Come Closer

A Boy like no one else.

(Photo: Song Seunghyun)




It's good to get help and to know that you are not unimportant.

I'm feeling very happy, but still I have the feeling, that i coud be not cool enough to be a true friend from Junhyung.

Punctually at 3 pm, I was standing in front of Junhyungs frontdoor. I rang and just heared the bark from a dog, then i could hear Junhyungs voice and got totally nervous.

"Shout up!", he said and opened the door with a little dog on his arm.

"Please come in, don't feel disturbed.", he smiled and directly i could feel his coolness again.

I took off my shoes and looked around. It smelled good, just like Junhyung.  

**His flat is small, but quite tidy. And his dog is such a cutie and this scent! Love it!**

"Come on, just follow me, we will learn in the kitchen. I have no table in my room.", Junhyung ordered.

I followed him into the kitchen and looked at him from behind. I can remember, that Junhyung said one time that he likes his the most. I like his too. XD I sat down on a chair and looked at him excitedly. 

"Do you want something to drink?", Junhyung asked friendly.

"Yes, what do you have there?" I asked thankfully.

"Coce, Juice, Mineral Water..", he enumerated.

"Then i like to have some Coce, Please.", I said.

Junhyung gave me a glass of Coce and sat down, too. 

"I Love Coce, you know.", he said and laughed.

"Really? Coce is my favourite drink." I smiled and took a sip.

One thing, that connects us - We love Coce


"But now, we talk about important things.", Junhyung said and took his math book.

"You're right, please open page 45. I don't check this tasks.", I answerd helpless.

"Ok, that's easy. I will explain it to you.", he said and approached. 

I saw, how Junhyung moved closer to me and it felt good, because he's so perfect to me. 

**He comes closer! OMG, what happens? Does he want to be near? What would he say, if he would know that i want to be close to him?**


Junhyung explained it clearly, but I was with my mind somewhere else. I just had a strange feeling, because i found Junhyung so interesting, but didn't know if he loves him too or not? 

Then Junhyung asked me if i got it and of course i felt a little bit mean, because i didn't listen to him. I just affirmed it, because it would be embarrassed to say 'Sorry i didn't get it, cause i was dreaming about you and me'.

Around 7 pm, I had to go. We went to door and i took on my shoes.

"So we see us tomorrow and thank you that you helped me.", I thanked and still felt bad.

"No problem. Have a nice rest of your evening.", Junhyung answered self-evident.

After this, he gave me a hug and opened the door. I left the flat and we was waving each other.

**His hug felt so tight. He smelled so good. Please can it happen again?**

Arrived at the bus station i was waiting for a while. Then the bus came and i went in and drove home. 

This was the best math help i've ever had.


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PetShawal #2
Chapter 9: Cuuuuute <3 but I wish you had elaborated the bed scene just a bit more *pout*
Chapter 9: "Gently their lips touched and became one" *____*
junhyung dieser Lausbub! :D
Chapter 5: ist doch super geworden :)
Chapter 4: aaahh junhyungs hug *________*
Even if it‘s just the foreword, it‘s great <3