

So here is Chapter 3 we got secret coming in now.....

so yea enjoy.


*Ding* *Dong*

Mrs. Kim heads towards the door wondering who it might be since her son was working right now and wouldn't be back till a few hours and the other boys were in there after school activities and shouldn't be back till half an hour.

"Yes? Oh why hello Jaehyo why are here and not working? And how come you are dress like that? I thought you guys were not allowed to dress like that?" Mrs. Kim asked

"Oh well I'll explain later, but for right now I will be in himchans room. Oh! and please don't tell anyone I'm here I will come downstair later but DON'T tell anyone I'm here please and I will be taking my shoes to his room as well. I will be taking a nap for now alright?"  he asked

"Sure sweety if you need anything just ask" Mrs. Kim mention

"Alright thanks" jaehyo said as he headed upstairs to himchans room to take a nap while waiting for the others to arrive.


30 minutes later


"Hi halmeoni we're back from school" yelled zelo as he took of his shoes.

"Hello boys how was school today" asked Mrs. Kim

"well Halmeoni I first went to the dance club with uppie and the teacher said that we are the best and we have a lot of potential and then I went with appa to rap some and they asked me to try rapping a bit faster and everyone was amazed and appa was proud of me, I need to show umma later when he gets here, when does he get here do you know halmeoni he didnt text us to tell us?" finished zelo and took a huge gulp of air after he finished talking.

"I'm so proud of you zelo and I know you and jong up are amazing dancers, I'm proud that you tried something new and himchan will be so happy too when you show him, and channie will be home around 8 oclock so in 2 hours. So why don't you boys watch tv while I finish cooking arraso.

"Ok" they all said going upstair to himchans room. Thats when Mrs. Kim remembered that jaehyo was upstairs as well.

"STOP!!!" All the boys froze in midstep.

"Umm Actually I want to cook all together so come downstair and help" She said.

the boys complied without arguing with her and went back downstairs.

Cooking took longer than usual since Mrs.Kim had to recook everything twice because the boys except for youngjae(he knew what he knew what to do) were "helping" her which most ended up with either with a strange taste or everything was burnt so she sent them to the living room afterwards so she could finish and turn the tv on for them to watch. Youngjae helped her cook and they had to make more food because Himchans "co-workers" were coming (Ulzzang).

1 hours passed by and himchan came back from his job with a scowl on his face. "I'm home" he yelled. Then began muttering to himself about how they are models not stars. When he looked up yongguk was there looking at him with tender eyes. "Oh hi yongguk I didnt hear you walk up here" "Yea well you sounded upset so I wanted to see how you were but what was this about you not being a star" asked yongguk getting mad about anyone thinking that way of himchan. Yongguk hated that himchan had to be Ulzzang because they could never spend time together only on sundays but he could barely spend any alone time with his channie and yongguk wanted to ask channie out on dates for awhile but he couldn't because first of he didnt want to channie to overstretch himself and his damn contract didn't let him date. Yongguk knows that he will marry himchan as stupid as it sounds he is going to ask himchan right after they gradute from high school to marry him.

"well what happen gukkie was-" himchan began to explain but then the backyard door was heard slammed open and in came a pissed of hyomin.

"THE HELL WE ARE NOT ING STARS WE ARE MODELS!!!!!!!!DAMMIT" she came in furiously but suddenly stop when she saw both zelo and jongup stare at her "Oh!! I am so sorry you two I didnt know you were here I thought you were upstairs sorry for the bad language" hyomin apoligezed "It's ok Noona but whats a star" asked zelo "Oh um oh i got it something you shoud never be" said bom as she was coming behind hyomin and slap her head, lee joon and chanyeol came behind bom.

"Dinner is ready...oh chan where are you going dinner is ready?" asked mrs. k

"I'll be right there mom I need to get something from my room" said himchan but yelped when he open his door and saw jaehyo coming trying to come out of his room. "Aish jaehyo what the hell trying to scare me like that" said himchan pissed off knowing that he hates being scared after his stalker incident, that got to himchans rooms and was waiting for him so that they could run off and get married together thankfully at that moment everyone was at his house as well so the stalker was stopped and sent to jail and has a restraining order on him.

"Sorry himchan I was just about to go downstairs so we can look at the damn contract" apoligezed jaehyo knowing the story. Suddenly footsteps are heard coming upstairs and in the front comes yongguk with a panic expressing, wondering if himchan is ok but, when he sees only jaehyo his panic expression turns into a pissed of one. While himchan went to his room to get his contract jaehyo begins right aways trying to fix the misunderstanding "WAIT!! It was misunderstanding it was all an act you know the whole cafetiria thing Himchan and I are ONLY friends and the whole hug thing was so that no could hear our conversation I SWEAR THAT IS ALL!!!!" RIGHT HIMCHAN!!" yelled jaehyo through the door as himchan was opening the door "What now" asked himchan "That the whole cafetiria scene was an act" "Well of course it was an act what did you believe that it was jaehyo" a confused himchan asked not realizing that yongguk calmed down right away hearing this

"Anyways what about the contract" Himchan changed the subject

"Yea! What about the contract" asked the other 4 ulzzangs 

Everyone headed downstairs forgetting all about dinner at the moment including daehyun.

"Ok well a few weeks ago I re-read our contract trying to figure out if i could find a loophold like we tried before. After reading to the 20th page from 100 I got frustrated and threw it to the ground and took a nap well when I woke up I started to pick up the papers and the first paper I picked up looked strange as if I never read it, well I decided I could at least one more page and thats when I found it from hundred pages page 64 became the best page ever it was the loophold we all wanted well for himchan and I since we both received the same contract. Anyways after that i went to a lawyer an-" "are you stupid we are not allowed to go to lawyers other then the ones that the company provides or else we have to extend our contract" interrupts lee joon "chill man. Anyways I asked why so many people go to lawyer to read contracts. He said that after a certain amount of time people get tired and the eyes start to lose focus and they tend to skip over the majority of the contract but the mind accepts that you have read it through it."stated jaehyo.

Himchan took his contract and look at page 64 and read carefully and suddenly his eyes widden and a smiled appered "Really thats what we need to do" asked himchan to himself out loud "Yep I know but you have to be careful" "What do you need to do" asked chanyeol.

"Surgery that is mandatory for the body to function or may leave side effect. If that were to ever occur to a model he/she may leave and later retire after body has rested and healed." read himchan and jaehyo at the same time

"Wait umma that sounds funny though "may leave and later retire after the body has rested and healed.""said jongup

"It does sweety because they meant to type return instead of retire" said himchan still staring at the paper with its one flaw but the flaw that can get him out of the contract. The other Ulzzangs just stared at the paper as well with their mouths wide open looking at the way out for their friend. "Wow" whispered hyorin. "yep" said jaehyo.

"well let's eat im starving" himchan said with a bright smile on his face as he grabbed something his dinner even though it was cold he ate it happily soon everyone else followed him as well.

"so chanyeol why are you wearing a hoodie arent you hot" asked mrs. Kim. Suddenly all Ulzzang stopped eating and had an angry expression on their faces except for jaehyo who laughed. "I guess the photo shoot went that well" laughed jaehyo. "Hmm those photographers thought were por- not models tried to made us do, umm, some weird things...which they failed at making us do them"said bom trying to be careful on the wording for jongup and zelo. "anyways my shirt is ripped from the phot session so i only have this hoodie. said jaehyo while looking at his food angrily. "Really" Mrs. Kim said "yep then they told me and bom that our shorts werent short enough, and tried making both lee joon and himchan do a weird pose and than we all left and we got here early" finished hyorin

"Weird poses" asked zelo " Oh! Was it like when appa fell on you umma and then both of them just stared at each other then one of appas arm went beside ummas head and the other arm was of appas was on ummas thigh going up and down?" zelo asked innocently. When zelo finished everyone stayed quiet for the first few seconds and you saw that both himchan and yongguk go bright red and were looking everywhere except at each other. Bom and hyorin began giggling thent the whole table bursted out laughing except for yongguk and himchan still cherry red and zelo and jongup who were confused. When everyone calmed down bom began talking "Oh yea um before I forget my cousin is coming over to visit he has been so depress lately because his boyfriend suddenly dissappeared without telling him where he went." said bom "Which cousin" asked yongjae "oh his name Ji-yong but we call him g-dragon or GD" said bom "Wait you mean THE G-Dragon the famous producer that is beyond talented and a great rapper" asked yongguk "Yep thats him" "Oh yea I remember you are an admirer of his work right gukkie" said himchan still not looking at him directly in the eyes. "Oh yea" said yongguk and looked down as well.

After that all the ex and present Ulzzangs left, and the kids were watching tv with halmoni so yongguk and himchan were left alone in the dining room "Chan-ah are you going to hurt yourself, so you can get out of the contract." yongguk asked with slight fear in his eyes waiting for the answer "Don't worry Yongguk it just says surgery it can be minor surgery as well." said himchan looking down. Suddely himchan is picked up form his chair and is staring at yongguks piercing eyes " I don't care if "it just minor surgery" you are still going to hurt yourself and I don't want to see that ever happening himchan. I doubt you even remember our promise we made to each other about marriage but I still remember and I will be a lousy husband if i let you go through that" stated yongguk as his face went red again for confessing. "Gukkie you still remember our promise too I thought you forgot and didn't want me any  longer" himchan said with tears streaming out of his eyes "How could I forget that I am engaged to the ist person in the world" whispered yongguk in himchans ear and began to nibble his ear and traveled down to his neck leaving a hicky around his collar bone. Himchan realeased a quiet moan not wanting for the other room to hear him. Yongguk stopped and slipped his arms to himchans waist and looked at him again and kissed his lips, after waiting for so long yongguk finally was able to kiss his himchan and he felt even happier when himchan wrapped his arms around yongguks neck and caressed his hair. The sweet simple kisses turned into something more when yongguk open his mouth and asked himchan permission for entrance which himchan gladly let him in, someone cleared their throat. Both boys seperated quickly and standing there was mrs. Kim with her phone taking pictures and sending more than likely to yongguks mother, Mr. kim which was the person to clear his throat and a smirking daehyun and a blushing yongjae. "Well I am sorry for interreptuing the two of you but if you are done eating each other, I am hungry and I would like to eat on the table I bought to eat  food not anything else." said mr. Kim who both yongguk and himchan stared at him in cofusion until himchan realized that he was sitting on top of the table. "Oh--h-h s-s-s-sor-r-ry dad" stuttered himchan getting down "Yea s-s-orry sir" apoligized yongguk. "So um I guess I'll be heading home now" said yongguk who went to the living room to find zelo asleep in jongups arms. Yongguk didn't feel like waking up zelo so he picked him up from jongups arms while trying to make sure jongup didnt wake up as well. While yonguk was doing that himchan was amazed that hes now hopefully boyfriend was so strong. "Ommo you are not sleeping over guk-ah" asked Mrs Kim with a smile. Yongguk with his face a little dusted with pick said "Uh no not tonight but, ill be here tomorrow um goodnight everyone." but was staring straight at himchan. "Umm I'll walk you out himchan said and accompinied him out. "Well good night baby see you tomorrow" said yongguk as he kissed himchan in the forehead while still holding a sleeping zelo. Himchan stared as yongguk to his house and went inside. "Hey hyung how come you never walk US to the door" said daehyun with a smirk. Then a hand went across daehyun head "aish dae quit bothering umma" said yongjae "we will heading out now too" said yongjae while holding daehyuns hand, and daehyun whinning on how hard yongjae hits him. To shut him up yongjae kissed his head and told him to shut up and head home.

While himchan stayed outside and made sure everyone was in their proper house, again himchan felt eyes on him and looked all around but found nothing and went inside his house missing the shadow that moved.

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Chapter 3: This is awesome
Chapter 2: I don't get it
Chapter 1: OMO so cute
Chapter 3: too great ^^
really really loved it, it's really entertaining !!!
waiting for next update, it's becoming more and more interesting(XoX)\/
Chapter 2: LMAO I was totally into pieces lol that was great
Chapter 1: lol so cute
Chapter 2: Awwww hopefully gukkie will remember
Kkkkk~~ I'm looking forward into knowing if Yongguk remembers :OO
Hopefully he does!
Hope you update soon so i can know what's going on in Yongguk's head :P