What is More Important?

Goodbye Baby

Ahrah held Minhyuk in her arms. She tried to wrap her jacket around his cold lifeless body. She looked down and saw he bloodied knees. She couldn't imagine how scared and in pain the little boy must have been to be alone and hurt in the middle of nowhere.

Minho was rushing through the traffic like a madman. His mind was set on one thing; getting Minhyuk to the hospital. Key sat by Minho hoping that they would get there sooner and that Minho wouldn't kill them in the process. Jaemi on the other hand was focused on Ahrah. She felt terrible and helpless. She knew that there was nothing that she could do for Ahrah and Minhyuk besides watch and sit there hoping for the best.

After what seem liked hours of driving, they finally arrived at the hospital.

"Help! Please help! My son, he's hurt." Ahrah rushed in.

One of the nurse hurried towards them. Behind her two doctors pushing with them a stretcher. "Do you know whats wrong with him?"

Through her crying Ahrah managed to forced out an answer. "He won't wake up and his body is freezing."

After the Ahrah placed him gently on top of the stretcher, the doctors quickly strolled him past the doors into the ER.

Ahrah wanted to run after them. Where were they taking him? What was going to happen to her baby? How bad is he? Will he be okay? All of these questions ran through her head. She wanted them to be answered. But before she could pick up her feet, two hands caught her and pulled her close.

"He's going to be okay, Ahrah. Everything will be fine."

Ahrah buried her face into Minho's chest. She wanted to believe him. He had to be right. Minhyuk is a strong, smart boy. He had to be okay.




Hours passed before the doctor came out to fill them in on the situation. In the time that the four had been waiting, Taemin and HaeEun joined them at the hospital and anxiously waited with them. When the doctor began to fill them in, they all stood up and held their breaths.

"I'm sorry it took so long for me to meet you all. My name is Dr. Hwang."

"It's nice to meet you. How is our Minhyukee doing?" Minho held his hand out and shook Dr. Hwang's.

"He's stable now. It seemed that he was suffering from hyperthermia. He also has some cuts and bruises and minor dehydration. Those are the less severe things though."

"Less severe?" Ahrah furrowed her eyebrows. What else could be wrong with Minhyuk?

"It's actually fortunate we caught this early. I know this might be hard to hear but Minhyuk has leukemia."

Ahrah placed her hands over gasping. "You're not talking about cancer. Are you?"

"I'm sorry but that is correct. However, there if there is a good side to this situation it's that he has one of the most curable ones called Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. In addition, we caught the leukemia very early. You probably didn't even see the symptoms take into effect quite yet. It was lucky that Minhyuk showed up in the hospital when he did. With the correct treatment I would say he has 85 percent of returning to normal health."

All of them sighed when they heard that Minhyuk could get better. But as soon as the word cancer popped into Ahrah's mind, she shut down. Cancer? How could he have cancer? He was only four? What had he done to deserve this?

"Can I go see him now?" Ahrah looked up pleadingly.

"Sure, he's still sleeping but if you want to I'll show you to his room."




Ahrah walked into the room. She felt sick looking at the all the moniters and IVs that where hooked up onto Minhyuk's tiny body. It was fair. Why couldn't it have been her in his place? He was so small and he had never done anything wrong.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry Umma couldn't protect you, Minhyukee." Ahrah grabbed his hand and began  to weep over him.

Minho couldn't handle it. This was too much. He had already seen one person he loved at the brink of death. Now, his son had cancer. What next?

He left the room before he suffocated from all of the frustration and sadness that filled the room. He pressed his back up against the wall and slid down, burrowing he face into his knees as he sat on the cold ground.

"There you are, Minho. Where have you been? I've been looking all over for you."

Minho looked up in confusion. When he saw who it was, he immediately stood up in bewilderment.

"Hyung-nim? How did you get here? How did you..."

"How did I know you were here? Minho you don't realize how easy it is to find you. Anyways the real question is what are YOU doing here?"

"Well I'm..." Minho began to rub his head.

"Don't tell me Ahrah? What's going on with her now. Do you know how much of your schedule time you are cutting out to be with her?"

"Hyung you don't understand."

His manager laughed. "Understand? She's a girl you like. What's more to understand? Unless all those rumors are true. Unless you really did have a kid with her."

"Hyung-nim please..." Minho pleaded for him to stop there. However his manager wasn't finished. He wanted answers.

"Are you? Tell me, is that also why you've been canceling your schedule? To have family bonding time?"

Minho bowed his head low. "It's not like that."

"Really now. Then what is it? You still haven't answered my first question. Why are you here?"

 Minho began to panick. It's not like he wanted to lie about the situation but there were so many people at the hospital and he didn't want to publically announce that he had a kid. Not yet at least. "I'm  here to get something checked out. I've been feeling pain and have been really tired lately."

His manager raised an eyebrow. "Don't lie to me, Minho."

"I'm not."

"Well then let's go." The manager placed his hand on his back and walked him towards the entrance of the hospital.

Minho hesitated. "Umm actually..."


Minho shook his head. "Nothing." It took all of his will power not to run back to the room but he convinced himself that this wasn't the right time to tell. He trusted his manager, but he knew that he would not approve of this relationship. Not yet at least. For now he would have to deal with just going back in the morning when he manager had left.




Taemin shook his head. "Hyung why would you do that and at a time like this?"

"Where's Minho?" Ahrah looked up confused.

"He left." Taemin muttered under his breath.


"Shhh" Key placed his finger over his mouth. "Ahrah he's still sleeping."

In a more hushed tone she continued to talk to Taemin. "Where? Why?"

Taemin looked away. He didn't want to see Ahrah's heartbroken expression. "Manager found him."

"I don't understand? Why did he leave?"

"Ahrah, Minho hasn't been very open about you."

Before Ahrah could say anything else a nurse walked in. "I'm sorry to interupt you all but visiting hours are over. If you want two of you can stay but the others must leave."

Ahrah stared blankly. Two people? Minho should have been there to stay with her. She needed him. She didn't want to face this alone.

"I'll stay with her." HaeEun immediately volunteered. However Taemin stepped in.

"No you go home. You had a long day. I'll stay with Noona."

"Okay oppa. If that's fine with you."

Taemin nodded and all together Jaemi, Key, and HaeEun left the hospital.




Taemin looked as Ahrah sadly watched Minhyuk lay there on the bed. He knew that him staying there wasn't much help but he felt a little responsible for Minho leaving. He should of stopped him but for some reason he didn't.


"Hmm?" She answered and looked towards him.

Taemin could see her bags under her eyes. She was exhausted both emotionally and physically.

"Ahrah, why do you love hyung?"

Ahrah smiled faintly. "Because. I guess just everything. I don't know. It feels right with him."

"He's a coward though." Taemin couldn't help it but he was angry at Minho for leaving.

Ahrah was also angry. She wanted to burst out on a rant on how selvish he was for leaving her and Minhyuk, but instead she took and deep breath and kept all those feelings in check."No, he's just doing what he thinks is best."

"I wouldn't have left if I were him."

Ahrah stopped and stared at Taemin. He looked angry and confused. She scanned his troubled face with her eyes before smiling warmly. "I know. Thank you Taemin. For staying."

After speaking, Ahrah let out a yawn.

Taemin chuckled. "You should sleep Noona."

"No...I..." Slowly her eyes closed, and Ahrah almost fell out of her chair in her slumber. Taemin thankfully caught her before she hit the floor. He leaned her head on his shoulders.

"Noona, you're so cute. I wish you could notice just how cute you are."




Minho looked into the room and saw Minhyuk still sleeping on the bed. He felt horrible. He shouldn't have had to decide between seeing his son and leaving so that this could be kept a secret. Minhyuk needed him. Ahrah needed him.

Minho was so confused. "Stupid stupid stupid! It should be easy. All I have to say is I'm not going. But if I miss this trip everyone will now. And we don't need this kind of publicity. Not now."

Taemin, who was snoozing on the couch next to Ahrah, woke up from noises coming from outside the room.


Minho looked up with wide eyes. "Taemin, what are you still doing here?"

"Hyung, sorry but I think you should be asking yourself that question." Taemin crossed his arms and glared at Minho.

"Taemin, please don't give me a hard time too."

"Why shouldn't I?"

"Because it's not that simple."

"Really all you have to do is tell manager hyung to give you some time off."

Minho lowered his head. "I already have too much. I've missed almost half of my schedules. He won't let me miss anymore."

"So you're just going to leave your family in the dark!"

"No, I'm going to tell eventually." He sighed. The ring was still in his pocket. He was supposed to give it Ahrah yesterday. He felt like such a coward."

"So what is your problem now. Hyung sending you off to someplace."

Minho nodded. "For a couple of days."

"So Ahrah's going to be alone when they have put Minhyuk through all those tests?" Taemin couldn't believe that his hyung was even considering that idea.

"I still don't know if I'm going to leave."

"Are you stupid hyung? Just tell them no. Don't go. Your family needs you."

"Taemin, it's not that simple!"

"Just go."

Both Taemin and Minho turned their heads and saw Ahrah weakly standing by the doorway. She smiled faintly and turned back into the room.

"Ahrah..." Minho try to reach out to her, but she already left.

Taemin knew that this situation beyond him. It took Ahrah to make him realize that. "Hyung, I hope you know what you're doing." He placed his hand on Minho's shoulder and walked into the room with Ahrah.


sorry for the late update

Again school interfering but thank you guys for waiting !!!

I want to say also thank you now I have over 200 subscribers.

You guys are awesome :]

Well I just want to say I have a new shinee story

Check it out its http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/29056/i-need-you-but-i-don-t-want-you-shinee-smartists-you

Oh and dont forget to leave me comments please :]

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pls update soon :)
minye0ll #2
Chapter 38: Cried so much but all worth it <3 update soon~
Chapter 38: WAAAH!!! I love this story!!! Hope you'll updaaaate soon!!! Fighting!! :D <3
Naviky #4
Chapter 38: Aww its nice. Please update as soon as you can!
Naviky #5
Chapter 2: Omg so cute! I wish that actually happen to me xD
Chapter 38: this was so adorable & heartfelt - pls update soon! (': I cant wait to read the next chapter <3 C:
Chapter 38: Hi I'm a new reader here and I'd like to say this is a REALLY GOOD story!!! PLEASE UPDATE SOON!!!!!
AsianOtaku #8
Chapter 38: gamsa author-nim i love this story so much but im sad you're gonna end it soon, and after ive waited for so long... but thx for taking the time to write this and wrap it up in your busy schedule. Hwaiting!!! (^.^)/
fanficwriter_ #9
Chapter 24: Do you live in Texas???? I do too!! Im assuming UT is university of Texas?