Girl in White

Dear Diary, I fell In Love With 12 Vampires

italic : chinese


Nar r a t or's P.O.V


Tao was walking through an alley. He was thirsty like heck and not the normal i-need-water thirsty, he was blood thirsty. His eyes were red and it looked as if he would go in a rampage any second. Staggering, his ear picked up something. Someone..someone was singing.

"My love is like a red rose
It may be beautiful now
But my sharp thorns will hurt you
My love is like a red rose
Yes, I may be fragrant
But the closer you get, the more I’ll hurt you"

(lee hi 'rose')

Tao looked around but there was no one. He shook his head. Great, he was going bonkers now but as he turned around a figure was slowly walking away. A girl to be exact. A girl wearing a white dress. Without  him noticing, he was staring at her. Unknowingly attracted to her. Suddenly, the girl looked back and smiled but her eyes were concealed by a mask. The girl spun around and continued walking but Tao started walking towards her and then started running. It wasn't long until he reach her with his vampire speed. He grasp her wrist, making her face him. 

He was enchanted by her feature. Her plump lips, her pointed nose and her hazel coloured eyes. It made him shiver just by gazing into her eyes. She smiled and he went crazy. Tao put his hands on her cheeks whilst she layed her hand on his shoulder. He went to the crook of her neck where her pulse was the strongest. He breath in her scent, it smell sweet. Her scent was intoxicating. She smelt like...roses. Just as Tao's fangs protruded from his gums, she whispered into his ears.

"Kan dao ni de xinxin, rang wo wei ni gandao nanguo 

Ni zixin de jiaobu sheng chao wo jintian kan qilai hen kelian"

Seeing your confidence makes me feel so bad for you.

Your confident footsteps toward me looks so pitiful today.

(lee hi 'rose')


Then, everything went pitch black.





Tao abruptly woke up. That was a weird dream. The weirder thing was that all his brothers were staring with him. He squirmed uncomfortably, I mean having 11 pair of eyes staring at you wasn't really that fun. Kris stepped forward.

"How are you feeling?" Tao raised an eyebrow.

"I'm feeling fine but I did had this weird dream. This girl and me, we were in the alley and stuff. Wait. Why are you guys in my bedroom?" The others looked at each other. This was making Tao more confuse.

"I'm afraid you weren't dreaming," Kris spoke up again. "Last night, Xiumin had found you in the street unconscious with rose petals around you," Tao widened his eyes. It wasn't a dream..? That's when he felt his head aching. Suddenly, flashback of last night came rushing back.

"I remember now. You're right, my dream wasn't a dream," Kris raised his eyebrows signalling Tao to continue.

"Last night, I was walking in an alley. I was thirsty. I needed blood really badly. Suddenly there was this girl. She was pretty and she wore white. Which is extremely weird. She was wearing a mask that covered her eyes. I chased after her. She smelt good, she smelt like roses. I couldn't resist and I almost bit her,"

"Almost..?" Xiumin asked .

"That's when I fainted,"

"Ah, I see," Xiumin nodded. Kris shifted uncomfortable. Roses? That doesn't sound good. Kris was in deep thoughts until Chen shook him. Kris blinked at Chen and realize that all of them was staring at him.

"Do you have any clue duizzhang?" Chen asked.

"What clue?" Chanyeol burst out laughing. Kris glared at him and Chanyeol immediately stopped.

"You know, Tao's incident. I mean you were in deep thought just a while ago," 

"Uhh, I have no clue at all," Chen nodded and continued. "We should solve this later. In the mean time, I'm thirsty. Let's go hunting," Everybody face-palmed. One minute ago, he was all serious about solving the mystery , next thing you know, he's all thirsty and wanting to hunt. Tao rolled his eyes . "I'm the one who fainted here therefore I shall get the most blood," Tao beamed yet no one heard him.

"Yeah, I agree with Chen!"


"WOOHOO! We're going hunting,"

Everybody looked expectantly at Kris and the latter sigh. 

"Fine, we'll go hunting," Everybody cheered. They all went outside the room, totally forgetting about Tao. 

"Hey! What about me?" Tao yelled and pouted. He sighed when nobody heard him..again. He got out of his bed and went in front of his mirror. Tao closed his eyes and tried to remember the girls' face. She was very pretty, prettier than any human Tao had ever seen. Even if her eyes were cover, he could exactly picture her face . Tao was about to lose in his imagination until Suho's voice woke him up.


"COMING!" Tao looked at his reflection in the mirror and shook his head. He needed to snap out of it. This whole ordeal was starting to get into his mind. With a last glance at the mirror, he went downstairs and joined the others.



Luhan was walking aimlessly in the forest. He wasn't in the mood for hunting but he didn't want to stay at home either. All of the sudden, his vampire instinct perked up. Luhan glanced around but not a single soul was seen. He turned back in front and there was a little girl. If he had a heart, it'd be pounding in his chest right now. He stared at the little girl in amazement. She was still little but was very pretty but what made Luhan curious was that she was wearing a mini dress. A white mini dress to be exact. Who walks in the forest wearing a white dress, anyway ? Luhan bent down to little girls' height and smiled at her. 

"What are you doing here little girl?" Luhan asked softly and hold onto her shoulder, careful not to put too much pressure. The girl suddenly started crying which made Luhan panicked. 

"I'm lost and I don't know where to go," The little girl said quietly while wiping her eyes. Luhan bit his lip, not knowing what to do.

"Don't worry, I'll help you," Luhan smiled and the little girl replied his smile.

And there he was, holding the little girls' hand and accompanying her through-out the forest. Luhan had learned that her name was Hyemi but he didn't tell her his name because he thought it wasn't necessary. Luhan then realize that the Hyemi smelt sweet. Sweet as in she smelt like roses. He only realized now and thought it was very weird. Suddenly, Hyemi came to a halt which took Luhan for surprised.

"Thank you for accompanying me, Luhan ge," Luhan blinked. He hadn't told her his name. How did she knew? He was about to asked her but then he heard Sehun's voice calling out to him.

"LUHAAAAN HYUUUNNNGG! WHERE ARE YOU?" Luhan looked backed to answer and let go of the little girls' hand.

"I'M RIGHT HERE! I'LL BE THERE IN A MINUTE!" The next thing that happened made Luhan alarmed. The little girl was nowhere to be found. That's weird. Where did she go? With a last glance, he ran back to the others. Sehun looked at Luhan weirdly and the latter blinked at him.

"What's wrong?"

"Hyung smell weird. I mean not like a bad odor or anything but you smell weird," Sehun scrunched his nose. Luhan scratched his head and pulled his collar to his nose but he smelt nothing. Sehun shrugged. Luhan was thinking. Was it because of the girl? She smelt like roses. Putting it aside from his mind, Luhan climbed into their car. Kris checked if everyone already aboard and started the engine. Luhan was sitting shot gun so he could see the rear mirror. He placed his head on the window and stared at rear mirror. That's when he saw the little girl from before in the reflection of the mirror. She was smiling whilst waving at him. Luhan's eyes popped out. Kris looked at him weirdly.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, it's just..nothing," 

Great, what was happening to him?



i like finally updated. *sobs*

shoot me, I'M GUILTY! ;A;

i'm sorry i delayed this story for almost a year.

but, i'm gonna change for the better. I promise.


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blockbuster01 #1
Chapter 3: I was just curious about it at first but know I love this story, please update soon
kpopkoreaforever #2
Chapter 3: OMO i love it !!!! You finally updated <3 <3 I waited for this since...... I don't know exactly haha but it's a long time ago ~~
Lay and Hyemi's moments are sooo cute ~>\\\<~
And Kai's moment in her bed was sooo funny XD XD anyway , I am looking forward for more <3
thank you for updating !
hmm, who could it be?
Chapter 2: there someone jealous & Lay falling in love XD - Yuki
Chapter 1: OMG ~ awesome story :) - Ryo
Chapter 2: ohoho. wonder who the shadow is... XD

lay has a crush~ d'aww. cute.
xoxo_88_kiss #7
Chapter 2: yay!! i've been anticipating for ages~ love your update though!!^^
Chapter 2: update soon new subbie here