

"Channie you will be my bride and I will ALWAYS take care of you" said 5 year old boy that was playing in the backyard with "his Channie"

"But gukkie I'm a boy I can't be your bride?" said a confused 5 year old Himchan

"UNHUH! My mommy said to get married you need to love the person very much and that you will always be there for them for good and bad times and something about even when rocks are involved, but she said you can''t forced someone to marry you. So will you be my bride?" ask Yongguk

"Okay gukkie I will be your bride, but you can't cheat on me okay?

"Okay channie...what does it mean by cheating?" "Hmmm I don't know gukkie let's go ask my mom she said that word while watching t.v and said that person was bad and that he was going to hell."

The two five year olds went inside the house looking for their mom's "Mommy where are you, me and gukkie have a question" "Umma where are you channie and me got a question" yelled both 5 year olds.

"We are in the kitchen boys" yelled himchan's mom

"So what is this question you both have for us?" said Yongguks mom when both boys got to the kitchen "Umma what does it mean by cheating and that you are going to hell" asked slight older 5 year old right away. Both mom's spit take "Yongguk where did you hear this from" "Well Ahjumma said that and me and channie want to know. "Oh my that was when I was watching my drama. W-well anyways why do you want to know?" questioned Himchans mom.

"We want to know because me and gukkie are getting married and since I'm going to be gukkies bride I told him he could never cheat on me and he want's to know what cheating is." answered himchan "Wait wait wait you and gukkie are getting married when was this decided?" asked gukkies mom "And anyways you two can't marry you both too young who would be the bride." put in himchans mom as well.

Yongguk answered "Himchan will be my bride and umma you said that you only needed to truly love that person"

"I know gukkie but yo-"

"and anyways channie said he will be my bride and we love each other very  very much"

"yes sweety b-"

"I love gukkie why can't we get married if we have to we will get e-e-eloppe and I will get pregnant so we can always be together and you will never seperate us" yelled himchan almost in tears. "Ah channie don't cry we will get married no matter what I will take care of you" yongguk said trying to comfort himchan. One thing that yongguk couldn't bare to watch was when himchan cried because whenever he cried he felt that he would cry as well because it hurt him seeing such a pretty person cry.

"AWWWWWWWWWW don't worry you two we accept it you two are aloud to get married we will talk to your fathers. Omo, your channie is so adorable he will be the perfect bride for my gukkie. " "I know and your gukkie is so reliable he will take such good care of my chan-chan" both ummas said while they kept talking about what a great couple they would be.

"We're home" suddenly called out both yongguk and himchans dad since they both just arrived from work. When Yongguk dads realized that neither his son or wife were home he knew that they would be at their neighbor house as well as highschool friends home.

"Sweety you just missed it both himchan and your son are getting married and they will be so cute when they grow up channie will be so beautiful and delicate while our son will be handsome and over-protected over channie"            "also yongguk will be shy about his feelings but when he looks at our boy he will speak his heart out to him cause thats how much our son is of importance to yongguk" both women ranted about how they would be like in the future while having a glint in their eyes. That was when both husbands realized that in high school they were both the co-presidents of the fan club. While both women were beautiful that any men would fight for them when they realized that they had a knack to being wild and crazy like they would get intimadeted by them. Both husbands looked at Himchan and Yongguk and how they were holding hands and walking into the living room. They knew that they could not separete them and just accepted it not like they had anything against it.

"Here Channie let me get us a blanket so we can be covered up" said yongguk while reaching for the blanket that was in the sofa arm rest and looked back and saw that both moms were still talking about some weird stuff.

"T-t-thanks gukkie I glad I am going to be your bride" blushed himchan while hiding into yongguks small chest.

"Mmm and I am happy that you are my bride" said yongguk getting sleepy.

"Yongguk does that mean I have to wear a dress" Himchan questioned but when he looked up he saw that yonguk was asleep already.

"Hmm I guess I'll ask you when you are awake"       "GET UP GET UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DAMN IT WAKE UP"

Himchan suddenly jump out of his bed realizing that it was a dream and his alarm clock was going off 'wow I hadn't dreamt of that in a long time' thought himchan

"Sweety get up its time for school you don't want to make yongguk and everyone else wait do you" yelled himchans mom.

That's when a 16 year old boy got up showing his bare chest with no shirt on reaviling his slight muscular form enough to know that you don't mess with him unless you are ready to get harmed.

"Wow I wonder if he remembers that promised we made so long ago" whispered himchan to himself while getting ready for a shower.


well there is the first chapter hope you guys like it

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Chapter 3: This is awesome
Chapter 2: I don't get it
Chapter 1: OMO so cute
Chapter 3: too great ^^
really really loved it, it's really entertaining !!!
waiting for next update, it's becoming more and more interesting(XoX)\/
Chapter 2: LMAO I was totally into pieces lol that was great
Chapter 1: lol so cute
Chapter 2: Awwww hopefully gukkie will remember
Kkkkk~~ I'm looking forward into knowing if Yongguk remembers :OO
Hopefully he does!
Hope you update soon so i can know what's going on in Yongguk's head :P