Part IV

A Sticky Sort of Love

"Do you like me, or do you like him?"

The notes' words flashed through Yuna's mind repeatedly. When she opened up the note and saw those words, Yuna could have screamed. Just who was this guy? She had her hunches, but she didn't want to make any assumptions just yet. As far as she knew, it could be anybody.

Yuna went back to school the next day with alert and suspicious eyes. She had a close eye on every guy in school with a similar appearance to her anonymous sender; anyone taller than her with traces of brown or red hair was on her list. It seemed simple enough; how many people could possibly fit that category?

But to Yuna's dismay, the more she thought about it, the more paranoid she became. It had been a little over a month since the Christmas party; who knows if the guy had dyed his hair since then, or if he had been wearing height-enhancing shoes? It had all happened so fast that it was hard for her to remember all the details. She had been so shocked at the scene in front of her.

She huffed, ruffling her hair a little. If only she had been more alert! She longed to know who he was, how he knew her, if they even knew each other. Yuna was naturally an extremely curious person by nature, and if she didn't at least stumble upon another clue soon she felt like she would explode.

After a while, Yuna realized that she was so preoccupied by the fact that she didn't know who the sender was, that she didn't stop and think hard enough on the note's words. She patted her cheeks with both hands and shook her head. Sometimes she really ought to stop and think for a moment. The note itself was a big clue. It showed that whoever the guy is, he's jealous of somebody.

Yuna thought hard about who the person could possibly be jealous of. It would have to be somebody she hung out with a lot, she realized. And the only guys she really hung out with were-

"Good morning Yuna!" Out of nowhere, Suho appeared by her side and gave her a little wave.

"Yeah," a nasally-sounding Chen walked next to Suho and gave Yuna a small nod of acknowledgement, "good morning."

She glanced at the two boys next to her and gaped. The mysterious sender was jealous of one of these two, and Yuna would have to take the daunting task to find out which one.

A few seconds later, Suho and Chen scrambled to help Yuna when she absentmindedly bumped into a nearby pole.

Yuna sat at her desk, her elbow propped up on the table and her chin resting on her palm. She was flipping through her planner, staring at the calendar days she had drawn a small heart shape. Those days marked were the ones she had received sticky notes from, and she couldn't help but smile as she thought of them. She flipped until she landed on the page of the current month, and drew a heart for the recent sticky note. Her eyes traveled down the paper when she noticed that a certain day was coming up.

Valentine's Day.

Usually Yuna didn't give the holiday any thought. It was only for couples and girls confessing their love anyway; she never had the initiation to give love chocolates to anyone, only obligatory ones to her friends, like Suho and Chen. She didn't do couple-y things, having no boyfriend, and she instead treated it like any other day.

But this year was different. Even if she didn't know who he was, or where he was, she knew there was someone out there that liked her - that someone being her anonymous sticky note sender.

She didn't want to get confident and assume that he would send her a note on Valentine's Day; especially not after the recent ambiguous note. If she had to be completely honest, she was flattered that the sender liked someone like her. She wondered what made her so great in his eyes.

"Yuna!" she heard a voice call out her name. When she gazed up, a group of her girl classmates had bounced near her desk, and they smiled at her. "Do you want to come over and make Valentine's chocolates with us after school today?" one of them asked cheerfully. "It's that time of year again!"

Yuna giggled and nodded her head. "Sure! Meet me at my desk after school?"

The girls chirped in agreement and scampered off. Yuna waved her goodbye and turned her head to see Suho coming towards her desk, an amused smile on his face. He sat down in the desk in front of her and turned around to face her.

"What was that all about?" he asked curiously, leaning over to fiddle with the pencils on her desk.

"Valentine's Day chocolate~" Yuna replied merrily, clasping her hands together.

Suho cocked an eyebrow mockingly. "Is that so?" he smirked, learning his head on his hand and gazing at Yuna. "Giving it to someone special, now are we?"

Yuna looked away and huffed. "I didn't say that."

He gave a small laugh and eye smiled cheekily. "It's written all over your face~" Suho then smirked coolly. "I'll be looking forward to it then."

 "No one said it was for you!" Yuna squeaked in reply before covering . "Oh, just go to your seat Suho!"

The said boy laughed as he made his way back to his seat. Yuna slunk in her seat and watched Suho with a wry smile on her face. It had been a while since Suho had talked to her cheerfully like that, and she felt relieved that the Suho she knew was slowly going back to normal.

A few moments later, the school bell rang, and the group of girls skipped their way to her desk and dragged her out of the room, chatting happily amongst each other. When Yuna spared a glance back at the classroom, she noticed Suho watching them scene amusingly.

A few hours later, Yuna and the group of girls made their way back to the school for their study hall. They had successfully prepared their chocolates for the next day, and promised to meet up again the next year. The small group split up as they all went to their separate classrooms, and as Yuna entered her own classroom she realized that she was a bit early.

Glancing around the room, she spotted Chen in one of the seats, staring blankly at the ceiling. Yuna rolled her eyes with a chuckle and hurried towards him.

"Chen." The boy jumped in his seat, then turned his head sharply to where Yuna was sitting.

"Oh hey," he nodded his head slowly at her. "As you can probably see, I'm still a little sick."

"Yeah, I can tell."

Chen went back to staring at the ceiling and Yuna brought out her notebooks and supplies. Taking one of her pens out to write in her planner, she saw that it had run out of ink and she frowned. Looking back through her pencil pouch, her eyes scoured for another pen when she noticed the mysterious sender's silver pen lying on top of a pile of pencils. Her eyes gravitated towards Chen; she had definitely seen Chen use those kinds of pens multiple times.

Her eyes sparkled with an idea, and she stared intently at Chen before she said, "Hey Chen can I borrow a pen? A black one."

Chen shot her a fleeting smile. "Sorry I don't have any black pens with me anymore, only blue."

"Eh? But didn't you used to always use black pens?" Yuna questioned intently, eyebrows furrowing.
"I let everyone borrow them," he said with a shrug. Yuna stared at him curiously. "Also, if you must know," Chen declared as he caught her eye, "my lack of black pens has caused blue to be my current it color." He lifted his pencil bag and a handful of blue ballpoint pens went pouring down.

Yuna gaped at the blue pens in front of her. She was absolutely horrible at detecting lies, but was Chen lying to her or telling the truth?

Or maybe she was just completely paranoid?

The next day was Valentine's day, and the girls around the school were bustling around, delivering their handmade chocolates to all their friends or their boyfriends, the couples were wearing their matching accessories, and everything just seemed to scream lovey dovey actions and heart chocolates.

Or at least, that's what it seemed like to Yuna. She sat at her desk and grimaced at the sight she saw out the window.

"Hey Yuna!" Chen's voice sounded throughout the classroom, and Yuna spared a glance to her right to see Chen and Suho making their way towards her.

She smiled, and took out from her school bag two wrapped containers of chocolates. She handed one to each of them and made a heart sign with her hands. "Happy Valentine's Day, you two!"

Suho proclaimed his thanks and Chen opened his immediately and popped one into his mouth. "I can't wait until Black Day," he mumbled as he ate his chocolate. "Oooh. It's great as usual, Yuna."

"So," Suho gave her a grin. "Do I still owe you on White Day?"

"That's what White Day is for!" Yuna protested, lightly smacking Suho on the arm. "You better get me something," she demanded cutely, wagging her finger at him. Suho raised his arms up in defeat and smiled at Yuna.

Then the bell rang and Chen got up in alarm, stuffing the rest of the chocolate in his mouth and dashing out of the classroom after saying his thanks. Suho shuffled back to his seat, and class got started.

A few hours later, right before lunch, Yuna stared intently inside her bag after finishing her classwork early. Inside was another chocolates bag, a specially made one, for her anonymous sender. She had pondered with the idea the entire morning on whether or not she should have made one. How would she give it to him anyway? He was nowhere to be seen, nowhere to be found.

Just as the bell rang, signaling it was time for them to eat, Yuna's eyes widened as she came up with an idea. Ripping a piece of paper from her planner, Yuna scribbled something down and stuck it on top of the chocolates bag. Then she quickly gathered her things and dashed towards the lunch area, where all the students of her grade were gathered and ready to eat lunch and enjoy their break before classes resume.

Making sure to make noise and gather some attention to herself, she ran through the lunch area furiously, before skidding to a stop at a more secluded area in the back.

The trees there were big and shady, and she halted to a stop at one of the benches and exclaimed, "Oh! I forgot something!" She dropped down her bag on the bench and the chocolates bag to the side and ran off in the opposite direction back to her classroom.

A few minutes later, Yuna was halfway to her classroom, crossing her fingers and hoping her plan would work. She then walked back slowly to the area she left her things at, and looked expectantly at the bench.

Like she planned, the chocolates were gone.

Yuna breathed a smile of relief, and she slumped onto the bench and swung her legs back and forth. Thinking over what she had done, she felt a little embarrassed. Although she had written a simple "Happy Valentine's Day" on the note, the fact that she had to get the sender's attention the way she did made her feel a little amused.

But she had delivered her chocolates to him, and that was all that mattered.

The wind blew, and the leaves on the tree swayed along as the cool breeze hit Yuna's face. Smiling at her accomplishment, she leaned against the cool tree and opened her bag to take out her lunch.

She gulped when she saw another sticky note lying on top of her books.

"Thank you for the chocolate♥ They taste like your heart, beautiful and pure. It's unlike my own undeserving heart..."

The words made Yuna melt as if she were chocolate, and her heart went out to the boy who always put himself down like that. She decided that whoever he was, he was the sweetest, most deserving heart out there.

The sun's rays shined down the tree, and as Yuna stared at the note she saw more words written on the other side of the translucent paper. Heart thumping and face reddening, she turned the note over. Yuna almost fell down the bench when she read the next words.

 "...and to receive that, I feel a bit selfish... especially considering that I was already given one of your chocolates today."

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Chapter 4: OHMYGOD O.O It's either Suho or Chen >.< My heart >.<
Chapter 4: OMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO authornim STOP you're driving us CRAZY T_T_T_T
HiLoHappiness #3
Chapter 4: arghhh, author-nim, please ended my misery!!! haha, who is the real stickey-lovely-notey sender????
Chapter 3: AAHHHH who does she like ?!?! >.<
foreverachild #5
Chapter 3: suho suho suho!!! our angel leader needs more love :3
Chapter 2: New reader..It's really a cute story..Update soon author-nim
Chapter 2: OMG, cute and cheesy at the same time "Merry Christmas. Maybe someday you can marry me instead". Haha, I do believe this is Chen's doing. I feel like he would be the only cheeky one to write something like that and then steel a kiss from her in the dark.

But omg, broody Suho is tugging at my heart. Does he like her too? A part of me hopes not because I don't want the trio to split because of jealousy...but then a part of me can't help but want to see drama OTL.

Lol but I feel like she's shown more attraction to Suho than Chen, so maybe, if Suho does like her, he'll have better luck with the girl than Chen? Idk, but looking forward to next chapter :)
Chapter 2: omomomomo it's CHENCHEN!!!
Chapter 1: This is the first fic I'm reading with Chen and Suho as main characters and I'm liking the way you portray them. I particularly love Chen's character, his playful teasing is so cute ^_^ Lol, I also thought of the Taiwanese drama "Fated to Love You" with the sticky notes. So adorable that Chen has secretly been giving her notes to cheer her up :)
Chapter 1: ohmygod it's chen :3