Farewell Letters (R)

Goodbye Baby

Warning: If you are offended by rated chapters you can still read this just don't read the part that say rated before it.



Two months, that's how long it took for Ahrah and Minho to be inseparable. By that time Jonghyun had finally accepted that he had no chance with her and the public had finally taken a liking to Ahrah. At first, the girls and fans disliked her, saying things like 'she's too short and she's not that pretty.' But once they saw the two together, the way they looked at eachother, and saw how pure her intentions for Minho were, they had no choice but to fall in love with her too.

Minho's schedule always conflicted with them seeing eachother, but he still managed to set aside time to go on dates with her and always called her to say good morning and goodnight. His life was starting to become centered around her, as hers was to his. However Ahrah knew that this was all going to end soon. She loved him, but tomorrow her summer in Seoul would be over and she would have to leave for university.

Minho also knew she was leaving, he had prepared his heart for this the moment he asked for her to be his girlfriend. He pulled a tiny black velvet box from his pocket. That night he was planning something special for her, something that she would never forget, something that would tell her just how much she meant to him.


"Hey Minho, what's up?"

"Nothing really, just come out to the park. I have something to show you."

"What are you up to now?"

This wasn't the first time he tried to surprise her, once he tried to set up a date on Nam San tower without realizing that she had a serious fear of heights. For half the time he had to coe her and try to calm her down. The next time he set up an event at one of his concerts, but ended up tripping Onew because he had been so focused on the event he was planning for Ahrah and missed one of his steps. Still Ahrah always loved how he tried his best at everything he set to do, it was one of the things that she felt made him the boy she cared so deeply for.

"Just come out okay."

"Okay, I'll be there in a little."

They both hung up and Minho waited for Ahrah to find him. When she finally got there, she couldn't help running into his arms. He then placed his hands around her cheeks and leaned over, softly kissing her forehead, then her eyelids trailing down her nose and finally planting his lips on hers. She smiled before curling her fingers around his neck so she could pull deeper into the kiss. Suddenly Minho pulled away from her. Ahrah looked at him curiously, was there something wrong? He could see her confusion and smiled before twirling her around and nuzzling his head on her shoulders.

"Close your eyes."


She was starting to get anxious and was wondering why her boyfriend was being so mysterious.

"Just close your eyes dummy."

She gave up and did as she was told.

"No peeking okay."


"Okay, now open."

When she opened her eyes, Ahrah saw a different world. The park had transformed into a forest of lights twinkling beautifully against the darkness of the night. In the middle of what seemed like stars, was a blanket with a lunchbox on top of it.

"When did you...?"

"I had the day off so I spent the whole day setting this up for you."

"You did this all by yourself?"

"Well, Key helped me with the food. You already know I can't cook. And Onew helped with the lights."

She turned and smiled at him, "You know I hate surprises."

"You hate it?" He frowned, disappointed that she disliked what he had prepared for her.

She giggled at how seriously he had taken her joke, but she didn't answer him directly. She instead placed a soft kiss on his lips, and he realized that she had been playing around and in truth thought it was perfect.

After sitting on the blanket they began to nibble on their food and chat. Everything was perfect, until Minho began asking about the next day.

"When are you leaving, Ahrah?"

"At 3 o'clock in the afternoon." Her face cringed as the words snuck out of .

"Oh." Realizing how he had ruined a perfectly good time, he tried change the subject. "Still we have tonight, and I have desert back at my place." He walked over to her and bent over on his knees.

"What are you doing?" Ahrah raised on of her eyebrows.

"Get on."

She pushed him over, "You know I don't like being babied."

"Come on, Ahrah. It's our last night together." He pulled himself back on his knees signing her to climb on his back.

Ahrah finally listened, this is how things had become between them. No matter how much she didn't like some of things he would do; the things she loved about him refused to let her say no to anything he asked.

He walked towards his apartment with her on his back. Ahrah closed her eyes taking in Minho's sweet scent; her arms dangling over his broad shoulders.

She kissed his cheek, "Oppa, aren't I heavy?"

"Nope, actually you are too light. Are you eating enough?"

She looked away without answering. Truthfully for the past week, she had been able to eat as well nor had she been able to sleep.

"My poor baby Ahrah, how are you going to take care of yourself at university without me." 

They finally got to his apartment. He set her gently down and unlocked the door

"Wait out here for a bit. Let me just do something for a second okay."

Ahrah frowned, "Another surprise?"

Minho placed his hand softly on her cheek, "Just wait okay?"

"Okay come in now?" His voice said from the other side of the door.

She looked inside and saw he had decorated all wall with hearts and balloons. The living room table had two candles which lit the dark room and a vase full of roses. On the side of the table was a white box embellished in a big red bow.  

Minho jumped in front of her. "Jang!" He pulled his hands from his back to show two crystal plates of ice cream covered in cute candies. "Strawberry ice cream, your favorite remember?"

Ahrah looked at the room, everything was so sweet. He was everything she wanted; absolutely perfect in every way. But her mind began to wander off to the future, tomorrow this will all be gone. Minho will just be one of those summer romances, and she will have to leave him behind just like that. Tears began to pour from her eyes, and she started cry helplessly in front of Minho.

"What's wrong? Did I make you upset? Im sorry..." He set the plates down and walked over to her to pull her close to his chest.

She shook her head. "You're perfect." She pushed her face from his arms and stared into those same beautiful eyes that entranced her when they first met.

"Ahrah...." Minho brushed his hand through the strands for her hair and reached over to kiss away her salty tears.

Thoughts ran through her head as he kissed her so sweetly. Why couldn't fate have been kinder to never had made them meet each other? Why couldn't she stay with him? Why did she have to meet someone she loved to be only pryed away from him?

'It isn't fair', she thought.

"I love you, Ahrah. I hope you know that." His warm voice was so intoxicating, she couldn't stand it anymore.

Ahrah grabbed the back of his neck, crushing whole body against Minho as she kissed him passionately. Minho eyes opened widely from shock; Ahrah had never been so forceful before, but his eyes closed as he began to enjoy to new sensation. This kiss was so much different from their others; there was a sense of longing and lust that had never been there before.



------------------------------Rated part----------------------------------

Minho responded to the new sensation by pressing his lips harder onto hers. It was like a dance, with Minho taking to lead. He pressed his tongue against hers and responded by pulling him closer. Caught in the moment Ahrah didn't even notice that Minho had scooped up her up. His hand firmly held her and drew her closer to his body. Without even parting from the kiss he walked into the bedroom and slammed to door shut with his back. Ahrah gasped as her body bumped up roughly against his.

Before she could catch her breath, Ahrah felt her back fall onto the covers of his bed. Minho slowly crawled over her, hovering his toned body over her petite frame. She traced his fingers from waist to his chest up to neck gently carressing his soft skin. She stared into his deep brown eyes. They were clear and intense as they looked directly into hers, he never once blinked or parted his gaze. Ahrah pulled him closer so that their lips could meet once again. She gently his lips, tracing the contour so she could draw them into her memory. She then felt his warm hands creep up her .

Shocked at first she pulled away.

"Ohh sorry. I thought you wanted this."

Ahrah blushed and shook her head nervously.

"No. I do."

Once again she pushed herself against him, this time taking the first move by tugging on his shirt. He smirked and kissed her while he pulled off her top and carefully unclasped her bra. Instinctively she covered herself embarrassed that she wasn't the most blessed when in came to that part of her body. Minho pulled her hands away and planted his lips on her chest. Ahrah moaned as she felt him kiss and massage her s. Minho began to grow impatient hearing her pleasure and began to tug at her bottoms too. Ahrah followed by helping him undress. Finally, they were both fully exposed. Ahrah blushed when she saw him in his whole entirity. He placed himself between her but before he moved on he caught a glimsp of the worry in her eyes.

"Are you sure you want this?"

Ahrah nodded weakly. Sure, she was terrified but the truth was that he was the only one that she trusted to do this with. No other guy would be as kind or gentler than Minho. Any other guy she would meet after him would not be as perfect. She was sure.

She felt him brush against her and then there was pressure. It wasn't too painful but the sudden sensation made her let out a squeal. And then she began to quietly cry. 


Ahrah quickly wiped her tears away. She was embarrassed and didn't want to make Minho feel guilty. It wasn't his fault that she was crying. It was just too much. She had never been this close, this much in love.

"It's okay. I'm fine."

Minho kissed her tears away and began to move slowly. Ahrah began to moan more loudly. She covered with her hands to hide the sound. Minho however grabbed her hands and placed them back on his neck. He kissed her again and let her moan into his mouth. He was engulfed in the plessure the closeness of being with someone he care so deeply about. He wanted her to feel everything, enjoy herself, to let go. In that moment Ahrah forgot that she was leaving that this was there last moment. All she could feel was bliss as their bodies entertwined with one another, trying the match the other's pace. A feeling grew inside her, it was building and building growing and coming faster until it reached it's peak. Ahrah could feel her body tense up and her back arched.

Out of breath Minho feel beside Ahrah who was breathing heavily her eyes half-closed. He pulled her close, holding her tightly in his arms.

"I love you...."

------------------------End of scene----------------------------------------



Ahrah rubbed her eyes as she reached over to turn off her alarm on her phone which was laying on the ground. She then looked over the Minho to make sure he was still asleep. Surely enough he was. She giggled at how deeply he slept. She recolleted the time he had fallen asleep on the couch while they were watching a movie and how she had to drag him to the bed because he wouldn't get up himself. After taking a quick shower and getting dressed, she walked back over to the bed and sat next to the boy who she had given her heart to, who had loved her so purely and fully.

She brushed his hair from his eyes before kissing his forehead, "Goodbye oppa, I'm sorry."



Minho woke up and look over to see his bed was empty.

'She must be up already'

He pulled himself up and streched his arms while yawning.

"Ahrah? Ahrah, you there?"

After figuring out she wasn't in his apartment, he began to wonder if last night had happened; was it just a dream? However he knew it wasn't, because the decorations were still hanging in his apartment and the two bowls of melted ice cream were still sitting on the table. He then looked and saw the white box. He smiled as he remembered how he had gone to make the picture album that laid inside of it. All those sweet memories of Ahrah began to fill his head as he thought of the photos that covered the pages in the album. He walked over to the box and opened it. To his surprise the box was empty. Instead a small white piece of paper was in its place. He picked it up and scanned his eyes of the words.

Minho oppa, this summer has been something I won't ever forget. Two months is a very short time for two people to grow so close together but with you all I needed was a day to fall for beautiful eyes and sweet smile. I met you in the most embarrassing way, but you accepted me as I am and saw me through my walls. I couldn't have asked for a better friend or first love. Because of you, I truely think I can die happy. You really were my everything and you will always have a special place of my heart. Goodbye, I love you.

'Goodbye?' That one word distressed Minho. 'What did she mean by goodbye?'

He raced over to the phone and dialed Ahrah's number. No answer. He then dialed HaeEun's number.




"Thank god, you're still here."

"Yeah, I'm am. Minho, is everything alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Is Ahrah with you?"

"No, she's on the plane. Her flight left an hour ago."

"Wait....What? Why are you still here then?"

"She didn't tell you? She had to leave earlier than me because she needs to go back home to get ready to move to California."

"No....she didn't"

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sure she had a good reason for not telling you."


He hung up and dropped the phone on the ground. His body felt weak and limp. She had left without a word. He dragged himself over to his room and sat himself on the the bed.

"She can't be gone, this a dream. No, she's not gone." He repeated the words hoping if he believed them that they would become true.

He burrowed his head in his hands.His eyes grew hazy and soon he began crying and gasping as the realization sank deeper. Through the blur of his tears he saw the black box that had fallen out of his pocket. Opening it, two rings glittered in the morning light. He had bought the rings as promise to Ahrah. He wanted to tell her that even though she was leaving that he wanted to keep loving her. He wanted to tell her that he was willing to wait for her until she was done with her schooling. Anger and frustration filled him knowing that now these words would never be able to reach her. He shut the box abruptly and threw it against the wall.

"Stupid, why did you lie about leaving?! Why did you have to tear my heart out like this!"



Ahrah sat on the plane and sighed while looking at the window. She felt bad for giving Minho the wrong departure time, but she knew if he had been there she wouldn't have been able to leave. She probably would have missed her flight and stayed in Seoul. If she had done that, her whole future would have been thrown away to be with him. She would have been more than happy to but she knew that she just couldn't. She looked down and tried to hold in the tears. While she lowered her eyes, she noticed the picture album peaking out of her backpack. She pulled it out and began to flip through the pages. The smiles that covered each page reminded her of all the happy moments they had shared. She couldn't help but laugh softly at how cute Minho looked in some of the pictures even though he always tried to be so cool. Finally she reached the end, instead of a blank back cover she found letters that were written in Minho's handwriting.

My baby Ahrah, you have been my sun since I've been you. It's sounds funny and unoriginal but I have no other way of describing my time with you, everyday has been brighter just because you are in my thoughts. I wake up each day just to say good morning to you and hear your sweet voice tell me the same and I go to sleep every night hoping that I will be able to see you again. This album holds all the wonderful memories that you and I made while you were here. I want you to have this and never forget me because I won't ever forget you. I love you more than anything and that will never change no matter where you are.

Your loving and charismatic Minho :)

Ahrah broke down. He had basically given her his heart and she had ripped it up. How could just leave without a goodbye or letting him hold her once more? She hated herself for being so selfish, but time could not be turned back. What was done was done, and it was too late.



Hope you liked it!

I know that I didn't mark the story rated, but I had to put one in. I mean Ahrah has to get pregnant somehow!

Well kind of a sad chapter but it had to happen.

Next time Ahrah will be having the baby, so I hope you all wait for my next update.








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pls update soon :)
minye0ll #2
Chapter 38: Cried so much but all worth it <3 update soon~
Chapter 38: WAAAH!!! I love this story!!! Hope you'll updaaaate soon!!! Fighting!! :D <3
Naviky #4
Chapter 38: Aww its nice. Please update as soon as you can!
Naviky #5
Chapter 2: Omg so cute! I wish that actually happen to me xD
Chapter 38: this was so adorable & heartfelt - pls update soon! (': I cant wait to read the next chapter <3 C:
Chapter 38: Hi I'm a new reader here and I'd like to say this is a REALLY GOOD story!!! PLEASE UPDATE SOON!!!!!
AsianOtaku #8
Chapter 38: gamsa author-nim i love this story so much but im sad you're gonna end it soon, and after ive waited for so long... but thx for taking the time to write this and wrap it up in your busy schedule. Hwaiting!!! (^.^)/
fanficwriter_ #9
Chapter 24: Do you live in Texas???? I do too!! Im assuming UT is university of Texas?