Fate Love and Icecream

Goodbye Baby

It had already been a week since Ahrah had run into Minho. During that time she had tried to get him out of her mind; he was simply all she could think of. But still what were the chances that a girl as average as her could have a remote chance with him; he was absolutely perfect and she was far from perfection.

That day Ahrah decided to leave HaeEun and Sohyun, she needed time away from the endless questions and constant talking. Although she loved them both, she was kind of sick of never having time to herself.

It was nice to walk in the park by herself. Again the weather was pretty unforgiving, the sun scoorched her skin and glared her vision. Even when she was wearing her shorts and tank, she was dying in the heat. Looking over she could she an icecream shop on the other side of the street. To her icecream sounded perfert for the moment.

When she walked into the shop she dug through her pockets.

She frowned, "Empty...I must of left my wallet at home."

Sighing she sloached in a random booth; she could at least take a break from the hot air.

"Hey, remember me?"

Ahrah looked up and noticed it was the boy she had met by the pond at Konkuk University.


He smiled, "Can I sit here?"  

"Sure." She tried to hide her smile even though she was drowning in happiness.

Once he sat down she asked, "So what are you doing here?"

"Oh just getting away from it all, and trying not to flunk." He lifted up his textbook to show her what he had been doing.

"Studying, I forget that you have school during the summer." While she was speaking her eyes began to trail off to the icecream shop workers scooping up cones of icecream to the people waiting in line.

Minho laughed quietly, "Do you want one?"

Ahrah nodded then frowned, "But I left my wallet at home."

Minho pulled out a few bills from his pocket, "I can get you one if you want. What flavor do you want?"

"Strawberry! I mean strawberry would be nice." Her cheeks began to blush when she noticed how childish she had sounded.

Minho only chuckled under his breath; he was completely dying from how cute Ahrah was.

After paying the worker he handed Ahrah the cone. She tried not to grab it too eagerly. Around HaeEun she only acted like her true self which was childish and overly enthusiastic. Normally Ahrah didn't have any problem from hiding her real traits, but around Minho she seemed to have a hard time controlling herself.

"Thank you." Ahrah looked up and smiled. She the cone, the cold cream felt nice trickling down her parched throat. Honestly if she could choose between real food and ice cream, she'd give up real food in a heart beat.

"So you're not busy Minho, don't you have a schedule?"

"Schedule?" He paused and realized she meant his idol schedule. "So I'm guessing you know who I am. You almost tricked me when we met."

"Well I didn't want to be one of those screaming fangirls, unless you want me to be."

He laughed and then made a serious face, "If you do, I might to kiss that icecream off your face to shut you up."

Ahrah touched the side and noticed that it was covered in melted ice cream, she looked down embarrassed and tried to wipe it off with her hands. Minho however grabbed them and picked up a napkin to help her clean it off.

Ahrah snatched to napkin from his hand nervously, "Ermm...thank you. I can do it myself."

Minho smiled, he could see right through her reserved girl act.

"You know you don't have to try to act all cool and refined around me."

Ahrah looked up surprised but then relaxed, "I guess my acting ."

"Yeah pretty much," Minho teased and stuck his tongue out playfully.

The two conversed even after Ahrah was done eating, everything was so smooth and natural between them like they had known eachother for years. By the time they had noticed how long they had been sitting in the same booth, it was already dark.

Ahrah checked her phone, "Oh my god, its been 4 hours!?"

"Oh only that long, I thought it would be later." Ahrah glared at Minho's teasing comment, she knew he was playing around.

"Well at least let me walk you home, I don't want you to get kidnapped."

Ahrah wanted to spend more time with Minho but she disliked the concept of being babied. "I'm a big girl, you don't have to worry about me."

Minho however walked over to her and linked arms, pulling her up and almost dragging her out of the store.

"Fine, fine." Ahrah looked away again trying to hide her true feelings.

When they reached Sohyun's apartment, Minho began to blush. Ahrah being naive didn't know why he was or what he was up to.

He looked away and began to rub the back of his neck shyly. "Uhh..well I had fun today, alot of fun. Do you...well you know...umm want to hang out again?"

Ahrah smiled and teased, "Are you asking me out?"

"Actually yeah."

Ahrah was shocked she had no idea this is what he was going to say. The only word that seemed to escape from  was "Oh."

"Uhh is that a no?"

She shook her head, "No no no, I mean yes. Yeah, I want to....yes." She began to feel her face burn crazily.

Minho noticed and realized that she was just as nervous as he was. He then bent down and kissed her cheek.

"Well I guess I'll call you later then. Bye."

Ahrah looked up dazed, "Okay...bye..."

As he walked away, Ahrah touched her cheek. She was still unsure of what had just happened, but one thing was for sure, by pace of her beating heart and her stupid smile, she was in fact falling for Minho.


Kinda corny chapter but I hope you guys thought it was cute. Next chapter will be fun to write because all of Shinee will be it including playboy jonghyun :]


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pls update soon :)
minye0ll #2
Chapter 38: Cried so much but all worth it <3 update soon~
Chapter 38: WAAAH!!! I love this story!!! Hope you'll updaaaate soon!!! Fighting!! :D <3
Naviky #4
Chapter 38: Aww its nice. Please update as soon as you can!
Naviky #5
Chapter 2: Omg so cute! I wish that actually happen to me xD
Chapter 38: this was so adorable & heartfelt - pls update soon! (': I cant wait to read the next chapter <3 C:
Chapter 38: Hi I'm a new reader here and I'd like to say this is a REALLY GOOD story!!! PLEASE UPDATE SOON!!!!!
AsianOtaku #8
Chapter 38: gamsa author-nim i love this story so much but im sad you're gonna end it soon, and after ive waited for so long... but thx for taking the time to write this and wrap it up in your busy schedule. Hwaiting!!! (^.^)/
fanficwriter_ #9
Chapter 24: Do you live in Texas???? I do too!! Im assuming UT is university of Texas?