
War in the house

Your teacher had just choosen you as the dancer to represent the class for the upcoming dance competition. Of course, you gladly took up the offer and started practising your dance moves as soon as possible. But. You didn't expect yourself to sprain your ankle the day before the competition. You're unlucky. Way too unlucky. You didn't want to dissapoint your class or your teachers by cancelling the performance so you've decided to go on stage the next day to perform. 

[Next Morning]

It was one of those days when you would've preferred staying at home than going to school. As much as you hated it, you had to force yourself there. You unwillingly dragged yourself to school and nervously waited for the announcement that's going to be made. 

Soon after the beep sound, an announcement was made. ''Students, please listen up. Contestants that are performing later on, please gather at the back of the stage and get ready.'' The announcement that was made is enough to scare the freak out of you. Your ankle have not recover yet. You still feel that sharp pain going on in your ankle but you refuse to give up just like that. You went to the back stage to prepare. After several long performances, it was finally your turn to perform. You stepped on stage, only concentrating to the beat of the song as you smoothly danced towards the flow of the music. But, it wasn't as easy as you thought. You've lost your footing and fell down during your performance due to your sprained ankle. Everyone gasped but that didn't stop you from performing. You didn't whine or budge. Instead, you stood up and continued performing while you bit your lips, trying to hold back the pain. Finally, your performance ended with loud applauses. Hearing all those applauses made you satisfied, it proved that your hardwork was worth it. You bowed to the crowd and was about to head for the backstage when someone. No. Scratch that.

A ed face guy stood up and said, ''Hold on a sec. I don't think that that girl is worthy of all those applause. She is not talented in dancing. Judging by the way she dance, I can easily point out her mistakes. First, she is NOT flexible. Secondly, I can't figure out what she is trying to express in her dance moves. Lastly, she is a fool. Only a fool like her will get onto the stage and shame herself. She can't even master such an easy dance move and even lose her footing. Please, just get a life. The stage is only meant for people who are talented and I can assure you that you are definitely NOT one of Them.''

You're now fuming mad. You wanted to land your fist into that guy's face and let him taste his own medicine. You had the urge to do that but immediately snapped back to reality. He is sooooooooo gonna get it from you later. Here's something that you always take note of: To those who offends me in any way, I will definitely not let them lead a good life. Anyways, you calmly replied him, ''Arasso. I know that its my mistake. I should've known where I stand. I don't belong here. I won't perform on stage next time.''

He scoffed, ''There will never be next time. Plus, I don't wanna see that face of yours, its gonna ruin my appetite later on. Now Scram!'' 

With that, you ran off to the backstage and cried your hearts out. *What went wrong? No one ever criticise the way I dance. I just made a mistake because of my ankle and he's like reprimanding me without listening to my explanation?! I'm gonna make his life miserable for that!* you thought. With that, you took out your personal ''blacklist'' and wrote ''ed Face Guy and his gang'' into your ''blacklist.'' You immediately wipped off your tears and slammed your fist on the blacklist. *Im coming after you all, exo.* you smirked at that thought.

[At night]

You were having dinner with your father in the palace when your father suddenly spoke, ''My dear, you know ...... you're not that young anymore so I've made a decision for you.''

You slant your head a little and raise an eyebrow, ''and what is that decision ... ?''

''To get you married after three days,'' your father replied.

After hearing what your father just said, you spat out the water that you're drinking onto the table. ''Father, this isn't funny. I am not young but I'm that old to get married at this age right? Unless you admit that I am.''

''You're old enough to get married. This is settled. We're done here. Please find a suitable party to be your husband and inform me as soon as possible, kay?''

You thought for a while then answered him, ''Father, I've already choosen who I wanted to be my husband and that's exo. Furthermore, I don't need three days, two days is enough.'' *Since exo will be moving into the palace, its easier for me to get my revenge on them. Ha! What a brilliant idea.*

''Ok then ... ''

*Since that face guy started his war, then I'll just fight with him til the end. Prepare to die under my hands.* you thought.


Author's note: I think I made some spelling mistakes..>< mianhae. Anyways, enjoy reading.

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Chapter 2: The Fun Had Just Began !
Chapter 1: Awww ~ War already started !
Chapter 4: it really a good one.
nomu2 chua...XD
-sekai #4
So Cute <3 Pls. Update :D