
What a Year

It has been weeks since the Chuseok photoshoot incident, however the relationship with Alfie and Hyunsik remained strained. Even though Hyunsik secretly knew that Alfie was just being mature and professional and made the smart decision to not fight and create chaos, the fact that he had to change models and deal with the diva So-ae was still stuck in his mind, which only made continue to bring forth his wrath on Alfie. He could not help to continue to tihnk about the incident, as he had a crush on Naeun, continuing to make him angrier. Despite unfortunate news, fortunate news was up for them too. Today was the release date of their music video WOW, and sooner or later it was uploaded on YouTube.

Within only a day, the video received just under a million views, with thousands of fangirl comments.

WOW was such a hit, that Hongki could not help but invite them to M Countdown.

After a quick supper of Shin Ramyun, the van managed to take them to the CJ E&M building by 6 PM. The boys were lead to the waiting room, where they changed into the hip 90s outfits that they wore for the music video. Alfie was excited to wear this outfit again, as he felt like a K-pop star from the 90s on stage, wearing a multi-coloured shirt with baggy white pants, a black belt with a round buckle with a gold star in the middle, a long silver chain, white sneakers, numerous wristwatches and a white cap.

"I look like Tony An." Alfie joked as he and Sungjae looked in the mirror together, and both took a selca, uploading it to Twitter.

"Then I'm Kangta." Sungje laughed.

Hearing what all the commotion was about, Hyunsik looked up to the two and started off, "Yes, you.......do," then ended plainly after Alfie's laughter reminded him of the incident between him and Alfie at the photoshoot. Once again Hyunsik's grudge was dominating him.

Hyunsik muttered under his breath as he pulled Alfie by the arm very roughly and closely to his face, in Alfie's direction, "You'd better not screw this up. Arasso?"

Alfie pretended not to hear. The fans could be watching him anytime.

Just as Changsub intervened and Ilhoon was about to gave Hyunsik a good punch, Eunkwang hushed Hyunsik, then the two, "Hyunsik! Please! The fans could have a different idea about you if they find out how angry you are! Let's not bring anymore of that petty incident up again, ok? And you, Changsub and Ilhoon, better leave that situation alone too. The only thing important right now is the performance."

Hyunsik fakely nodded.

Alfie was now so confused. He was already grateful for Hyunsik's help before the release of their song. Hyunsik, his hyung. He taught him how to dance, and once gave him the coolest sujeonggwa and the nicest chamoe! What on earth has possessed Hyunsik to do this?


After a while of camwhoring and teasing the fans, it was almost time for BtoB to do their performance on stage. The producer welcomed in the makeup artists, who sat down and did their makeup. Alfie stared at his reflection of a boy with moisturizing cream, concealer and eyeliner staring back at him. After intense makeup, their microphones were attached to their faces, and at this point, the producer lead them out to the stage, where Hongki was backstage, alongside other artists waiting. Alfie has never performed in front of thousands of people from around the world.

Alfie was so nervous about this that he could not help but continue to return to the waiting room to throw up in around four or five plastic bags from stage fright.

"Ugggh.....you stink!" Hyunsik exclaimed, backing away from him a little after Alfie returned. Eunkwang slapped Hyunsik on the back and whispered, "Hush! You're making the fans uncomfortable! We're under surveillance, remember?"


After around 15 minutes, it was time for BtoB to perform their song "WOW" on stage. The eight began to strut up onto the stage, but Alfie began to step back.

Hongki put an arm around Alfie's back. "What's the matter?" he asked, trying to continue to sound cute and extremely enthusiastic at the same time.

"I.....I'm sorry, I can't. I really can't do this....." Alfie stepped back, terrified.

"But this is your chance!" Hongki hollered in excitement, "This moment was especially for you!"

"For me....?" Alfie asked, suspiciously.

"Of course!" Hongki cried, pushing Alfie onto the stage. Gasps turned to fangirl screams as Alfie entered the stage, his y but cute concept being most appealing. It was surprisingly a pleasure for the fangirls to see the newbie on stage.


Alfie could not believe his eyes as he glanced around him. Everything seemed so real, as if you were a K-pop star on stage 15 to 20 years ago. The funky cool beat of the music alone aided Alfie to recollect his confidence and then have a good time on stage.

It felt as if Alfie's whole world was spinning, but in a good way. He was astonished to hear thousands of fangirls screaming as he became the focus and stepped in front of the other members to perform his part.

"We've done really well!" he told himself proudly.

So far everything went well after 1 minute. He deserved to have a special evening. All that hard work from both the competition and his training has paid off after all, and it definitely showed that dreams do come true for the lucky him. He was definitely not just another George and Lennie, but a K-pop star now.


Alfie was so happy, until 1 minute near the end of the song, something unfortunate happened. A group of anti-fans in the very front in black hooded jackets were watching too, and were pretending to be part of the fan club the whole time. One of the figures took out from his shopping bag a bucket full of cold muddy water. He turned to another figure, then another figure, and figure, who all gave him a nod.

Without hesitation, the figure picked up the bucket and in one perfect hurl Alfie was covered in muddy cold water. Another figure attempted to throw another bucket at Sungjae, however Sungjae ducked along with Alfie, therefore the liquid only splattered all over the stage. Even though this reminded Alfie of the novel "Carrie" by Stephen King, it had no way to solve the problem. Poor Alfie could not hold his emotions anymore ran off th stage, bursting into tears. Sungjae stared at him, running off the stage for a moment, then ran after him, whilst the remaining six continued the performance, as if nothing happened.

After this, the six members, who did not notice the two run off, at first bowed, smiled and waved to the fans momentarily, then eventually stopped after no fans responded with happy screams. There was a terrible dead silence, as the audience stared at the stage in shock. Hongki apologised to the audience, however with a more sombre, guilty tone, and told them that there would be an interval, as the crew would be cleaning up the stage quickly as possible. Despite the apologies, there was no response, and the silence continued as the six furious members walked off stage.


After the humiliation, Alfie instantly ran to the waiting room, Sungjae running after him.

"Wait! Alfie! Wait up!" Sungjae called, but Alfie paid no attention to him. Alfie instantly rushed into the waiting room, slammed the door, threw a towel over the camera lens, flew over to a dressing table and hid his face in his arms, sobbing.

Maybe his nightmare was right. Maybe he was never going to be a true K-pop star after all. Maybe what the judges said on the show was right. Maybe he did not even know why he was here. Maybe he should have focused on painting. He began to recall his moments on the show, what the trainees said to him, and what his nightmare told him. What was the point of becoming a K-pop star if it all had to end up like this? Alfie was crying so much that the dressing table was covered in a creek of tears.

Sungjae, who was the second to arrive wrapped his arms around Alfie, however Alfie released himself roughly from Sungjae's grip. He took a slight glance at Sungjae. Alfie's face was now covered with black smears and tears, and the foundation was slipping off his face, that he looked like a broken doll.

"Don't look at me. I look horrible. You were right. I am just a poor little helpless baby with no intention of being a K-pop star."

"What?!" Sungjae exclaimed, "When did I ever tell you that?"

"My dream," Alfie muttered.

"Oh Alfie," Sungjae sighed, "Don't be ridiculous. I never said that to you in real life, and besides, nightmares can't keep you from achieving something you want to do."

"They can't?!" Alfie exclaimed. "Just look at me! Do I look like nothing to you? Do you not see that I am soaked with muddy water? Is this a joke to you?"

"Calm down, Alfie. Calm down. Just take a deep breath and relax." said Sungjae, putting his hands on Alfie's shoulders.

Alfie took in a deep breath, then stopped crying.

"Want a shrimp cracker?" Sungjae offered Alfie a Saewookkang stick from his bag, but Alfie denied it.

After half the packet was empty, Sungjae put down the bag and tapped Alfie's shoulder lightly. "Alfie, I want to tell you something."


"You know that of course a lot of K-pop stars you see have thousands, and in some cases millions of fans around the world. Just like you are a fan of Orange Caramel, Girls Generation and whatsoever, and thanks to people like you, people like us get a lot of support and love from fans. That is one side. However, there are some people who do not like particular K-pop bands, and those are anti-fans. It's just like a variety of mixed reactions to.....let's say a food or something. Imagine that there are people who love strawberries as much as they love their idols as fans, and there are people who just despise strawberries so much alike anti-fans who hate some K-pop bands so much. It's just a preference for different people, however some anti-fans go to the extreme, just like what happened.

Almost every K-pop star gets a lot of hate mail or anti-fan clubs, however it is very important that you remain strong, and that you don't let any of those stop you from doing what you want to do. The next time you encounter an anti-fan, don't listen to them. They're just there to bring you down."

"But what if I don't see them?"

"The best way is to ignore them, not look at them, and pretend that you are performing on stage as normal. I don't blame you for leaving the stage. It was just part of a learning experience. In fact, I think you did the right thing, as fans may be nervous, like seriously if they see you lose your temper or cry, no offence. It's important to maintain a positive image."

"So I didn't do anything wrong?" Alfie asked.

"No, of course not! There is absolutely nothing wrong with you. Don't listen to the other haters. Like I said, they're there to hold you back."

"And all I have to do is just ignore them?"

"Mmmm hmmm."

"And just look happy?"


"And think about this as if I am eating ice cream?"

"YES! Just calm down, don't think about this situation and keep going. I was proud of you to have shown your courage for the first time."

Alfie smiled, and gave Sungjae a hug, as he helped dry as much mud as he could off Alfie.


Not long after they were finished, and sat down quietly, the door slammed open to reveal the six furious members.

"Sungjae! Alfie! Where were you guys? We've been looking everywhere for you!" Eunkwang shouted, all out of breath.

"It's all Alfie and Sungjae's fault." Hyunsik smirked. "If only they didn't run off we could have gotten appreciation from the fans like we always do."

"Hyunsik!" intervened Peniel. "I can't believe you. You're still blaming Alfie after all he's been through? You're so ridiculous. I can't believe we even met in the first place."

Other members joined in, and eventually the small fight turned into a great big argument.

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