Fan pt. 1

Written Between the Lines


“…she’s your new manager.”




“Well…?” Jungshin spoke.


“Well what?” Tiffany asked. “What’s my job going to be?”


“Uhm, I think I just said it. You’ll be Sooyoung’s new manager.”


“Seriously, what is Tiffany’s job?” Sooyoung said flatly.


“Are you even listening at me? I said, Tiffany will be your new manager.”


“Pfft. You’ve just fooled the whole gang this morning and now you’re doing it again. Come on, just tell us the truth. Tiffany didn’t come here just to make jokes with us.”


Jungshin breathe out a breath of frustration. “Yah, Jinjja. Do you have the notes I wrote this morning?”


“Fortunately, I did.” Sooyoung said as she pulled out the two notes from her pocket. “Why are you looking for this?”


“You know what’s written on the first note?”


“Yeah. Things about you going to Japan, leaving, saying goodbye, some words of advice for the crew and getting me a new mana. . .ger.” Sooyoung stuttered at her last statement. She felt something was not right with where this conversation is heading. Jungshin on the other had a smirk on his face. Tiffany is just listening.


“Let me repeat what you’ve said, okay? You said ‘going to Japan’, ‘leaving’, ‘saying goodbye’, ‘advice for the crew’ and ‘getting a new manager’. Now Soo, would you mind reading my first post script on the second note?”


Sooyoung opened the second letter and silently read the line Jungshin was referring to.




What I’ve wrote on the first letter were all true. . .Well except for me leaving and my family migrating to Japan and the goodbyes. I really love you guys. :-*”








“…migrating to Japan…”







“I guess you know what I mean by now Soo.” Jungshin said. Then he turned his attention to Tiffany. “So noona, can you handle that piece of trouble beside you?”


Tiffany is still in a daze. “I…uhm, yeah. I think I can. What do you think?” she faced a troubled Sooyoung with a smile. Fortunately, the tall girl responded with a smile too but returned his attention to the guy in front of them.


“It’s okay for me, but why? Is there something I did? Have I mistreated you in some way? Did the management tell you to do it?” Sooyoung is still unsure of the reason why does her manager suddenly decide to leave her.




“I believe it’s because of us.”



The three turned their heads to the door where someone spoke. Standing at the doorway were two guys, one is a short guy wearing a baseball cap. The other one was a fat guy wearing a beret. Both of them wear the same sunglasses and the same smile on their faces. Sooyoung suddenly stood up.


“Gary oppa! Gil oppa!” Sooyoung hugged both of them. “How are you? When did you come back from your US tour?” She pulled the two guys to where Tiffany is. Sooyoung was about to introduce Tiffany to Gary and Gil but was surprised when the three did a sort of personal handshake and a fistbump. She looked at them puzzled. “Wait, you three knew each other?”


“Of course. We’re brothers and sisters from different mothers and fathers. Something like that.” Gil said.


“Aish oppa. What kind of explanation was that? Anyways, the truth is, Gary oppa and I are cousins and then I’ve learned that Gil oppa was a cousin of my other cousin. Putting it simply, we all are blood related. Not that close, but still.” Tiffany answered.


“O…kay. So, what do you mean when you said that both of you are the reason why Jungshin gave up managing me?”


“I’ll answer that.” Gary spoke. “Well, you know our manager? He had an accident last week and needs to be confined in a hospital for two weeks. You know we still have the Korean Tour, right? So we asked Jungshin to replace our manager for at least two weeks or so. He agreed to us and made an arrangement to find someone who’ll replace him. And I guess it’s you Steph?” he looked at Tiffany.


“Yep. Well if that’s the case, I think it’s better that I have Sooyoung instead of you guys. Hahaha.”


“Yeah. We know that. You’re too young to manage us.”


“How can you say that oppa? Jungshin is younger than me.”


“But compared to anyone in this room, he has the most mature personality. Right JS?”


Jungshin nodded in approval. “So ladies, do you have questions regarding this matter?”


“I’m good. How about you Soo.”


“Well, since it’s arranged. I’m in.” Sooyoung smiled.

“If that’s the case, you two can go now. Finish recording the other songs. Here Tiff, this is Sooyoung’s planner. You’ll find her schedules here.”


Tiffany got the planner from Jungshin and bade goodbye to the boys inside the office. “Bye Jungshin, bye Leessang oppas. See you next time.” Tiffany hugged her oppas one more time. Sooyoung also bade goodbye to them before helping Tiffany going out of the office.






Tiffany and I were  walking back to the parking lot when Tiffany suddenly stopped. “Uhm, hey Soo. I want to tell you something.”


I looked at her. “Yes? What is it?”


Tiffany held my hands. “You and Jungshin had some kind of bond that makes you look inseparable so I know it’s hard for you to be with me. But just give me a chance to at least make half of what Jungshin can do. I promise to help you and I’ll be a good manager for you.”


I felt loneliness in her voice. It’s my fault that she feels this way. It’s true that I am a little bit mad at Jungshin’s sudden decision without even consulting me. But I am also happy that in the hundreds of people that can be my manager, it was my idol that was chosen by him. I can really sense that’s she’s upset with what I’m showing to her. I suddenly hugged Tiffany. “I’m sorry you’re feeling that way. Yes it’s hard, but hey, look on the bright side. Don’t you know how cool it is to have my idol as my manager? I guess it’s the best thing that happened to me. So don’t be sad, okay?”


“Okay.” Tiffany finally smiled brightly. “So, my beautiful talent. Where are we going now?”


“Beautiful? Oh please. Don’t spoil me with those words. I believe them easily. Haha. Anyways, since you’ve asked. I was also wondering where we should go.” I was thinking hard when an idea popped into my mind. “Yah! I know where. Let’s go to my house. I’ll introduce you to my family.”


Tiffany’s eyes rounded up. “What? This is just the second time we’ve met and you’re already introducing me to your family? Well I’m not the marrying type though. Sorry about that.” Aish. This girl even thinks like that?


“Yah. It’s not like that. I’ll introduce you my long-time friends who were all a fan of yours. I consider them my family and they all live at my house.”


“Really? Wow, that’s cool. I thought…Nevermind.”


“I know. Let’s go.” I opened the door and put her inside my car. I went to the driver’s seat and put on my seatbelt. I notice Tiffany’s seatbelt is still in its place. I was about to put it on for her when I remembered what happened yesterday. Aish. I shouldn’t have kissed her on her lips if I knew she has a boyfriend. I guess this is the time to apologize to her. “Uhm, hey. I’m sorry about what happened yesterday. I shouldn’t have kissed you on your lips if I knew you had a boyfriend.” She looked at me and with a finger, motioned me to come closer. I did, and to my surprise, she kissed me on my lips.


“It’s okay. Now  I’ve evened up our score so don’t worry about it, a’ight? Let’s go.” She smiled at me.


Aigoo this girl. She’s making me so confuse.






Sooyoung and Tiffany arrived at Soo’s mansion. “Wow. And to think you were impressed with my house. You have a freaking mansion Soo!”


“And so do you. Hehe. Come on. They’re probably eating inside.” Sooyoung went out of her car to help Tiffany. They made their way inside into the living room. Sooyoung sat Tiffany on a chair. “Wait here. I’ll just check where they are. Do you want anything? Juice, coffee or me?”


“Haha. Very funny Soo. I’m good.”


“Alright. Wait for me.” With that, Sooyoung left Tiffany in the living room and proceeded to the kitchen.





“Yoohoo. Hey guys!” Sooyoung said as she entered the kitchen. She saw Yoona eating and quickly went to her. “Hey couz, where’s everybody?”


“ardrntfrkngknrw.” Yoona said.




“Ardontfrkingknow.” Yoona replied again.


“Yah, Yoong you’re so gross. Finish the food in your mouth.” Sooyoung said as she fed herself with what Yoona is eating.


Yoona swallowed the lump of food on before talking again. “Sorry Couz. I said I don’t know where they are. All I remember was Hyoyeon and Sunny went out and Yuri went to the gun shop. Jessica, hmm…probably sleeping. Oh, here they are. Hi shorties!” Yoona greeted Sunny and Hyoyeon who entered at the back door of the house.


“What did you say?” Sunny said as she ran towards Yoona. Sooyoung quickly stepped in between the two.

“Come on now Sunny, it’s okay. You know what Yoona is.”


“Yeah. A mentally retarded 25 years old who eats more than she can.” Hyoyeon butted in.


“Mworago? Yah! You…” Yoona was about to attack Hyoyeon but was luckily held by Sooyoung. “Aigoo these kids. Where have the two of you been?”


“We went outside because we forgot the fireworks yesterday. Luckily it didn’t rain. Hey, why are you early today? Don’t you and Jungshin have something to do?”


“Ah, yeah. About that, we have a very special guest here now. I’m sure you’ll be spazzing later when you meet her.”


“Really? Like we’ll shout her name when we see her?”


“Oh come on. Only Jessica spazz like that.” Sunny said. Suddenly, they heard someone shout in the mansion.






“Just like that.” Sooyoung said. She pulled her friends to the living room. “Let’s go guys. Jessi’s such a spoiler.”














Yup..part 1 it is. Part two would be in a couple of days or so. My part two was deleted by my friend. ;( Anyways, at least I've updated a bit.


Sooyoung: Hey you...Yes YOU! I know who you are. You're you right? Why are you being a silent reader? Don't you know how hard it is to make a story withour hearing your thoughts? HOw could you asdfl asjfgakh aewlwa!!!


Tiffany (Gagging Sooyoung's mouth): Stop it Soo. Anyways, to avoid a raging Sooyoung, KINDLY SUBSCRIBE, PLEASE COMMENT, NO WHATEVER. ^_^

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yo...Fan pt. 2 is out.. ^_^


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blackpinkforever #1
Chapter 17: Hiyoooo I love your work authornimmmm
wow, just before the big , the fic goes on hiatus haha. the plot is interesting so far. in terms of style, there are still some grammatical and structural errors here and there.
hope you update. :-)
YulSicSLTTR #3
Chapter 8: .-. I just find this fic
SooFany aren't they the cutest thing e ver?
ArielleKim #4
Chapter 17: still waiting....................
Chapter 17: update soon please
Chapter 17: just finished read ur story author.
Wow really good, i like this story! Hope you gonna update soon ;)
Chapter 17: author! you back /sobs/
i want to read that 'Chance' of your story author. but it's on draft so i can't open it /cries
Chapter 16: author-shi...~
o0o author-shi...~
where are you???
Chapter 16: it is a nice chapter
please update