Part III

A Sticky Sort of Love

Yuna looked up at the bright white walls of her school towering over her.

She sighed to herself.

Her winter vacation was over, and now she was back at school.

She took her time walking across the hallways to her classroom, trying to relieve the last fleeting moments of her precious winter vacation. Once she entered that classroom, it was goodbye to fun and free time, and hello to studying.


She turned to the sound of her voice, and saw Suho waving and Chen racing towards her. Chen stopped to a skid in front of her and laughed.

"The vacation was fun, huh?" Suho asked as the three walked together, both boys on Yuna's side with her in the middle.

Yuna had mostly spent time with her family at home, catching up on her sleep; she didn't go out much either, save for a few times with her friends and of course, the Christmas party. She reached her hand into one of her jacket pockets, and felt the cool touch of the pen as she it.

"It was really cold," Yuna commented absentmindedly.

Suddenly, Chen coughed, and he rubbed his arms together. "It's still really cold," he shivered slightly and coughed again, except louder. He rubbed his hands against his face and shook his head.

Suho and Yuna glanced at each Chen with concern. "Are you all right, Chen?"

"I hate feeling sick!" Chen yelled loudly. Other students nearby turned to stare at him, and he leaned against a wall sluggishly.

"Should we call the paramedics, Chen? Sickness is making you more of a drama queen than usual."

"Hey," Chen droned, "no sarcasm in front of the lady, Suho."

Yuna laughed at the two boys, and stepped forward in front of them. "We should just take Chen to the infirmary since he isn't feeling well."

At that moment, one of the school nurses passed by and happened to overhear Yuna. "Excuse me, did you say someone isn't feeling well?"

Yuna nodded and pointed at Chen, who had spread his hands across the wall and was staring into space. "That weirdo right there seems to be sick." Chen laughed and Suho cracked a smile.

The nurse stared at Chen weirdly, and Suho waved his hand. "I assure you, he is not drunk."

Chen snorted and hopped off the wall and to the nurse's side. "Don't listen to those two, they spread lies. Can I please go to the infirmary, I feel horrible."

The nurse nodded and began to lead Chen away. Chen turned back and gave them a small salute before using his remaining energy to catch up to the nurse.

The two remaining friends walked to their classroom together. "Drama queen?" Yuna inquired amusingly. "I didn't know you had it in you, Suho."

"There's a lot of things you don't know about me," Suho smirked.

The two shared a laughed and as they entered the classroom, they took their respected seats and started preparing their books. With her hands feeling cold, Yuna slipped both of her hands into her jacket pockets, and to her surprise she felt something crumple in the pocket without the pen. She took both items out, and she saw that somehow a piece of paper had made it into her pocket.

Opening it up, Yuna beamed to see that it was another sticky note. Ever since the day of the Christmas party, she had replayed the scene over and over again, trying to figure out what exactly happened.

It didn't seem to let go of her mind, but she wondered if the sender would ever give her a clue on who he is. And the most recent sticky note wasn't giving her any hints at all. But Yuna still couldn't contain her smile.

"When I feel the rain cloud over my head, you push the clouds away and are the sun that brings the rainbow~☼"

Yuna stared at the walls of Suho's room, which were covered in awards and medals, pictures of him smiling with other class representatives in elementary school, and honor roll certificates. He had a few trophies standing on his bookshelf, glistening in the bedroom light. Rows of textbooks lined his bookshelf, and color-coded notebooks adorned the top shelf. Yuna didn't think Suho could get any smarter.

Then he led her out his room and into the living room. They sat down at a small table, facing each other, and Suho pulled out his homework as Yuna continued to marvel at his house.

It was after school, and Yuna went to hang out and do homework at Suho's house for the first time. It was usually Chen who hung out with Suho at his house after school, but since he was so sick that he had to be sent home, he specifically asked Yuna to go in his place to keep Suho company.

"You'd probably be better company than me," Chen had reasoned raspily, his throat dry from all his coughing. "Besides, you should bond more with Suho. We've been friends for this long but you rarely talk with him one on one."

Being sick was one of the only ways to get Chen to be serious. And Yuna realized that he was actually right (for once); Yuna rarely hung out with Suho without Chen with them or at least nearby, so she decided that she would use this chance to try and learn more about her friend.

Yuna broke off from her thoughts just as Suho opened his mouth to speak, but suddenly the telephone in his kitchen rang. "Sorry," he looked at Yuna apologetically, "let me get that." Suho walked out of the room and as Yuna heard his footsteps grow farther, she crawled near the door and tried to listen. Soon, the ringing stopped and she heard Suho's faint voice mumble into the phone before saying, "Alright, I'll be there in a minute."

Yuna quickly crawled back to her place near the table and looked at Suho, who had just come back in and had started digging for something in his backpack. "My neighbor needs some help fixing her lightbulb," Suho explained in a rush as he continued to dig through his bag. "She's an elderly lady, so she sometimes calls us for help when she needs to."

He pulled his hand out of his bag, holding his set of keys, and got up quickly. "Sorry about leaving you here, but my older brother should be here in a minute or two."

"It's alright," Yuna smiled. "What a gentleman you are, fixing old lady's lightbulbs," she teased.

Suho grinned and spun his keys around. "You can start the homework without me. I'll probably be back in ten minutes." Yuna nodded and he headed for the door.

Then he turned back, crouched down, and leaned forward until his face was close to hers. With a wink, he said, "We can continue this later."

Suho's breath was warm against her cheek, and Yuna suddenly felt her face growing warm. "I-idiot," she stuttered.

He just grinned and made his way out the door. Once he was outside, Yuna heard him call out, "Oh, hyung! Just in time, I need to fix our neighbor's lightbulb. Yuna's inside...yeah, the one I told you about. Hyung! Don't do anything to her!" She heard a deep laugh and footsteps coming towards the door. Yuna had heard about Suho's older brother, but she had never met him before. Suddenly she felt a little nervous, and she anxiously stared at the front door awaiting his arrival.

The man coming in through the door surprised her. She could see that he and Suho looked alike - model-like features, wise looking eyes, and sharp structure - but unlike Suho's slimmer body and youthful face, his brother gave a big and mature impression. When Yuna saw him, she instantly was reminded of those types of people that seem like they never age.

She stood up and bowed respectfully before introducing herself. Suho's brother smiled and sat down on Suho's previous spot by the table. "You must be Yuna! Nice to finally meet you. Suho rarely talks about his friends other than you and Chen."

"Suho talks about you a lot as well." Yuna twiddled with her hair. "Are you really still in college? You look like a model!" She gushed.

He laughed and shook his head. "I'm only four years older than you. But thank you for the compliment, Suho always just rolls his eyes whenever I mention how handsome I am."

"Does he really? He does that with Chen too."

"Chen and I are more alike than it seems, always trying to make cheesy jokes because we're both immature and have no other redeeming qualities," he laughed. "Suho,, that kid..."

Yuna looked at Suho's brother in surprise. "Suho? The super smart guy who fixes old lady's lightbulbs?"

Suho's brother nodded absentmindedly. "Mhm," he stared off into space for a moment before meeting Yuna's glance. "Sometimes, things are not what they seem." He opened his mouth to explain, but at that moment the door opened and Suho came in.

"Hyung! One of your friends is out in the front; he says it's time for you to go to work."

Suho's brother got up and grinned at Yuna. "Sorry about leaving so hastily. Come over again next time okay? We'll be glad to have you." Suho handed his brother a coat as he paced out the door, shutting it tightly.

Sitting down at his previous spot in the table, Suho stretched his arms up and yawned before glancing at Yuna with a smile. Yuna grinned back and pulled out her notebook. "Shall we get started then?"

They had been doing homework for about an hour, helping each other out with their weakest subjects - Yuna's was English, and Suho's was math. Feeling thirsty, Suho got up and grabbed them some drinks from his kitchen, setting it down on the table next to them.

Yuna opened up her can of orange juice and took a sip. "Let's take a break for now, Suho, I'm a little tired." Then she yawned and rested her head sideways on the table. Suho placed his head on the table as well, facing the opposite direction.

"Suho, is there anything you can't do?" Yuna mused, remembering his impressive room, his gentleman aura, and all those times he displayed all his excellent qualities: he could sing, he was good at sports, he had lots of skills. Suho was like a breath of fresh air from the other boys that she knew; they were either immature and lazy, or total slobs.

Suho stayed silent for a few moments. "There is..." he trailed off. Yuna was surprised she didn't notice it before, but his voice had gotten deeper than she remembered. "I...I can't show myself. I may seem like it, but I'm not good at everything. I'm not even close to it. This self that everyone sees...sometimes I it even real?"

His question was left hanging. Yuna closed her eyes. Suho felt close, and she could sense his aura next to her. His musky vanilla scent enveloped her, and she felt the urge to reach up and Suho's hair. Although it was slightly unruly, his hair was soft, and she it gently.

"The self that you show, Suho," she said softly, "is still yourself. I know it. But I also know there's a side to you that you haven't shown me yet."

"But what if I don't have the courage?" Suho turned his head over and faced Yuna. They looked at each other in the eye and Yuna could feel Suho's warm breath on her face. "I can't be like Chen and my brother, always outgoing and loud in front of others. Always fearless."

"You're not them though." Yuna gazed her eyes into his. "You're Suho, and Suho should do what he does best: be himself."

The next day, Chen was still too sick to attend school.

"We should visit Chen later today," Yuna mused as she and Suho sat at the cafeteria to eat lunch.

"Chen? Oh yeah, he's still sick," Suho's expression faltered.

Yuna and Suho decided to visit him after school to bring his homework and books. They would also keep him company until they had to go back to school later that night.

When they reached Chen's house, Yuna knocked on the door and it opened to reveal Chen's mom, who seemed to be in the middle of cooking. "Hello Yuna! Hello Suho!" Chen's mom eagerly smiled at them. She gestured them inside and the two bowed as she wiped her hands on her apron before pointing to a corridor on her left. "Chen's in his room. He'll be so happy to see you two, he's been awfully sick all day."

They thanked her and made their way to Chen's room, which they could easily tell by a poorly scribbled "Chen" written on a poster in the front of his door. Suho knocked first before going in, and the two saw Chen lying down on his bed, his eyes glued to a laptop resting on his lap.

When he noticed them come in, his face lit up and he shut off the laptop and sat up on his bed. There were empty bowls of soup and empty cups of water on the front of his bed, and he quickly picked them up and dumped them on the floor before inviting his two friends to set their bags and books down and sit.

Chen's room was the complete opposite of Suho's - messy, unorganized, and a lack of school and award related items simply because he was too lazy and unmotivated to earn any. Since he felt to sick to speak much, Chen simply listened to their stories of school and the events that happened.

"And so I said, 'Teacher, if you're not going to teach us, then I suggest becoming an ER instead. It probably pays better too,'" Suho told Chen, who laughed silently.

Yuna just chuckled at the two boys when she heard her name being called from a distance. She realized it was Chen's mom calling her, so she got up and told the boys, "Chen's mom is calling me. I'll be right back."

She left quickly and found Chen's mom holding a tray with bowls of food for the three friends. Feeling flustered, Yuna thanked Chen's mom for her generosity and carried the tray back to Chen's room. She found that both boys were being unusually playful, and were trying to balance their textbooks on their heads with their eyes closed.

Yuna giggled, set the tray down on an empty desk, and made her way to the two boys. She stared at both of them; Chen had a concentrated face and shut eyes with one of his history books on his head, and Suho had the same expression. Laughing, she decided to poke Suho lightly on his stomach. Suho's eyes opened and he stumbled, falling onto the bed and the book falling to the floor.

Chen heard this and saw that he won, and pointed at Suho and laughed at his face.

"Yuna!" Suho whined. "I was in the middle of something! You should have just poked Chen!"

"Nope, the ill boy gets special treatment today," Yuna winked. Chen gave her a thumbs up.

Suho just rubbed his head and got up, noticing the tray of food. "Oh, is that for us? Chen, tell your mom we said thank you." Chen nodded, and Yuna passed everyone their own bowl of food before digging in herself. Once they were done, Yuna got up to return the tray to Chen's mom and say her thanks.

When she got back to Chen's room, she saw Chen pointing at his clock and indicating to them that their study hall would start soon. In a rush, the two gathered up their things and said their goodbyes to Chen and his mother, and walked as quickly as they could back to school.

The air had gotten cold since it was finally night, and luckily Yuna had a pair of gloves, where she shared one glove with Suho.

Suho glanced at his watch and saw that they only had a few more minutes to get to the classroom. Firmly, Yuna grabbed Suho's non-gloved hand and ran, pulling Suho with her as much as she could. They made it to the classroom just in time, and since it was already almost full, the only available seats were far from each other.

The two quickly let go of each other's hands, flustered when people started mumbling about them, and Suho returned the glove and went to the first empty seat near the middle. Yuna found an empty seat at the very back, and once the teacher came in, everyone opened their books and started studying.

To Yuna's surprise, the material she was currently studying she already knew already, for it was part of the homework Suho was teaching her about the other day. She decided to clean out her bag in the meantime; since she was at the very back, the teacher couldn't really see what she was doing, and she wouldn't get reprimanded for it.

Once Yuna finally sorted through all her papers, she had placed her gloves in her pocket when she heard the familiar crinkling sound. Curious, she reached in her pocket again and took out another crumpled sticky note. At first she thought that this was the previous one she had gotten, but she clearly remembered putting that certain sticky note in her room.

Her heart raced at the sight of the new sticky note, and she bent her head down so none of her classmates surrounding her would be able to see. With one last look at the teacher, she put her head down over one of her books, and covered the book with her hair so it looked like she was reading. As silently as she could, she unfolded the note and her eyes widened at the words written on the paper.

"Do you like me, or do you like him?"

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Chapter 4: OHMYGOD O.O It's either Suho or Chen >.< My heart >.<
Chapter 4: OMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO authornim STOP you're driving us CRAZY T_T_T_T
HiLoHappiness #3
Chapter 4: arghhh, author-nim, please ended my misery!!! haha, who is the real stickey-lovely-notey sender????
Chapter 3: AAHHHH who does she like ?!?! >.<
foreverachild #5
Chapter 3: suho suho suho!!! our angel leader needs more love :3
Chapter 2: New reader..It's really a cute story..Update soon author-nim
Chapter 2: OMG, cute and cheesy at the same time "Merry Christmas. Maybe someday you can marry me instead". Haha, I do believe this is Chen's doing. I feel like he would be the only cheeky one to write something like that and then steel a kiss from her in the dark.

But omg, broody Suho is tugging at my heart. Does he like her too? A part of me hopes not because I don't want the trio to split because of jealousy...but then a part of me can't help but want to see drama OTL.

Lol but I feel like she's shown more attraction to Suho than Chen, so maybe, if Suho does like her, he'll have better luck with the girl than Chen? Idk, but looking forward to next chapter :)
Chapter 2: omomomomo it's CHENCHEN!!!
Chapter 1: This is the first fic I'm reading with Chen and Suho as main characters and I'm liking the way you portray them. I particularly love Chen's character, his playful teasing is so cute ^_^ Lol, I also thought of the Taiwanese drama "Fated to Love You" with the sticky notes. So adorable that Chen has secretly been giving her notes to cheer her up :)
Chapter 1: ohmygod it's chen :3