It's a small world

I can't shine without you


Youngbae’s POV

I woke up by the sun shining into the room. We had been so caught up that we had left the room in a mess. I cuddled into her and sniffed her nape. Last night was amazing. I really don’t know if it was the act itself or because I was so incredibly close to Byul. She opened her eyes and smiled.

- Good morning, I whispered.

- Good morning…

She stretched then curled into a ball again.

- What time is it?

- Seven…

- Good, then I’m not late for work.

She got out of bed and I pulled her back in.

- Round two? I smirked.

- Haven’t you had enough? We were at it all night…

I kissed her exposed shoulder.

- Stop it, I have to work…

She giggled.

- You don’t have to work, I can take care of you…

- Youngbae, I want to work.

She got up and quickly got dressed, she kissed me then left.

- I’ll call you after work, okay?

- Okay.

She smiled and I watched her disappear.

Byul’s POV

I was exhausted at work and I could hardly focus on what I was doing.

- You didn’t come home yesterday so I thought you might need this.

I looked up and saw Min Ho holding a big cup of coffee.

- What are you doing here?

- Visiting my best friend?

- Are you even allowed to be here?

- You tell me. You’re the one working here.

I laughed and took a sip.

- Thank you for the coffee.

- So you finally gave away your V-card?

- Shh! Not so loud!

- We’re in your office, there is no one here except us.

I pointed to my boss door.

- That’s my boss office.

- Can he even hear us?

- I rather not risk it.

- Anyways.

He leaned back in the chair and crossed his legs.

- I met someone.

- Really?!

- Who? Tell me!

- Calm down, everything takes it’s time. So I met him a few weeks ago at a bar and it’s safe to say we got along.

- Will I be able to meet him?

- You could have met him yesterday but you were big banging Youngbae.

- Will you stop it!

He laughed and I blushed.

- By the way Sun-Mi told me you introduced her to Big Bang! I thought we were friends T_T

- Does it matter you were busy yesterday anyways.

- Yeah yeah. This guy looks like something out of a drama, I seriously feel like Jan Di. Or Gil Ra Im!

- You need to stop watching tv.

- What am I supposed to do, you’re never home anymore.

- I’m sorry…

- Ah, it’s alright now that I got a loverboy of my own.

I laughed.

- Loverboy, really?

We both bursted out laughing when the door opened and my boss came out.

- Byul, when is my next client coming? And I still need to sign those papers, are you done sorting them out?

He looked up from his hand phone and surprised looked at Min Ho.

- Oh, this is my roommate Min Ho.

Min Ho awkwardly laughed and Mr. Lee just awkwardly nodded and went back into his office.

- Is that your boss? He said and scratched his neck.

- WHAT AM I GOING TO DO?! I’M SO GOING TO GET FIRED! Did you see his face?! He was probably so pissed that he couldn’t speak T_T Ottokae?! Ottokae?! WHAT AM I GOING TO DO?! Youngbae is going to get happy if I get fired T_T

- Let’s just clear something out. You’re not going to get fired that’s for sure.

I looked at him confused.

- Is that man your manwhore boss who seduces secretaries and tried to take you to a fundraiser aka get into your pants?

I nodded and he burst out into laughing.

- Oh my god. I’m really in a drama.

- Min Ho what on earth are you talking about?

He laughed so much he was crying.

- I should have realized this when you first told me. It’s so obvious!

I just got more and more confused.

- Min Ho, have you lost your mind?

He got up and opened my boss door without knocking.


- Hey, you manwhore, no one knows? Wow you’re a sneaky bastard.

I pulled him out of his office.

- WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! GOD WHAT HAVE I DONE TO DESERVE THIS?! T_T I’m so sorry, sir. I don’t know what’s wrong with him! This will NEVER happen again!

- What is wrong with you Byul, can’t I even talk to my own boyfriend?

I let go of his arm.

- Your b-boyfriend? You’ve seriously lost your mind. No, wait I’ve lost my mind. This is a dream.

My boss walked out of his office and smiled shyly.

- It’s fine Byul.

- You’re dating my boss?!

Min Ho laughed and dried his tears.

- You’re not firing me?

He shook his head.

- Could we possibly keep this on the down low, it’s really new too me…

- Yeah yeah. No problem. But the thing is now that you’re my boss, that’s dating my best friend who also happens to be my roommate which means you’ve been in my apartment and this all so new to me. I’m seriously losing my mind… 

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cri_mson #1
Hahaha her boss is minho's boyfriend, I thought he will be the 3rd wheel between byul and yb..<br />
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kikokang #2
Please update soon, I'm missing this fic
hey you stopped when it was just about to get good. oh dang I just admitted that I have a somewhat y mind. Oh I love Sun-Mi, she is awesome
hahaha that boss of hers really thought he had her, but guess what Mr. Boss she has Taeyang so yeah lol. OMG Sun Mi is gonna FREAK when she sees who Byul's boyfriend is and who 'his' friends are, I know I would. Oh I can't wait to read the next chapter it should be fun
oh Taeyang is jealous kekeke. he is just adorable. I'm happy that she changed jobs
yay the sequel is here oh what are they gonna go threw ???