Prologue 3

Cornelia's korean adventures

The next thing she knew was that her lovely dream of Lee Min Ho was brutally interrupted by a police officer, where the heck was that stupid friendliness now, when she needed it the most? Her dream had been exceptionally pleasant. In an antique setting of Korea the dream had been about to reach a certain point…

“We just got the call, that the bad condition of our car most likely caused the accident and because the drug and alcohol tests were also negative we won’t press charges against you. You are free to go.” he said with a smile.

The moment Cornelia stepped out, into the sunlight she immediately started to run, just incase the officers would change their mind. The only thing she could think of right now was to get away as far as possible, as soon as possible. She definitely had to leave this country, or better this continent, or otherwise it would be her downfall. Contacting her agency was probably the easiest part of all. They were quite considerate of her situation and immediately booked the earliest flight, which was supposed to send her back home.

She didn’t even give her host family a big goodbye. They had wronged her so much they didn’t deserve it. After all it had been their fault, those twelve cars were junk, that a few people were hurt and that she had to spend a night in jail. Come on really, jail? Chris would have a field day with this. She had predicted about four times that this would happen and Cornelia had been set to prove her wrong, but now this blasted accident had happened and with it had Chris’s “prophecy” come true. Stupid host family. And that was the reason why Cornelia just went in the house, packed all her stuff as quick as possible and left for the airport.

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I love this story, especially the protagonist Cornelia. She is so funny most of the time. Please update soon <3.