
Cornelia's korean adventures

“This will be your cell for the next few days. At least until we’ve clarified matters“, he gave her a pitiful look. “I am really sorry for the inconvenience, just call for me in case you need anything.” Even in the tiest situations New Zealander were ridiculously friendly. How she hated them for that. She really couldn't manage getting used to their way of being not even after almost half a year. It still gave her the creeps.

Cornelia sat down on the pallet. Now that she had time to reflect on it, coming to New Zealand as an Au Pair had been the worst idea she ever had and she had had a lot of them. When she first applied to be an Au pair – not that she had actually written the applications herself (her friend did it for her) - she didn’t think she would get picked. She couldn’t speak English very well, she had no skills with children or what so ever. Her family, her friends and she had been very shoked when she was accepted. So when she first came here everything went quite well. The family was nice – even though there was some nasty going on with divorce and alcoholism – she didn't have work that much considering the little girl was looking after herself pretty well, which she found really really creepy. Furthermore she had her own car, an allowance of 450 $ per month, paid living, food and petrol. An occasional trip in a helicopter and last but not least two lamas in the garden.

Her life was nearly perfect.

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I love this story, especially the protagonist Cornelia. She is so funny most of the time. Please update soon <3.