First Secret Revealed

Learning to Shine

“Hey L,” a growlingly familiar voice greeted Myungsoo as he entered the theater for rehearsal.


He turned towards Suzy with a small smile, “Hey.”


“Where’s Jinyoung?” She asked. Everyone had gotten used to the child coming to rehearsals.


“With Hoya and Dongwoo and the rest of the dance team,” Myungsoo replied. The little one had gotten bored with just sitting around the theater and knew Dongwoo would give him the attention he craved. “Hoya has been teaching him to dance lately, he enjoys it.”


“That’s sweet of him,” Suzy replied, her voice going to that annoyingly high pitch girls use when they want to seem cute. Maybe it wasn’t annoying to everyone, but Myungsoo never found it appealing. “Do you think Hoya would mind watching him until after dinner?”


Myungsoo’s eyes widened, was this girl asking him out? Why would she be doing that? And where was Sungyeol to save him from all of this?


“What? Why?” Myungsoo asked, hoping to get out of it by just acting clueless.


“Well,” the girl in front of him blushed. “I was wondering if you wanted to watch a movie with me. Or maybe go out to dinner?”


“Sorry, I don’t think I can do that.” Myungsoo felt bad rejecting her, but he really couldn’t, even if he wanted to – not that he did, though. “Me and my brother are staying at Sunggyu and Woohyun’s today since people came to work in our apartment and stopped our water and electricity. I don’t want to leave him there alone, he’s not used to the new place.”


“Oh, maybe some other time then,” Suzy looked down at her feet before muttering something about rehearsal starting soon and leaving him to join some of her friends.


Myungsoo sighed, he never liked turning people down, but she wasn’t his type. He really didn’t want anything with any girl besides friendship. Besides, what he said was true. It was only yesterday that he learned his brother’s mother was possibly looking for him and they still had another day before their father returned to Korea.


Once rehearsal was over, Myungsoo walked over to his backpack and checked his phone for any messages, but found none. So, instead, he went to the dance room to find his brother. But when he found him, Jinyoung sleeping in Hoya’s arms. Something just didn’t seem right about it.


“Hoya, what’s going on?” Myungsoo was at his brother’s side in a second.


“He’s sick,” Hoya responded. “I think he has the flu or something. At the beginning of practice he seemed fine, a little tired, but fine. Then after some dancing he got sluggish and then ran for the bathroom and threw up. We’ve just been sitting here since.”


Myungsoo ran his fingers through Jinyoung’s short hair. “And you couldn’t call?”


“Nope. Everyone is relying on you for this play, I couldn’t have you running over here if he was just gonna sleep.” Hoya retorted. If it had been anyone else, Myungsoo would have gotten angry. But Hoya thought of Jinyoung as his own little brother, and Myungsoo knew he could trust his best friend. “Though speaking of the play, I hear a certain lead actress has the hots for you.”


Myungsoo rolled his eyes, “Don’t remind me, can we just get him to Sunggyu’s?”


“Sure.” Hoya smirked.


A few hours later, Jinyoung woke up at Sunggyu and Woohyun’s apartment with a fever demanding his dragon stuffed animal. It had originally been a gift from a fan to their father, but baby Jinyoung found it and never let it go since. Myungsoo really didn’t want to go home to get it, but since his brother was sick and pleading for his stuffed animal, he decided to walk to the apartment just to grab it. Luckily for him, Sunggyu went with him.


“See, I told you before, you’re a great big brother.” Sunggyu commented as they started for Myungsoo’s apartment.


“I just do what any big brother would.” Myungsoo shrugged. He didn’t think he did anything over the top for his brother, but maybe that’s because he mostly hung out with Hoya and Hoya treated Jinyoung the same exact way Myungsoo did.


“Sure,” Sunggyu didn’t seem to believe him. Then, he decided to change the subject. “So I hear Suzy’s got a thing for you and tried again today.”


Myungsoo rolled his eyes, “Why does everyone bring that up?”


“Because we’re friends,” Sunggyu smiled, turning his eyes into little crescent moons on his face. “So I hear she asked you out.”


“She did, but I said no.” Myungsoo admitted. “I told you before, she’s not my type.”


“Well, then what is your type?” Sunggyu questioned.


Myungsoo froze up. He didn’t really know what his type was. Sure he had crushes, but he never seemed to stay with the same type of person. He had fallen for good girls, bad girls, manly boys and girly boys. Whoever caught his attention needed to just shine in a way no one else around did.


“Anything,” Myungsoo decided was the best answer. “I don’t really know, depends on the person I guess.”

“Person?” Sunggyu asked quietly. “Not just girl.”


“Person,” Myungsoo nodded. “My family is really laid back and, well, my dad taught me that I should be open to as much as possible and not be ashamed of what people think. And, well, when my brain likes someone, it’s for things besides gender.”


“Ah, I wish I grew up in such an easy going family.” Sunggyu sighed. “Sounds nice.”


“Not as nice as you’d think,” Myungsoo retorted. While his dad was open to a lot, he also was too busy. Myungsoo hated that when he was little and he still hated it now. “But what about you? What’s your type?”


“Promise not to tell?” Sunggyu asked, his voice dropping to a whisper as if the people around them would care enough about their conversation to eavesdrop.


“Of course.”


Sunggyu looked around them before replying, “Guys.”


“So you’re gay?” Myungsoo asked, eyes widening when Sunggyu’s hand reached up and covered his mouth.


“Be quiet!” Sunggyu looked around, but no one around them really cared. “Don’t talk so loud.”


Myungsoo pried the older boy’s hand away from his face. He spoke again, but this time in a very quiet whisper. “So you like boys?”


Sunggyu nodded. “Yeah, but no one besides Woohyun and Dongwoo know, so you can’t tell anyone.”


“I won’t, your secret is safe with me.” Myungsoo comforted the older. “I won’t tell a soul.”


“Good.” Sunggyu let out a sigh of relief. Suddenly, the atmosphere around them turned a lot more serious, somewhat like it was the night they all drank at Myungsoo’s and the younger told the singer about his dream to become an actor. “I can’t let people find out, people can be cruel.”


And suddenly, it clicked in Myungsoo’s mind. “Is that why you don’t want to be a singer?”


The older boy nodded solemnly. “I can’t become a singer, public image is everything. If I had fans and they knew that I’m-well, the way I am, I’d be done for and probably chased out of the country.”


“You could always keep it a secret,” Myungsoo pointed out as they reached his apartment building, finally. “You’d be amazed at what people can keep a secret.”


Sunggyu shook his head, “I don’t want to live a lie.”


Myungsoo didn’t really want to talk anymore just because it felt like Sunggyu was accusing him of living a lie, even if the older didn’t realize it. But at least he got more of a reason why Sunggyu didn’t want to sing for anyone. It was obvious the older loved to sing, so much he wanted to be a famous singer, but he cherished his privacy too much to let himself be in the public eye. But why couldn’t he tell Woohyun that?


“Well, we’re here,” Sunggyu announced when the elevator opened to Myungsoo’s floor.

The two stepped out of the elevator and walked up to Myungsoo’s apartment. Myungsoo unlocked and opened the door but froze when he heard music playing inside.


“Oh, your dad must be home,” Sunggyu commented as he took off his shoes and took a step forward. Myungsoo was just about to tackle the older boy to the floor when he heard Sunggyu exclaim, “G-dragon?”

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Chapter 18: criessssssssss
why Sunggyu has to be the 'devil' one... he has to be the one to sacrifice.....
i cried so bad at the last part....
Sunggyu had to act like a devil and made Myungsoo hate and broke up with him...
I'm so dead now!
Kyattchan #2
Chapter 19: OW... that end.. just about killed me.. I know there's a sequel and I'm guessing MyungGyu will get together again?
But still... damn. I actually felt so asdghjkl when reading the scene where Sunggyu breaks up with Myungsoo.. Felt like hitting him.. with a chair... haha
Anyway... apart from the end. I love this story. Definitely will read the sequel asap! :)
Chapter 18: :O nooooooooooooooooo sunggyu no!!!! poor myungsoo :'(
k-popfan2013 #4
Chapter 19: amazing story :)
fujoshigirl #5
Chapter 18: I really like this fanfic, I coudn't stop reading.

Can't wait for the sequel, I'm dying to know what's gping to happen with Sunggyu and L
Akira97 #6
Chapter 19: The ending totally killed me. I was so...freaking sad.
I thought they'd end up together, but no worries... I just read your sequel and realized I forgot to review this story!

<3 LOVED IT. Was never a fan of Myunggyu,'ve totally changed my mind.
Chapter 19: This had a sad ending but for the most part my myunggyu feels were just shooting at every direction. I loved that they were shy but managed to be at ease with each other.
And how sunggyu learned the secret was just epic..
Chapter 7: kekek you too held a grudge against jess in shinee's hello baby when she lied to yoogeunnie? XD anyway, i looooove this <3
kiseob_cute #9
Chapter 18: OHMYGOODNESSS WHYYY????? I WAS THINKING THEY WERE GONNA BE HAPPY FOREVER!!! but i kinda knew something was wrong when gyu overslept and didnt bother to meet L no matter how OTP...sigh