He's Dead

Best Absolute Perfect

Zelo's eyes widened and he jumped back, unsure of what had just happened, but he soon figured it out when he saw Jongup's dead body lifelessly drop to the floor.

Zelo stood there in complete and utter shock as he watched the blood drip from the bullet wound in Jongup's head. He stared, not able to find the ability to speak. Instead, he just made faint choking noises as he stood there, tears starting to stream down his cheeks.

"No, no, no.." Zelo shook his head quickly, "T-this isn't real. This can't be happening." he shook his head once more in disbelief.

Zelo fell to his knees, pulling Jongup's body into his arms. That was when the reality of the situation hit him like a rock. Jongup was dead. Ukwon killed him. He was dead. Zelo's shaky hands gently caressed Jongup's cold face.

"Jongup!" Zelo cried out in agony. "Please don't go.. You can't leave me. Jongup.. Please wake up." Zelo shook and trembled, his hands lightly ghosting across the surface of Jongup's forehead where the bullet had gone through. Blood was now on his hands, but he didn't care.

"Y-You killed him.." Zelo said, slowly looking up at Ukwon, eyes full of tears. "He's dead.."

Zelo continued to hold Jongup, gently rocking him in his arms as he starting to sob. He felt his heart splitting in two. His best friend had just gotten murdered right in front of him.

It seemed like Ukwon was in just as much shock as Zelo. Did he mean to pull the trigger or was it an accident? Scared, Ukwon started backing up, dropping his gun to the floor as he stared at the body of Jongup. His eyes switched to Zelo.

"I-I didn't mean to shoot.." he stammered.

"You killed him.." Zelo repeated, eyes glassed over with tears.

The shocked and sad expression on Zelo's face was slowly turning into something else. His feelings were all over the place, a mix between sadness, shock, and anger.

Zelo's body shook from sobbing as he suddenly moved his hand, taking the gun in which Yongguk had given Jongup. He cried out in pain and heartbreak before pointing the gun at Ukwon.

"No, please don't do this, I'm sorry! So sorry! I didn't mean to!" were Ukwon's last words.

Zelo quickly turned his head and closed his eyes before pulling the trigger. Three shots echoed throughout the Block B hideout and after, all was silent. After the gunshot, the only noise in the hideout was the thump of Ukwon's now dead body hitting the floor, the sounds of Block B scrambling to escaped the hideout, and the sobs that shook Zelo's body.


"Zelo, Jongup, are you guys in here?"


"I hear crying.."

"It's coming from upstairs."

"Guys, is that blood coming from the ceiling?"

"Oh god.."

The group sped upstairs.

"He's in there!" Youngjae pointed to the open door at the end of the hallway.

The first thing Yongguk saw was Ukwon, dead on the floor. As he came closer, he saw Zelo sitting on the floor with a body in his hands. Yongguk's eyes widened when he saw who Zelo was holding. Jongup.


"What happened?"

"Is he really dead?"


The boys slowly approached before crouching around near Zelo and Jongup's body. The room was silent except for Zelo's animalistic sobs, cries, and noises from when he choked on his tears. The other's found themselves in tears as well, especially Himchan, Daehyun, and Youngjae. Yongguk remained strong and tear free, but his face was contorted in an array of emotions such as pain and agony at the loss of their best friend.

After a while of sitting in the room, Yongguk was the first to speak.

"We should head back to the dorm." his voice was quiet, as if not wanting to startle the members further. "Daehyun, Youngjae, take Zelo.."

Daehyun and Youngjae looked up at Yongguk after hearing his orders. Both males nodded before looking to Zelo. He hadn't let go of Jongup's body since his death.

"Come on Junhong." Daehyun moved over to Zelo and gently nudged him.

"N-no.." Zelo shook his head, holding Jongup closer. "I'm not leaving without him."

Daehyun and Youngjae looked at each other before sadly frowning. Both boys stood before moving over to Zelo. It was extremely sickening to have to drag your best friend off a dead friend's body. After prying a crying and screaming Zelo from Jongup, Daehyun took Zelo's right arm and Youngjae his left, before gently dragging him from the scene.

"Yongguk." Himchan and Yongguk were the only ones left in the room.

"He isn't gone forever." Yongguk spoke quietly, as if unsure of his words.

"Yongguk, Jongup is dead. There's no need to give false hope to the others."

"You don't get it."

"Tell me then."

"The Matoki have special abilities. They can save Jongup."

"But it only works if all six Matoki are together." Himchan looked down at Jongup, "We don't have Keke."

"We'll find her. And soon."

"What makes you think that we can find her?"

"I just know we can." Yongguk said. "If we don't, we'll never be able to get Jongup back."

"Alright." Himchan wiped his tears. "How are we going to tell them?"

"When we get to the dorm, we can bring everyone together and I can tell them."

"But what if we end up not finding Keke?"

"If that happens, I'd be a failure as a leader." Yongguk slowly stood before bending down to pick up the body of Jongup.

"I see..

"Let's go."


Wow, what a plot twist! :D

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and didn't cry too much about Jongup's unfortunate death, because there is a possibility that he will come back!
pssst don't worry he definitely is coming back!

Keep reading to find out what happens next! Remember to subscribe, upvote, and leave comments!
Thanks. <3

- TrueLover

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Got featured in the daily random story, yay! - 5/13/14


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annethundr05 #1
Chapter 15: How have I never read this before!!! My poor Jonguppie & Jello TT^TT. This made my heart hurt, but go find Keke, so we can bring him back. Fighting!!!! (≧∇≦)/♥(✿ฺ´∀`✿ฺ)ノ(◍•ᴗ•◍)❤
Chapter 15: Can't wait to know what will happen next. Update soon~
Chapter 15: jonguppie!!!! yay ~ you guys save keke and save the day!!!! go go B.A.P
Chapter 15: Wahh continue soon please~~
Arisa_Ameiru #5
Chapter 14: Congrats on the random feature!!! ^^
Miawitch_1002 #8
congrats ^^
congrats on the random feature! c:
xxdnrw #10
Chapter 1: Congratulations^^