The Truth Comes Out

My Double-Edged Memories


Tumblr_mdk9fr9upm1ruu0syo1_500_large                                                     Truth is......








Kris sat silently in the SM café. He was nervous. Kris couldn’t believe that she actually agreed to meet with him. If he were her, he would never agree at all. But nonetheless, he was thankful. Kris fiddled with his collar before taking a sip of his freshly brewed coffee. Exhaling slowly, he looked up from his seat and saw her walk in. She was still as beautiful as when they first met. Kris’ heart skipped a beat the moment she looked over at him. She looked nervous herself as she bit her bottom lip. She slowly made her way to his table. Kris smiled at her.

“It’s been awhile.” He managed to get out. She smiled awkwardly before sitting down. Kris could sense she was feeling uncomfortable. It was silent for a few moments. Kris took that small time to memorize her features that he missed. Her jaw line grew sharper and she looked leaner than before. She looked up from fiddling with her fingers. “Umm..”

Kris snapped out of his thoughts. “I’m sorry.”

She let out a small sigh. “So.. did you need something?”

Kris grew nervous once again. “There’s something I want to tell you.” He gulped. Her eyes had confusion all over them. She nodded for him to go on. Kris shifted in his seat.

“I miss you. I made a mistake leaving you the way I did. It took me awhile to realize that I did the wrong thing. I love you more than anything. I know your probably wondering why it took me this long to tell you this. The reason is, I felt guilty.”

There was silence. Kris didn’t want to tell her, but he had to in order to start over new. “Guilty about what?” She spoke up. Kris looked at her. She seemed concern as if she knew something bad was going to come out of this conversation. Kris adjusted in his seat once more.

“Before I even start, I want to say I’m sorry and I didn’t mean for it to go that far.” She still looked at Kris confusingly. Kris sighed heavily before beginning.

“Amber and I… made that scandal about you.” Kris’ head dipped low. He could tell she was burning on the inside but kept her composure. “W-why?” She seemed lost. Kris gulped and looked up at her. She had so much horror in her eyes.

“We were dating.” He felt horrible just saying it. “When you were still with me?” She asked. Kris nodded. “For how long?” Kris hesitated to answer. “4 months before we broke up.” Her eyes grew glossy. She was once again broken. Kris knew that it was going to happen. She slumped back in her chair, trying to take in everything that was just said.

“Please, forgive me.” Kris begged. His eyes were threatening to cry. She shook her head.

“Yifan, do you have any idea how much you have damaged?” She was calm, but he knew she was angry. She sat up straight again before continuing.

“You made a scandal involving me and another good friend that I lost because of that stupid made up story of yours. He was innocent, Yifan. Because of that, we haven’t spoken since. Did it ever occur to you how much it could damage our careers? Not only that, my heart was shattered because I felt guilty. I couldn’t look at you all this time because I felt like I did wrong. But, all this time, it was you. You made it up. You were the one who lied to me. How could you do such a thing?”

Her voice was becoming faint. Kris became speechless. He didn’t know how to make it better. “I’m sorry. I really am. Please forgive me… without you … I can’t go on.”

She looked at him in shame. Without a word, she stood up from her seat. Kris shot up from his seat as well. She slid out and began walking away. Before she could get any further, Kris grabbed her arm.

“Wait, please!” He begged. She struggled before moving her hand in a quick motion. Just like that, she had slapped Kris across the face. He let go of her, slowly thinking of what just happened. Kris looked at her. Her tears escaped her eyes as she quickly tried to wipe them. Before he could say anything, she took off without looking back. Kris sighed heavily. Maybe this was the end.




It has been already a week and the memory of her slapping him still played in his head. She avoided him even more now that she knew the truth. She even avoided Amber as well. She seemed tired and out of it now-a-days.

“Hyung! Rehearsal!” Lay screamed across the room. There was another SM Town concert in China. Every SM artist was present including her. Kris knew that it was the only time he could and mend things. It seemed like he didn’t exist to her every time he tried to come near her. It was like she never knew him. Kris lost a little hope seeing the way she was acting towards him. He shook the thoughts before making his way to the stage.

“Are you okay? You seem dazed.” Chen asked. Kris slipped on a fake smile and nodded. “I’m fine.”

Their music started up and they practiced their songs. Afterwards, the director had asked for the trio to practice as well. Amber and Key came on stage and tested their microphones. Kris rolled his eyes at the sight of Amber. He knew that she was a bad choice. Kris glanced out into the empty seats in the arena. His eyes glued to one particular person sitting on the side, talking with her manager. She was listening and watching the rehearsals. Kris grew a little nervous but kept his composure. The music started and they began rehearsing their song. The three soared across the entire stage before getting around to the section she was sitting in.

Kris couldn’t help but look at her. He stood in front of her section for a little longer than usual. Her arms were crossed as she was being lectured to by her manager still. Out of nowhere, Amber came across and lightly pecked his cheek. In shock, Kris stepped back a few times before losing his balance and falling off the stage. Everyone gasped and ran towards him. The first person to reach him was none other than the one he loved.

“Are you okay?! Omo!! Someone please get him to the back!” She yelped. She was concerned. Kris was in pain, but seeing her care for him made things a little better.

The crew helped him get to the back of the stage as they rushed to get any first aid kit they could find.

“Are you hurt?” His manager asked. Kris shook his head. “I just have a cut on my hand. Everything else is fine.” His manager looked at the wound. “How did this happen?” Kris shrugged his shoulders.

“When I fell, I tried to grab onto something and it just sliced me instead.” His manager looked at his cut like it was the most disgusting thing ever. “I’ll handle it, oppa.”

They both looked up to see her standing there smiling. The manager gave her an appreciating smile as she walked towards Kris. She gently held his hand as she began wiping the stained blood and disinfecting it with what she had. Kris watched her every move.

“Why are you here?” He blurted. Kris mentally punched himself for saying things out loud. She looked at him before continuing with the wound.

“Just because I avoid you, it doesn’t mean I don’t care.” She said without looking at him. Kris’ heart grew light. She still cares? “Nobody deserves to be hurt.” She mumbled. Kris chuckled to himself. He was in his own little world. He felt happy seeing that she was there, helping him. "Does this mean you still love me?" He questioned. She frowned and glanced at him. 

"Yifan, I never stopped loving you." She admitted. His heart flipped 3987345 times.

"Seeing you suffer because I ignore you was just payback." She muttered. Kris was confused now. Does she still want to be with him? She knew what he was thinking.

"You have to work for forgiveness, Yifan." She said sternly. Kris understood her. A few moments later, she was done.

“There. You should be fine.” She began packing up the first aid kit.

Kris studied his now wrapped wound. It was neatly done. He smiled to himself before looking at her. She tucked a strand behind her ear. “I’ll be going now. Be careful next time.”  Kris quickly stood up.

“Wait!” She turned back around to face him again. Kris walked towards her. “Thank you.” She slightly smiled before continuing on her way.

Kris was now in a new position. He had felt like there was hope to rekindle their fire. He smiled to himself before walking back on stage. s came rushing towards him.

“Are you okay?!” “Are you injured?!” “Are you going to die?!” “Did you break your leg?!” All those questions flooded out of their mouths. Kris rolled his eyes at the last two questions.

“I’m fine. I just had a little cut.” Everyone sighed in relief before continuing with their rehearsals. All that was on Kris’ mind, was finding a way to make her his girlfriend again.



Last chapter coming soon! :D

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Great story! Can't wait for the next chpeter! I hope everything will end up well!
Chapter 2: Why won't you make a full length story T_T
Chapter 2: Aww I don't want it too end :(
Your story is really good :)