
From friends to lovers

I panicked and got up from the couch, away from Nicole. Why am I like this? It can't be that I like Nicole right? I sat down at the table deep in thought. 

"Mmmm.." Nicole mumbled as she woke up. She realised that shes been sleeping for nearly two hours and quickly got up to find me. "I'm so sorry I slept, you should've woke me up." She said to me.

"Nah, you seem tired, it's ok. Should we eat? We have some meat and salad in the fridge." I say calmly, ignoring the feelings I had before. 

"Yup! I'm really hungry!!" She says excitedly. Knowing how Nicole loves to eat, I prepared the food before she came over. She helps set the table and the food ready and we sit down together, sitting opposite each other. I look at at Nicole and she smiles at me. I smile back while my heart starts racing rapidly again. I concentrate on my steak and cut it up into small peices and quickly swap my plate with Nicole so she can eat it easier. Nicole's never been really good at table manners so she always had difficulties eating meat with a knife and fork. She thanks me and eats happily but after a few bites, she puts her fork down. She only keeps sipping her water so I asked, "Nicole, aren't you going to eat anymore?" but she just shakes her head. I start to worry. This must be part of her diet but I thought it was a bit harsh. "You've nearly finished your promotions so you should eat a bit more," I encouraged but she shook her head again. "It's okay, I like how I am now" Nicole says to me with a smile and so I didn't insist anymore.

We finish dinner and we decide it's time to go. Nicole puts a cap on and I put on my hoody as a disguise and we go out of my dorm. It's getting dark and cold outside so we huddle together. Nicole links our arms together and we would talk happily about what we've been up to recently. I walk her to her van and she gives me a hug. She hugs me slightly longer than usual and I instantly wonder if somethings wrong. But before I can even ask her she turns around and gets into her van. It bugs me but I decide to give her a call tomorrow.

I walk back, shower and get into bed. I'm about to fall asleep but Nicole comes into mind and so I check my phone but no messages or calls. Maybe I'm thinking too deeply about this.


Next day

I decide to visit her at Inkigayo and I walk towards Nicole's dressing room but I stop to hear some familiar laughter. When I walk in I find Nicole and Key talking together. They're both sitting on the couch closely while listening to music, sharing earphones. Somewhere inside of me I feel jealousy building up and at that moment, I realised that I really do like Nicole.



First of all thank you to the people who have already subscribed and also a big thanks to maixee who commented!!! Next chapter I'm planning to write more on key and nicole's worry.

please comment below about what you thought, it motivates me to write more! :) 

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AghaNugraha #1
ahh jincole story..please update soon,I really curious
Chapter 1: Aw....another Jincole story! I really like it so far! You're doing a good job so far! It's good to know that jinwoo knows how he feels about Nicole. I wonder when key will enter in the story? Doesn't it seem like key likes Nicole too? I subscribe and voted for you! Update soon!