
Dear Diary, I fell In Love With 12 Vampires


The air surrounding the table was tense. Everybody could feel it. The girl felt uncomfortable as she played with the food on her plate. She could feel the 11 pair of eyes boring a hole through her head. Suddenly, the one with scary face and fixed glare coughed. Hyemi assumed this was Kris by the glare he wore.

“So Lay, would you kindly explain this situation to all of us,”

“Hmm. I’d rather not,” Lay replied with a small smile.

“Oh, I’m sorry. That was actually an order not a question,” Hyemi gulped and Lay’s smile instantly faltered. He was in trouble. He just knew it.

Lay let out an exasperated sigh. “I found her yesterday near our house. She was bleeding. No. She was bitten. I couldn’t leave her there. Besides don’t you want to know if there is another vampire around?” By the change of expression on Kris’ face, Lay knew he had won.

“Then I guess we have no choice but to invite her to stay here,” 12 pair of eyes landed on Kris, looking at him like he was the weirdest thing they have ever landed their eyes on. Lay was as surprised as the others. He thought he was in trouble yet here he is, listening as Kris tells them that she will live with them. This was not the scenario he had imagined.

“You’re funny hyung but are out of your mind? We can’t just invite her to stay in our house. That’s just absurd!”

“Does it look like I’m joking?” Kris pursed his lips and the boy went silent. Everybody kept quiet. They knew better than to talk back to Kris. Hyemi also kept quiet, having no say in the matter. But by the looks of it, she had no other option. “Would you please introduce yourself?” Kris asked her.

“Uhh, my name is Park Hyemi. I’m seventeen and well umm. I don’t think there is anything else to add,” The others nodded. “My name is Kris. Guys, please introduce yourself,”

“Hello there beautiful. The name’s D.O but you can call me tonight,” The guy with the big eyes winked and Hyemi pinked. Yet, the moment was ruined as the guy besides him landed his hand on his head.

“Don’t mind him young maiden. He can be quite a handful. Anyway, my name is Kai. Don’t come too close or I’ll bite you,” The boy with the dark skin smirk. The latter then stood up, bent forward to capture her hand. He lifted it to his lips and gave it a light kiss. Hyemi instantly pulled her hand back, looking terrified. Kai was laughing hysterically until he got glared by Kris. “Pfft. Young maiden my . You’re just the same as me. If not, worse,” D.O stick out his tongue which got replied by Kai’s glare. Hyemi chuckled as their childish behaviour. “Now now. Let’s not get carried away. Xiumin,  please introduce yourself next.”

“Umm. Hi there. My name is Xiumin,” The boy with the biggest cheeks Hyemi has ever seen said whilst giving her an awkward smile.

“Please search for my name yourself,” Hyemi frowned as she recognize him. He was the one that was totally against him staying with them. He gave her a piercing glare that could burn her alive. Better not get into trouble with him. She looked at the boy next to the rude one expectantly.

“Luhan,” The boy with the blonde hair said without looking at her. Hyemi frowned at his hostility.

“Hello there. My name is Baekhyun. I hope we can get to know each other,” The one who introduced himself as Baekhyun smiled sweetly. Hyemi noticed that his eyes became like a crescent and she thought it was plain adorable.

“My name is Suho and I am second in command. If you have any trouble, you can find me. And, I’m so sorry for everybody’s behaviour,” Suho glanced at D.O and Kai. “but they mean no harm. I won’t let them,” Hyemi was relieved after hearing that.

“HELLO THERE MEIMEI! I AM TAO, THE MOST ADORABLE PANDA SLASH KUNGFU PANDA THERE IS ALIVE,” The one with eye bags grinned at her. Hyemi felt quite creeped out. “Wait wait. I can call you mei mei right? RIGHT? RIGHT?” Suho frowned at the younger one. “Tao stop it. You’re scaring her,” Tao glanced at Hyemi and grinned sheepishly.

“Hehe. Sorry about that,” Hyemi shaked her head while chuckling. It was kinda cute.

“Don’t mind that idiot, angel. The name is Chen. If you have any problem, you can come to my room,” The boy with the sharp jawline winked at her. Hyemi paled. “Chen.” Kris gave Chen a warning gaze and the latter rolled his eyes. “Geez, I’m just kidding,” Hyemi avert her gaze from Chen to the boy next to him.
“Chanyeol, “ Hyemi nodded. He didn’t look like a talker. Everybody looked at Lay and he looked up from his breakfast. After a few times blinking, he finally understood was those stares were for.

“Umm, well, my name is Lay,” Lay smiled at Hyemi and she returned the smile. Their little moment was ruined when Kris cleared his throat.

“Are you okay with living with us?”

“Do I have a choice?” Hyemi raised her eyebrow.

“Well, no but how about your parents?”

“They’re dead.” Hyemi said blankly. She didn’t look like she was upset whatsoever. Everybody became quiet. So her parents are dead huh. Lay took a look at her face. Hyemi realized the sudden quietness and she sigh. “How about my stuff?”

“No need to think about that. We will buy you the things you need,” Hyemi’s eyes became wide as saucers. “What? No, you shou-“

“No. It has been settled. Now, onto more important stuff. Did you saw who bit you?” Hyemi bit her bottom lip. “No. It was really dark and it came behind me. Suddenly everything became blurry. I was too occupied with my gash anyway to take a look. I’m sorry.”

“I see. Never mind. It can’t be help then. Everybody is dismissed. We will talk furthermore after dinner,” In a blink of an eye, everyone was gone including Lay. Screw their vampire speed. But what surprised her was that Kris stayed behind.

“What about these dirty dishes.”

“We have the servants for that,” Hyemi looked around the mansion. It was humongous and she was sure that there was nobody else aside from the brothers. She kept quiet.

“Okay then. I’m going to head upstair,” Kris nodded and she dash for the stairs. By the time Hyemi stood in front of her door, she was already out of breath. Man, I am so not in shape. She turned the knob and went inside.  Hyemi gave a scream when she saw the sight in front of her. Kai was lying on her bed with a flirtatious pose she assumed. Oh wait, he was also shirtless. “Welcome sweetheart. Me and our love nest have been waiting for you.” He smirked.

The door of her room suddenly swung open. Hyemi looked back and was relieved to see it was Suho. Suho frowned at Kai and in an instant Kai’s hair was in Suho’s grip. The younger one winced, obviously hurt.

“I’m sorry on his behalf Hyemi,” Hyemi just nodded, shocked. Suho glared at Kai and kicked his leg. “Don’t you have anything to say, you brat?” Kai pouted which did not suit him at all.

“I’m sorry for scaring you and laying on your bed half-. But let’s be honest. It was a wonderful sight wasn’t it?” Suho’s grip on Kai’s hair tightened. The latter winced for the hundredth time. Suho gave Hyemi a smile before dragging Kai out of her room. This is a scary family. Hyemi shook her head and went towards the bathroom. She took off her clothes and went inside of the bathtub. Without her realizing it, she dozed off.

By the time she woke up it had already been an hour. She quickly dried her body and wrapped the towel around her. Hyemi went into the closet and was awed. When Kris said it was settled, he wasn’t kidding. In front of her was the most luxurious looking closet she could have ever dreamed of. There were shirts, dresses, pants, short pants, jeans, and every single thing you could have thought of.

Hyemi chose to wear a floral printed dress and paired it along with a pair of white flats. She checked her reflection in the mirror and was impressed. She sat on her bed and looked around. She didn’t notice it but the room was very girlish. It was as if they were expecting a guest. After having taking in the whole room, she layed her back against the bed and puffed her cheeks. It was so boring being just inside her room. Maybe I can go on a tour of the mansion. The thought intrigued her and she sat up with a grin.

Hyemi quietly tip-toe towards the door and open it as quiet as she could. Once open, she poke her head out and turn her head left and right. When she was sure that nobody was around, she ran downstair. Once she was outside, Hyemi felt really happy. The sun was up but not on its peak. She spun towards her right and was awestruck by the garden in front of her eyes. It was the most beautiful garden she had seen. Without her knowing, her legs had already taken her to it. Various flowers bloomed in the garden.

What caught her surprise was the beautiful roses that was in the middle of the garden. Roses huh? Hyemi chuckled and shook her head. Hyemi was busy marvelling at its beauty when somebody cleared his throat behind her. Hyemi spun around and blinked. Baekhyun was watching her with an eyebrow raised.

“What are you doing here?”

“Umm. You know. The usual. Wait, what am I talking about? I meant that I was well…” Hyemi pinked and lowered her gazed to the ground.

“Relax. I’m just kidding,” Baekhyun smiled and Hyemi couldn’t help but to smile back. It was as if his smile was contagious. “So I’m guessing you like flower huh,” Baekhyun tilted his head.

“Yes. I really love them. How about you?”

“I love them too. In fact, I’m the one who takes care of this garden,”

“Really? That’s amazing but..” Hyemi frowned. “No offense but aren’t you a vampire? Do vampires usually do gardening?” Baekhyun stared at her blankly. A minute had passed when Baekhyun suddenly burst out laughing.

“Just because I’m a vampire doesn’t mean I can’t garden. I like gardening so that’s why I do it. Besides..” Hyemi waited for him to continue. She could see that his eyes became hollow. “I think that flowers are amazing because they’re alive. The thought of life is magnificent, to me that is. When you’re a vampire like me, everything is dead about you. I hate that. I hate that I’m dead. I hate that I’m a vampire. I want to live,” Baekhyun chuckled and Hyemi smiled sadly.

“But you are alive,” Hyemi took a step forward towards Baekhyun and layed her hand on top of his chest where his heart was located. Baekhyun eyes widened at her gesture. “You just have to believe that you are alive. It doesn’t matter if you’re a vampire. It doesn’t matter if you don’t have a heartbeat. Just believe,” Hyemi smiled at Baekhyun and the latter blushed. Hyemi removed her hand and Baekhyun frowned. He was upset by the lost of touch.

“I never thought of it that way. Thank you for telling me,” Hyemi nodded and grinned. “What flower do you like?” Hyemi blinked at Baekhyun’s question.

“I love roses. I always love them,”

“Why do you like them so much?”

“It’s because they’re like humans. Let’s say you love roses and you want to touch them but their thorns will surely hurt you. The roses is like giving us a warning,” Hyemi smiled sadly.

“I beg to differ. If somebody really love someone, they wouldn’t mind getting pricked by the thorns. It’s just collateral damage,” Baekhyun grinned and Hyemi did the same.

“You’re right. If it’s true love,” Hyemi nodded. “I should get going.” Hyemi spun around and started to walk. She wasn’t far enough yet when a hand stop her by her wrist. Hyemi stared at Baekhyun in wonder and the latter blushed.

“This is for you.” Baekhyun took her hand and placed a single rose in it. Hyemi broke into a smile and hugged Baekhyun. The male was flabbergasted but hugged back. Hyemi broke the hug and spun back around. She started running but she spun around again and yelled a ‘thank you’  to him. Baekhyun chuckled. This girl was one of a kind. Suddenly a shiver went up Baekhyun’s  spine. He spun around. He was sure that somebody was watching him. Baekhyun frowned. Seeing there was nobody else there besides him, he quickly went inside.

The boy left out a big breath. He almost got caught but that didn’t matter what he saw earlier did. He frowned as his mind replayed the scene. He grimaced as he remembered the hug that Hyemi and Baekhyun shared. First Lay, now Baekhyun. The boy shook his head and went inside.




When Hyemi got inside, she was welcomed by the sound of a piano playing. She started looking for the source of the music. It came from the second floor so she quickly went up the stairs. When she was standing in front the room that was producing the sound, she took a deep breath and turned the knob. Inside was a massive library with a grand piano placed in the middle. Hyemi looked at the player and was stunt to see Lay. He noticed her presence and lifted his gaze. He gave her a smile and replied the same. Lay continued playing until the piece was over. Hyemi grinned and clapped her hand.

“Are you stalking me now?” Lay wore an amused face. “What? Pftt. I just heard the piano playing so I wanted to check it out.” Hyemi sticked out her tongue. Lay chuckled.

“I’m just kidding.” Lay grinned and Hyemi did so too. He started  playing another piece and she marvelled at how he played. He was so talented it made her smile like an idiot. After he finished playing, Hyemi clapped her hands again. Louder even, if it was possible.

“You’re a wonderful player. I can’t even play the birthday song without my horrible talent scewing everything up.” Hyemi grinned while her eyes were sparkling with admiration.

“Am I? Thank you. How about you come closer and I’ll teach you an easy piece?”


“Yes really.” Lay chuckled. This girl is making him fall for her by the second. How could he not fall in love with her? Suddenly there was a loud crash. Lay turned his head to see what had happened and saw that Hyemi had toppled a vase while she was on her way towards him.

“Oh my.  I’m so so so sorry. Gosh, I’m such a klutz.” Hyemi stoop down and began picking the shattered pieces.

“No, it’s oka-“ Lay stopped middle sentence. His eyes widened. The air smelled like blood and it smelled sweet. His gums began throbbing, signalling his fangs were about to protrude. It took every energy he could muster to keep calm. But his nature went against him. In a matter of seconds, he was already on top of Hyemi while pinning her hands beside her. His eyes flashed a fiery red.

“La-Lay. What are y-you d-doing? S-stop it. Y-you’re scaring me,” Hyemi stuttered as sweat began trickling from her forehead. Suddenly, Lay picked the hand that Hyemi had wounded and placed it in front of his lips. There was a visible amount of blood until Lay all of it. His eyes widened. It’s so sweet. He avert his gaze to her neck. He could heart the blood pumping from her veins. . Lay, snap out of it. You’re suppose to be in love with her not eat her. But his mind got the better of him. Lay saw the look of fear on Hyemi’s face but he couldn’t stop. She was intoxicating him.

Lay lowered his face until his face was in the crook of Hyemi’s neck. He was about to bite her until he got thrown away harshly. The impact had made the rack of books cracked. Lay winced as the pain creeped up at his back but was soon gone.

“Snap out of it hyung. Don’t be stupid,” Lay raised his head to see who the culprit was. Who he saw made him shocked. The shock didn’t last long and was replaced by anger.

“Sehun,” Lay growled. What was the maknae think he was doing? “What the hell do you think you are doing?” The younger one laughed.

“Oh you know. Trying to save this klutz from getting eaten by you. Now we wouldn’t want that right? Kris hyung would be very pissed off,” Lay was confused by what Sehun was saying. What klutz was he trying to save? Then he saw her, sitting on the floor besides Sehun. She was terrified. She was terrified of him. Lay quickly stood up.

“Hyemi. Oh god. I’m sorry,” His heart broke seeing how scared she was. He couldn’t take it anymore so he quickly dash out with his vampire speed.

“Hm. Typical hyung,” Hyemi stood up, still shaken up by what had happened.

“T-thank you.” Sehun blinked and turned his head to his left. He glared at her. “Don’t thank me. See. This is why I oppose of you staying here with a bunch of vampires. I mean, how stupid could you be? Have you never heard of the food chain where vampires food source is human?” Hyemi stayed quiet but her eyes had started to water.

“You know what. I’m going to give your free-pass out of here. Just go and forget everything. If you tell a soul, I’ll be the one to rip your throat. So how about it?” Hyemi thought of it. She could go away and live a normal life. Then she thought of Lay. She knew he didn’t mean it. She had saw the grief in his eyes when he apologized.

“No. I’m going to stay,” Sehun raised a brow. That was certainly not the answer he was hoping for.

“Suit yourself. I don’t offer it twice. You need to protect yourself cause don’t think I’m going to waste my time saving you every time,” Hyemi frowned.

“Please. I don’t need your help,” Sehun wore a blank face and turned around. He started walking towards the door but stopped.

“Maybe you should learn some manner. When somebody saves your life, you should be grateful not say that you don’t need the help. Take note of that,” Then he resumed walking until he was out of sight. Why is she so stupid? Sehun sighed and shook his head.

Hyemi frowned again and stared at her finger. It was still bleeding. I should clean this up. So she went to her room. When she was inside, she was startled by the figure sitting on her bed. His back was facing her but she knew who it was.

“L-Lay?” Lay didn’t turn around. “You’re not going to turn into that Kai guy right? Waiting for me on my bed right?” She chuckled awkwardly. “If you are, I’m going to tell Suh-

“I’m sorry,” Lay muttered audibly.

“What?” Lay stood up and in a blink of an eye he was standing in front of her. Hyemi was shocked. Lay was crying.

“I’m so sorry for what I’ve done. I couldn’t control it. I- I wasn’t me. And your blood was so tempting. I couldn’t resist..” especially that I’m in love with you. Tears began spilling from Lay’s eyes like a waterfall. He lowered his gaze to the ground, ashamed of what he had done.

“It’s okay,” Lay’s gaze went back up, startled. What Hyemi did next startled him even more. Hyemi placed both of her hand on Lay’s cheeks.

“It’s okay. I forgive you. I know you didn’t meant it. I know you weren’t being yourself.  It’s your instinct so I understand,” Hyemi smiled as she wiped off his tears. She pulled Lay’s head lower towards her because he was a little bit taller than her and hugged him. Lay’s hand went to her waist and replied her hug. When he was already okay, Hyemi broke the hug. Lay noticed her finger still wasn’t aid. He took her finger and closed his palm around it. Hyemi blinked. When he opened his hand, the cut was gone.

“Thank you Lay,” Hyemi grinned. She then pulled him towards her bed and made him sit down.

“Can I see them?”


“Your fangs of course you dummy,” Hyemi chuckled.

“Are you sure?”

“Okay then.” Lay opened his mouth and there his fangs were. Hyemi was about to touch them until Lay abruptly shut his mouth. “Don’t touch it. It’s very sharp,” Hyemi nodded.

“Can you show me your power?”

“But you’ve already see-“

“Not that. I meant your speed and stuffs,” Hyemi grinned.

“O-kay,” Lay was thinking of how he should show it to her until a thought popped into his head.

“Follow me,” Lay dragged Hyemi towards her window and opened it. He wrapped his hands around her waist. “You believe me right?”

“I do but wha-“

“Just believe me,” Lay looked at her face as is he was asking for permission and Hyemi nodded. Lay took a breath and they jumped. Hyemi closed her eyes, waiting for the impact but it never came. When she opened her eyes, they were already at the garden.

“Oh my god. That was so fun,” Hyemi squealed and Lay grinned. Great. There you go again. Making  me fall for you all over again. “More?” Hyemi grinned and nodded. Lay took her hand and they started walking towards the woods that was behind the mansion. This time, Lay lifted her up bridal style and crouched down. Soon enough they were jumping from trees to trees.

Lay glanced down and saw Hyemi squealing her heart out? How was it that you stole my heart? Lay shook his head and continued jumping as their laughs accompanied the night.



i updated...

oh my god, I can't believe I updated this thing.

and I actually made it decent. god bless me. AHAHAHA

anyway, try guessing who the mysterious boy is at the comment box~

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blockbuster01 #1
Chapter 3: I was just curious about it at first but know I love this story, please update soon
kpopkoreaforever #2
Chapter 3: OMO i love it !!!! You finally updated <3 <3 I waited for this since...... I don't know exactly haha but it's a long time ago ~~
Lay and Hyemi's moments are sooo cute ~>\\\<~
And Kai's moment in her bed was sooo funny XD XD anyway , I am looking forward for more <3
thank you for updating !
hmm, who could it be?
Chapter 2: there someone jealous & Lay falling in love XD - Yuki
Chapter 1: OMG ~ awesome story :) - Ryo
Chapter 2: ohoho. wonder who the shadow is... XD

lay has a crush~ d'aww. cute.
xoxo_88_kiss #7
Chapter 2: yay!! i've been anticipating for ages~ love your update though!!^^
Chapter 2: update soon new subbie here