First Date

Learning to Shine

After going out for lunch to celebrate with his friends, Myungsoo took his brother home since the little one was still pretty cranky about being woken up so early in the morning. And being the good boyfriend he was, Sunggyu followed him. That’s how the two found themselves pretty much alone on Myungsoo’s couch, just watching television.


“We haven’t been on a real date.” Myungsoo commented, wondering what the older’s reaction would be. He wasn’t even sure if Sunggyu would feel uncomfortable if the two of them went to a nice restaurant and watched a movie after like normal couples did.


“I think you’re right,” Sunggyu commented, “But on the weekends you were so busy with the play we didn’t have time.”


Myungsoo scooted a little closer to his boyfriend and rested his head on the older’s shoulder, “Wanna go on a date tonight? It can be romantic. We’ll go eat at a nice restaurant, I’ll pay, and then you can pay for the tickets for some romantic comedy we can make out during and then go for a walk in the park.”


Sunggyu turned abruptly towards his boyfriend when the words registered in his head. “Wait, what are we doing during the movie?”


The younger of the two burst into laughter, “I was just joking. Well about the making out, but I really do want to go on a date with you. Can we go on one later?”


“I don’t know,” Sunggyu shifted around a bit awkwardly. “Don’t you have to take care of Jinyoung tonight? Maybe we can get the guys together and bring him somewhere. Or we can take him and his friend somewhere, I think he’d like that.”


A pout formed on the younger’s face. “I can drop Jinyoung off with Hoya’s mom or at his friend’s house. Can’t we have a night that’s just you and me? We don’t have to go out if you’re not comfortable with that. I just want to spend alone time with no distractions being a couple.”


Seeing the hope in Myungsoo’s eyes, there was no way Sunggyu could refuse. So he let out a sigh and looked down at his hands. “Okay, let’s go out. Just, well, can we make it not seem to everyone else that there’s something. I don’t want them judging us.”


“Hey,” Myungsoo slid a finger under his boyfriend’s chin to tilt his face up so they could lock eyes, “We don’t have to do this if you don’t want to. I’ll be just as happy as we stay here and I can cook you dinner and we cuddle on the couch and watch some drama. I just want to spend a night with you where none of our friends are making fun of us from the corner or Jinyoung isn’t squished between us, or we aren’t completely focused on something else like my audition or your tests.”


Sunggyu’s eyes softened and he let out a small sigh, “Ok. Let’s go out to dinner later. Just let me go home to get changed first.”


“Okay.” Myungsoo smiled and followed Sunggyu to the door, watching as the older put his shoes on. “I’ll meet you at eight at the mall in front of the theater?”


“Eight it is,” Sunggyu pecked him on the cheek before leaving the apartment.


Myugsoo felt excited, he finally would be able to go on a real date with his boyfriend! But what was he gonna wear?


The boy quickly ran to his closet to see what he had. There were a lot of black clothes, but was that too dark to wear out on a date? Plus, Sunggyu had seen him in most of these clothes, wasn’t he supposed to look more put together and attractive today?


“Hyung, why are your clothes on the floor?” Jinyoung asked an hour later when he walked into his brother’s room.


Myungsoo was going crazy. Part of him felt like he should go raid his father’s closet too, but his dad had a style completely different from his own. Clothes in his father’s closet were extreme. Myungsoo wasn’t extreme.


Would Sunggyu like extreme?


“Hyung!” Jinyoung pouted and wrapped his arms around his brother’s waist. “Don’t ignore me!”


“Sorry Jinne,” Myungsoo ruffled his brother’s hair. “Hyung is just stressed.”


“I help!” Jinyoung bounced excitedly. “Can I help?”


“Yeah,” Myungsoo carried his brother to their father’s room. It wouldn’t hurt to look around at the other clothes.


The two spent a lot of time in there, looking at everything from the expensive suits Jiyong wore to award ceremonies to the pajamas the man bought at some discount store. There was really a wide range of clothes in there, but they all seemed wrong.


“Hyung, you’re already dressed. Why get dressed again?” Jinyoung asked, he gave up ten minutes ago and was watching his brother from the comfort of their father’s bed.


“Hyung is going on a date with Sunggyu hyung later.” Myungsoo answered. He never explicitly told his brother that they were dating, but he was sure the other thought they were. They cuddled and shared short pecks with each other while Jinyoung was near, but the boy never asked any questions so they let him think whatever he wanted. One day they’d probably have to tell him because all his friends probably thought boys only dated girls, but they were just going to let him develop his own opinion.


“A date?” Jinyoung seemed interested. “Can I go on a date?”


Myungsoo turned towards his brother with a chuckle, “When you’re older you can go on a date. Right now you’re my baby brother which means no dating.”


“I can’t wait until I’m a big kid.” Jinyoung sighed before spotting a shirt in Jiyong’s closet he liked. “Hyung wear that one!”


Myungsoo pulled out the shirt with a smile. It was just a basic white graphic tee with a shining silver design. It was simple yet had a unique quality to it he liked. He could pair it with some black jeans and a black jacket and look good.


“Jinyoung you’re amazing!” Myungsoo picked him off the bed and spun around. “Thank you! You’re so awesome!”


Jinyoung giggled happily and continued helping his brother get ready for his date.


After getting ready then dropping Jinyoung off at Sunwoo’s apartment, Myungsoo made his way to the mall and sat on a bench outside the theater a few minutes early. But Sunggyu wasn’t in sight so he just waited.


But then, eight o’clock came and left yet Myungsoo didn’t move.


Fifteen minutes after the agreed upon time, Myungsoo called his boyfriend. Something had to have been wrong if his boyfriend wasn’t there yet. Or maybe he got stuck in traffic, that was a possibility.


But Sunggyu didn’t answer.


Every five minutes after that, Myungsoo either sent a text or called. But the older boy never responded. And that made Myungsoo nervous. Was his boyfriend okay?


It was only around ten fifteen that Sunggyu called him. “I’m so sorry!”


“Hyung, where are you?” Myungsoo shivered. He was relieved nothing horrible happened to his boyfriend. Or at least nothing bad enough to stop him from using his phone.


“I’m at home.” Sunggyu admitted. “I fell asleep and I just woke up now. I’m sorry, please don’t tell me you’re still waiting for me.”


Myungsoo looked around and sighed. Why wouldn’t he have still been waiting?


“Are you still at the mall?” Sunggyu asked when the younger didn’t respond.


“Yeah,” Myungsoo admitted. “I was afraid something may have happened to you and didn’t feel like going home.”


“I’m so sorry Myung,” Sunggyu apologized again. “I can come meet you if you still want.”


“No, the movies are all probably ending right now.” Myungsoo stood up and slowly started in the direction of his apartment. “We can have a real date some other time.”


“That sounds good.” Sunggyu responded. “Are you going to walk home?”


“No,” Myungsoo lied. “I’m actually just about to get into a taxi. How about I call you tomorrow?”


“Sounds good.” And with that, Sunggyu hung up.


Myungsoo looked at his phone and sighed. He had been sitting there over two hours for nothing except to maybe catch a cold. Sunggyu had just made a little mistake so Myungsoo wasn’t mad. He was just disappointed. He just wanted to go on a real date with the boy he liked.

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Chapter 18: criessssssssss
why Sunggyu has to be the 'devil' one... he has to be the one to sacrifice.....
i cried so bad at the last part....
Sunggyu had to act like a devil and made Myungsoo hate and broke up with him...
I'm so dead now!
Kyattchan #2
Chapter 19: OW... that end.. just about killed me.. I know there's a sequel and I'm guessing MyungGyu will get together again?
But still... damn. I actually felt so asdghjkl when reading the scene where Sunggyu breaks up with Myungsoo.. Felt like hitting him.. with a chair... haha
Anyway... apart from the end. I love this story. Definitely will read the sequel asap! :)
Chapter 18: :O nooooooooooooooooo sunggyu no!!!! poor myungsoo :'(
k-popfan2013 #4
Chapter 19: amazing story :)
fujoshigirl #5
Chapter 18: I really like this fanfic, I coudn't stop reading.

Can't wait for the sequel, I'm dying to know what's gping to happen with Sunggyu and L
Akira97 #6
Chapter 19: The ending totally killed me. I was so...freaking sad.
I thought they'd end up together, but no worries... I just read your sequel and realized I forgot to review this story!

<3 LOVED IT. Was never a fan of Myunggyu,'ve totally changed my mind.
Chapter 19: This had a sad ending but for the most part my myunggyu feels were just shooting at every direction. I loved that they were shy but managed to be at ease with each other.
And how sunggyu learned the secret was just epic..
Chapter 7: kekek you too held a grudge against jess in shinee's hello baby when she lied to yoogeunnie? XD anyway, i looooove this <3
kiseob_cute #9
Chapter 18: OHMYGOODNESSS WHYYY????? I WAS THINKING THEY WERE GONNA BE HAPPY FOREVER!!! but i kinda knew something was wrong when gyu overslept and didnt bother to meet L no matter how OTP...sigh