I'd Fall For You Too...

Unique Me.



Author's pov:

Bom's pov:

Simon's pov:

Inati's pov:

'Bombshells' = what the parties thought is.

"Bombshells" = Past/flashbacks

[Bombshells] = Anything bolded will be places/time/etc.


Author's Pov:

Walking around the building Bom was lead through the familiar hallways, the same hallways that shut her out. Shuddering she walked through the hallways proudly seeing as she grew into something that this same company she is walking through turned her down. As the pitter patter of the three bodies moved down the hallways and rooms of the Entertainment they came to e a familiar practice room filled up with men. 


Hearing the door open the groups stopped and looked up to see just two bodies at first with glee the younger of the males went forward being happy that their hyungs were able to come just in time for them to see what they were going to practice next. 


4 sets of eyes in particular noticed something different. "Hyungs who did you bring with you?" Smiling sheepishly they gave way to the anxious 2ne1 lead vocalist. Poking her head into the room she smiled waving cutely at them, causing shock to everyone as well as gasps all over. 


"Hello guys." Pure shock,excitement,and nerves buzzed the room. Smiling she sauntered her way to the other Suju members whom she was on a better basis with, but one couldn't hold himself together. She stopped infront of him and gave a cute grin, everyone could tell that he was going on a mental breakdown seeing the girl he couldn't approach was right infront of him, yet he was still as a stone. "Well I see you guys are doing well, down to business. Do you two at the door want to introduce me to these adorable boys or do I have to do it myself?" Raising a brow at the two, they didn't move. 


Almost robotically the room became greeting central, Bom didn't have to move a muscle seeing as the younger group was eagier to greet her. "Anneyongahseo EXO-imida WE ARE ONE!" The melodious voices of all the boy melded together making her giggle at the cutesness they all put into the greeting.  "So we will be listing off our names to you sunbae-nim." Kris voiced out cracking in his voice. Thinking it was cute Bom did nothing, just smiled. 


Some time after each and every single person was introduced to her she smiled seeing that they were one. "Let me get to the point why don't we?" Business mode on, she pulled the people that looked most suited for working with her in a shoot. "Soo-Man-shii wants me to work with you, and seeing that I can't bare seeing him suffer from this sudden withdrawal from him. So I am going to help you all out, sounds good huh?" With raied eyebrows everyone was stunned hearing her offer. "Don't worry about the details, I am going to show that am an ace and can do anything, I don't thik that Papa YG will against it seeing as it will bring in income as well as making me grow as a artist in different medians." Determination was clear cut in her voice. 


"So what do you want to do with us noona??" Cringing it sounded like she was going to be all pedo on the younger, nope the intentions was just to work." Let me rephrase that what kind of work will be participating in with you?" Laughing she really liked that they were eager to work with her. 


Curious passerbye's peered into the room, getting shocked to see one of YG's girls over in their company getting along like nothing is different from SM and YG. Wonderment struck each person, not minding what was going on they just left. Then you could hear the awes in the room echo loudly seeing that she was really dancing, singing, and interacting with others outside of YG. 


As the day progressed Bom formed friendships with all the men inthe room, as well as guy friends outside of her own company. Bidding goodbye all of them thought the same thing after spending time with her 'Who ever gets her as a woman is damned lucky, she is special.' Smiles on their faces everyone was happy they finally met the ever elusive Park Bom of 2ne1 the 8-d corn goddess. 


[Market Place]


Grumbling in her stomache made her stop, seeing that she was close to the market place she decided that today was a cooking day for her. "Ohh let's take a look see in what we have to buy for food." Happily looking she didn't even notice that there was a crowd of fangirls outside of the market chanting for Dalamatian. 


Looking around the market it didn't hit her till someone ran into her and bowed, then suddenly halted seeing her face. "Park Bom Sunbae-nim...."It was a chorus of people now saying her name, squinting she looked again and there they were all of Dalamatian panting having the look of tiredness. 


Automatically acting up she took the guys with her. "Don't speak right now, here put these on now don't argue if you want to get away from your fans whom seem to be going crazy, and all want a piece of you all, bit by bit." Obeying her words they took from her hands hats and wigs, not to mention a few big sunglasses.  After getting all the things she needed for food, she walked into the sea of fangirls to have them shut up.  


"OMOMOMOOMOMOM Bommie unnie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Squeals were everywhere as shes smiled to the crowd doing fanservices giving a way that the boys were able to sneak away once all done with dealing of all the fans she went back to see the guys were still there waiting on her. Unmoving she could only sigh as a van came to get her, she pulled every single memeber into the van with her making sure no one could see them.


"As the leader..."Inati was cut off, by Bom with her delicate slender finger touching his lips ever so softly signaling him to shut up, the other boys could only watch seeing this was the first time they had dealt with someone like Bom wonder and curiousity spilled onto their faces.


"Save the talking Inati-shii please let's just enjoy the ride, you all will have dinner with me seeing well fans are still on the hunt for you and they will find you if you really want to be dropped off somewhere." Shudders ran through all of them seeing that they didn't want to go through what they just did. Smiling Bom knew she won. "Alright now so we started off a bit odd so here we go again. Hello I am Park Bom power lead vocals of 2ne1 and the eldest of the girls." As they were about to speak a van pulled up to a stop. "Introduce yourselves once we are somewhere safer to speak." 


In a line they followed her into the building no asking any question fearing it might still not be safe enough to speak, once in the building they moved into a elevator staring at their feet they didn't look up till they heard the ding signaling to them it was their stop.  Looking up finally they had arrived at the famous flat of Minzy and Bom they would only see in 2ne1 TV, but seeing now they were there it was baffling to them.


"BOM UNNNIEEEE!!!" The chorus of voices untied and  hearing them the guys stiffened.  "OMO what's going on here?!?!" The rest of 2ne1 asked glancing the more and more nervous boyband."Unnie should we ask why a boyband is in our flat that isn't related to our company?"The eldest shook of the answer of her youngers making them sit down. 


"Let me explain alright?" Sitting throughout the whole explaination of everything they couldn't believe their ears. For the most silly of the band become so serious on branching out of just singing, only one was seriously scared for her seeing as she wasn't always the strongest when it came to people judging her in this she couldn't be the one to be speaking she wasn't strong either Bom was the strong one for her... "So that's the story, I don't know if you might support me in my future ventures,b ut know I will always be thankful you came even this far with me. Alright now down to real news. IT'S TIME TO EAT!!!!" Squealing she ushered everyone single body into the kitchen putting them at the table to see many different plates of food infront of them.


She was back to the old Bom everyone knew, but unknown to her she gained fangboys from what she just did unknowingly both of their hearts seemed to pick up pace as soon as she even slightly glanced at them, the feast went on silently but with hearts creating a melody under the clothing of the owners. As the time passed the guys of Dalamatian were lucky to learn all about 2ne1 from the girls themselves.


Seeing as the time pass enoughed Bom called Dalamatian's managers number giving the short version on what happened and soon they were to be picked up, the time has passed enough that it was safe for the boys to take their leave. "So your manager will be here to pick all of you up soon." No more words were exchanged, Bom was tired as she reitred to her room she gave the boys a gift and went on her way as Minzy was going to see them down to their ride. 


"Please understand that Bom unnie is really tired, she doesn't know this but I know she woke up at 4 in the morning to workout  and didn't come home till she was with you guys so it's been a long time now. Plus I saw her little personal schedule and it was packed, I believe in her working in the other fields becoming an all around idol, she will be a power house on her own...I am a little afraid of internal fights maybe coming up in the future, one thing is for sure though her talent shouldn't be capped just to singing. If we meet each other again let's all hang out, I have to take my leave now."  With those words echoing in all of their minds they all thought the same thought ' When will we work together then Bom Noona?' Looking at the boys only last time. Minzy couldn't help but yell out. "Remember running into each other makes more time for us to work or maybe be even get to know each other more personallly~~!  Alright have a great night guys, oh and the presents don't open them till you all get home."  Smiling she was off to bed. 


"Well that was a special night for us all don't you think guys?" Youngwon piped happily looking at the present Bom had given to each of them. 

"I hope we do get to work with the girls in the  near future, or at lease Bom noona she feeds us.."Jisu mumbled earning a smack seeing was only thinking of his stomache.

"All I know is that we were close to one of the biggest girl groups in the game right now, and it feels great to be me."Daniel said looking up into the night sky.

"Adventures still await us all so let's just work with what we have right now...But I will say this though...They were all really gorgeous..."Simon voiced looking down so no one knew that he was blushing thinking of one girl.

"The facts are we are lucky buttfaces to even run into one of the 2ne1 members, but keep in mind we are here to rise to the top just like they have..True that the girls were nice, doesn't mean that we are to turn into jelly and not forget what we are still striving for." Spoken like a true leader he couldn't help cursing himself knowing that he was also in agreement with Simon...





Unknown to them the future will bring three hearts into turmoil.......

Author Chat:

Chaliena:Well O_O I made a lot of things happen. -claps- interaction with both groups...No I don't dislike Dara ...I just need her for drama that's is going to come up again. -fangirls- omo Bom and Inati ineraction..- composes self-  Also thank you to Shani at  Kabuki for my new poster isn't is beautiful guys?!?!


Other characters: O_O DAFUQ BRAH?

Chaliena: O_O uhmmm what? I love all my characters...-fangirls- OH MY GOD, INFINITE H AND BAP especially Daehyun and Zelo Daebak!!! I cried literally hearing you all I am so proud to be your fan.

Zelo:D'awhhh Noona you are too cute, really have you see....-mouth covered-

Daehyun:Don't listen to him...he is young. -smiles at author- thank you for being a fan.

Chaliena: -blushes no looking at anyone-

Tao:ELLO all please comment,subb, add miss blushing author here...Now to important news -steals author away for self- Heheheh panda power!

Everyone:BWOH??!?! COME BACK HERE!!!



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Chapter 1: omg. Very interesting! >-<
Update soon and thank you so so so much! <3
Chocathy #2
I'm thinking about her other performance than a singer, then you come up with this story as Bom being an actress sound very interesting. l will wait ffor your update hope it will be soon. Thank you.