This Story, These Chapters

My Double-Edged Memories




- Listen to 60 Seconds by Sunggyu as you read. (You don't have It just makes it more depressing.haha)

- This POV is in Kris'.

- Light grey is a memory that he is thinking of. 





He shuffled around trying to find a good position to sleep in. His long body hovered the couch as one knee popped up. His right arm covered his eyes, causing him to lose reality and focus on his own thoughts. A small vision began to take over his mind.

“There he is. We tried to wake him but he won’t get up.” Tao whined. The young lady giggled before padding his shoulders.

“I got this.” Tao smiled gently before leaving. She closed the door slowly and made her way to the bed. She lightly nudged the sleeping body.

“Kris, get up.” Her soft voice smoothly rang in his ear. She gently tapped his back a couple times before leaning in again.

“Kris, if you don’t get up, I’ll be going first.” She threatened. Not a budge was made from him. She sighed lightly and got up. As soon as she did, two strong arms grabbed her and before she knew it, she was lying right next to him. He held on tight, squeezing her gently.

“Don’t leave without me.” He demanded. She smiled at his cute demand. Her arms hugged his slender body. She began tracing their initials on his back. Without a warning, Kris gave a warm kiss on her forehead.

“I missed you.” His voice was a little raspy as he just woke up. Her heart melted as those words came out of his mouth. “I missed you too.”

He cleared his throat and rubbed her back, causing her to be more relaxed. “When did you get back?” She sighed against his chest. “My flight landed late last night.”

He snuggled closer to her. “I’m glad you made it safe. I can’t wait to see your concert tonight.” She giggled softly. “I love seeing your face in the crowd. It gives me energy.” Kris grinned widely and chuckled. He lightly tapped her nose. “I love you.”

Her heart skipped a beat every time he confessed his love to her. She smiled back and snuggled into his chest. “I love you too.”

Kris sighed loudly as those thoughts disappeared. He tossed around before finding another position to sleep in. He covered his eyes once again. His heart began to slowly beat as his breath became calm. Another memory flashed before his eyes as he fell into another vision.

“Where are we going?” Kris was being nudged around the room before landing in front of a pair of dark blue curtains. Kris looked at s confused. Luhan smiled innocently at his leader. The rest of the members turned to Luhan waiting for him to do something that was obviously important. Luhan then realized all the stares. “Oh! Right!” He mentally face palmed himself before pacing towards the side of the right curtains. Luhan pulled the strings, revealing the balcony.

Kris became speechless. His smile never left his face as he went closer. He gently opened the door and stepped outside.

Standing there was none other than his longtime girlfriend in her formal dress. Balloons were scattered everywhere and were tied down to keep from flying away. Candles lit the entire balcony. A sign was plastered on the balcony railing with “Happy Birthday Kris!”

He was lost for words. He couldn’t describe to his girlfriend how amazing she was. “Happy birthday Mr. Leader.” She gave him a bright smile. He chuckled and kissed her forehead. “I thought you were still in Taiwan.”

She giggled and shook her head. “I wouldn’t miss your birthday.” He caressed her cheek and gave her a heartwarming smile. She gently took his hands in hers. “Would you like to have your birthday dance with me?” Kris chuckled and positioned his hands on her hips as she rested her arms on his shoulders.

“I can’t believe you’re here.” Kris starred around the balcony, memorizing every little detail. Her small hands grazed his neck. “I had the boys help me out.” Kris smiled down at her and pulled her closer, inhaling her scent.

“This is the best gift ever.” She slowly pushed away from him. “I haven’t even given you a gift yet.” Kris chuckled before lightly tapping her nose. “Seeing you was my birthday wish. I would have to say this is the best gift ever.” She laughed at his comment and hugged him. “As long as your happy on your special day.”

They slowly danced to the music that was playing. “Kris?” She called out. “Hm?” He hummed.

“You’re an amazing leader and boyfriend you know. You always seem to keep a calm head unlike the rest of us. Although I may pick fights with you sometimes, I just want you to know that I love you no matter what. Your ability to lead the boys is so phenomenal. You do such a great job. They really look up to you.. except Xiumin since he’s older but that’s beside the point.”

Kris chuckled at her last sentence.

“Anyways, I hope you enjoyed your birthday today. I’m glad I got to see you.” She looked up only to see a softened Kris. He smiled back at her and kissed her passionately. “I love you. Thank you for today.” She smiled back before kissing him again.

Kris groaned from the thought of her again. He rubbed his eyes and sighed loudly to himself. His frustration began inching its way into his heart. He tossed once more and had his back facing away from the couch. Kris lightly pulled his small blanket over his face. His heart raced as the thought of her name made its way inside. Kris exhaled slowly as he tried to extract her from his memory. He cringed at how badly he treated her.

“We need to talk.” Kris sternly said as he walked straight into her apartment. He could tell she was nervous. She fidgeted with her hands as they both sat down on her couch.

“Kris, it’s not true.” Her heart was beginning to drop little by little. She was breaking down right in front of his eyes. He wanted to hug her and tell her it was okay. Kris exhaled deeply before running a hand through his hair.

“If it wasn’t true, do you think it would have came out looking that way?” His tone grew angry.

Her eyes pleaded him. “Please Yifan, you have to believe me.” Her voice began shaking as she tried to hold back her tears. Kris felt horrible.

“I can’t this time. Those photos don’t lie.” A hint of guilt rushed over him.

Her eyes had disbelief written all over them. He knew exactly what she was thinking. How could he not believe his own girlfriend who is loyal to him? Kris shook his head.

“We can’t do this anymore. You really went too far this time.” With those words, her heart cried. She broke down right in front of him. She slowly got up from where she sat.

“Kris, I’ve been so good to you! How can you just believe these stupid scandals?! I love you Yifan! You of all people should know I wouldn’t ever do this to you!!”

Kris scoffed. Inside, he was hurting. He got up from his seat as well.

“You’re pathetic! You lie and you cheat!! This isn’t what someone does to the one they love!!”

Her world was crashing within seconds. Her heart was colliding inside. Kris slowly paced his way to the door. She trailed behind, still crying.

“So is this how it’s going to end?!”

Kris slipped his shoes on and adjusted his jacket. “If I let this go any longer, it’ll become worse than what it already is. I’m sorry, but I can’t be with someone so useless and hurtful.”

Her heart managed to sink in what he had just said to her. “Yifan..” Her voice was weak at this point. Kris looked at her one last time before leaving. Her eyes pleaded for him to believe her. “Goodbye.” With that said, Kris closed her door and walked to his car. The moment he got in, he dialed a number.

“Yoboseyo?” The familiar voice answered. Kris sighed heavily. “It’s done.”

The voice on the other line sighed in relief. “I’m glad. Now we don’t have to hide our relationship anymore.”

Kris cringed at the thought of a new relationship with someone other than his now ex-girlfriend.

“I know. Could we just keep us a secret a little longer? I don’t want anyone to think I moved on so quickly. It’ll break her heart even more.”

The voice on the other line groaned. “Kris, I’m getting tired of hiding it. We’ve hid it for what? 4 months now?”

Kris rubbed his temple. “Please, just for a little while.” The girl sighed and gave a hint of attitude. “Fine.”

Kris slowly lightened his mood. “Did we really have to do that? I mean, was it a good idea?”

The voice grew stern. “Yes. If we didn’t fake the scandal about her, we would still be stuck seeing each other behind everyone.”

Kris felt so guilty at that moment. He was the one who lied to her. They set up the scandal just so he could break up with the girl who loved him unconditionally. Kris couldn’t help but wonder, was it worth seeing her cry?

“Amber, were we even right to do that?” Her voice relaxed. “We had to. It was for the best.”

Kris sighed frustratingly and sat up from the couch. His heart raced twice as fast. He leaned his head back and pinched his nose bridge. Going back to those moments was a bad idea. He already felt bad for doing it, and now those feelings are back.

Kris missed everything she ever did for him. She was always patient with him. Her heart was always pure and had good intentions. She never once tried to argue with him. She always accepted everything he said to her. She was the one. Kris ruffled his hair and leaned forward. His elbows propped on his knees while his hands held his face.

The thought of her made Amber look horrible. Amber always found a way to argue with him no matter what. She always went against his words and it always ended in a nasty fight. She wasn’t ever happy when they were together. She blamed every bad problem in their relationship on him. Even though their relationship ended a month ago, he was glad it did. It was during those times, he thought of how much the only person who loved him. She always listened to him lecture and tried to understand him. Her willingness to work things out amazed him the most.

Her face reached his memory and he missed her even more. He missed kissing her and meeting her for small dates. It was small, but it was always meaningful. He couldn’t bare the thought of her doing that with someone else. He wondered at that moment if she was even seeing anyone now. Was it too late?

Kris groaned and rubbed his face with his palms. It probably was too late considering the fact that it has been 7 months since the breakup. He doubted that she would ever talk to him again. She already avoids him every time they cross paths. A smile never spreads on her face when she sees him.

Kris fought with himself, wondering if he should attempt to rekindle everything after what happened. He was scared of telling her the real truth. How could she heal if she found out that he and Amber made up that scandal? Without a warning, a tear slowly slipped from his eyes.

“How could I be so cruel?” 





I'm going to be making this a three-shot so please bare with this for a bit! What do you think so far?? keke Please wait for the next chapter coming asap!!

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Great story! Can't wait for the next chpeter! I hope everything will end up well!
Chapter 2: Why won't you make a full length story T_T
Chapter 2: Aww I don't want it too end :(
Your story is really good :)