love this story sooo muchhh:-*:-*:-* its so mysteryyyy:-*:-* n soo beautiful:-*:-*:-*
jennifer1801 #6
Chapter 15: Omg tnx for the update!
jennifer1801 #7
Chapter 13: Tnx for the update....^_^
jennifer1801 #8
Chapter 12: Its ok...ill still wait for it!!!
jennifer1801 #9
Chapter 11: Tnx for the update ^_^
jennifer1801 #10
Chapter 10: So sweet jinyoung.....