Broken Bottles

Best Absolute Perfect

"Let me out!"

Zelo screamed as he kicked at the cage he was in. He had gained consciousness a few minutes ago, and he was not happy. He was pretty mad for being in a cage, and upset with himself for being caught by Block B. He was letting down the others, and the Matoki, who were trying to calm him down.

"Zelo, please calm down.." Jokomato cooed with worry.

"If you don't stop, you're going to hurt yourself.." Dadamato bit his lip.

"I'm fine, guys. I'm fine. Stop worrying, okay?" Zelo looked to the Matoki with a sigh.

"Keep kicking!" Tatsmato urged.

"Tats, he'll hurt himself!" Shishimato warned, shooting a glare to the pink Matoki.

"No," Tatsmato looked at Shishi. "If Zelo gets out, he'll be able to escape!"

"What about us? And Keke?"

"If I make it out, I'll bring back everyone and we can save you all!" Zelo gave Tatsmato a grin, glad the other was encouraging him.

So, Zelo went back to kicking the door of the cage, desperate to get out.

"What is all that noise?" Jaehyo groaned, looking to Zico, whom he was sitting next to.

"It's that kid. I think he woke up." PO said, pointing in the direction of the room Zelo was in.

"Want me to take care of him?" Taeil asked, a smirk playing his lips.

"No." Zico sat up, shaking his head. "Leave him be. He won't be able to get out, anyway. The cage he's in is far too strong for him to break out of. The only way to get out is to enter the combination from the outside lock." Zico waved his hand, not too concerned about the possibility of Zelo escaping.

"What is the combination, anyway?"

"It's a secret."

"Huh? You punk.."

"The only person I can trust with the cage combinations is myself." Zico said, "It's not that I don't trust you all, because you all are smart and capable men, but it's better if only I know."

"I guess you're right."

"You guess?"

"No, I know you're right."

"Good answer." Zico laughed before looking to PO and Taeil.

"You two should go outside and guard. I have a feeling the boys of B.A.P will start snooping around to find Zelo. We don't want them getting in." he nodded. "Go on, that's an order." Zico smirked with amusement when he watched Taeil and PO mumble and leave to guard outside.

Zelo was still in the cage, fighting to get free. He was beginning to tire out, but he wouldn't stop trying. If he didn't, there was a chance he wouldn't make it out.

"See? Look, he is getting tired!" Jokomato looked at the others, frowning.

"You're almost there, just kick a few more times!" Tatsmato continued to urge, watching with hope as the younger human kicked at the cage.

"Be quieter, they'll hear you.." Shishimato was worried.

"I'm trying to be as quiet as I can!" Zelo said, a bit out of breath from all the work he was doing to get free.

"Keep kicking!"

"I-I can't.."

"Sure you can, try harder!"

"No.. I'm too tired.." Zelo sighed quietly, disappointed in himself. "I shouldn't keep trying, it's impossible."

"You're giving up?"

"I have to."

"Let him rest guys, he did his best." Shishi spoke up, looking at the other Matoki, wanting them to stop pestering Zelo.

Jongup had gone down an alleyway, having just found an abandoned building. It was rundown and old looking, broken glass windows and in front of the building was a huge dumpster. Had he found the Block B hideout?

When he suddenly heard voices, Jongup's eyes widened and he ran, taking cover behind a bush.

"I hate going on guard duty." PO muttered, glancing to Taeil.

"It's so boring." Taeil agreed, sulking faintly as he walked outside. He glanced around.

"Why do we have to do this?" PO asked. "We obviously haven't been found yet. You'd think Zico would know better."

"He is the leader, of course he knows best." Taeil said in a slight mocking tone, rolling his eyes as he took out a cigarette.

"He doesn't want you to smoke on the job."

"Yeah?" Taeil looked to PO, "He isn't going to come out and see me smoking, so why should I worry?" Taeil chuckled.

"He's too busy making sure those damn rabbits and the kid don't escape."

"True.." PO laughed, shrugging.

"Want one?" Taeil held out a cigarette to PO, who shook his head.

"Nah, man."

Meanwhile, Jongup was nervously watching and listening to the whole conversation in front of him. When he heard what they said about the Matoki and Zelo, his eyes widened. So they did have Zelo! He knew it! He had to go in and save Zelo, but how? He'd get caught..

Jongup glanced around before finding a few beer bottles scattered on the ground everywhere. He rose an eyebrow. Block B liked to drink, obviously. But wait! He knew what to do now!

Jongup slowly reached for a beer bottle before picking it up. He glanced out from the bush, seeing PO and Taeil. He nodded faintly, looking down the alleyway. After much thought, Jongup quickly stood for a moment, launching the beer bottle from his hand. He threw it down the alleyway before ducking behind the bush once more.

"Aye, what was that?"

"I don't know, is someone down there?"

"Let's go find out, yeah?"

Jongup spied Taeil and PO trotting down to where the noise came from. He held in a laugh. They were so stupid. Now was his chance! Quickly, Jongup stood before running to the dumpster. He jumped on top of it, glancing back behind him to make sure he hadn't been seen. Seeing as Taeil and PO were still confused about the thrown beer bottle, Jongup looked back up to his target -- the window. After taking a big jump, Jongup sprang up, grabbing the window with his hands. Once secured, Jongup pulled himself inside the hideout. He was in.

After hitting the floor with a thump, Jongup slowly sat up. The room he was in was dark, but his eyes quickly adjusted. Jongup stood and brushed himself off before peeking back out the window. Taeil and PO were now walking back to the hideout, not seeming worried about the beer bottle he threw. Good, no one knew he was there. This was going smoothly.

Jongup glanced around once more before reaching back, making sure he still had his gun. He did. After nodding, he went to the door. He paused, listening for voices. Deciding it wasn't dangerous, Jongup slowly opened the door, poking his head out. Nothing. This was almost too easy.

Taking quiet steps, Jongup maneuvered his way through the hallway, peeking into each room to see if he could find Zelo or the Matoki.


This is one of three chapters that I will be putting up today. I added more of Block B for a change in this chapter so you guys could kind of get in their heads and see what all is going on.
I think you'll like what I have planned for the upcoming chapters, I'm excited about putting them up.  

I hope you enjoy!

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Got featured in the daily random story, yay! - 5/13/14


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annethundr05 #1
Chapter 15: How have I never read this before!!! My poor Jonguppie & Jello TT^TT. This made my heart hurt, but go find Keke, so we can bring him back. Fighting!!!! (≧∇≦)/♥(✿ฺ´∀`✿ฺ)ノ(◍•ᴗ•◍)❤
Chapter 15: Can't wait to know what will happen next. Update soon~
Chapter 15: jonguppie!!!! yay ~ you guys save keke and save the day!!!! go go B.A.P
Chapter 15: Wahh continue soon please~~
Arisa_Ameiru #5
Chapter 14: Congrats on the random feature!!! ^^
Miawitch_1002 #8
congrats ^^
congrats on the random feature! c:
xxdnrw #10
Chapter 1: Congratulations^^