New beginnings

I can't shine without you


Youngbae’s POV

- Are you sure about this?

- Youngbae, seriously. I’m just changing jobs.

I sighted.

- What on your mind?

Her hand caressed my cheek.

- I… I just liked having you close…

- Well think about it like this. This job is going to make me happier, and also you’ll appreciate the time you’re spending with me.

- I already appreciate it!

She smiled and kissed me.

- What do I have to do to make you feel better?

I raised one eyebrow and smirked.

- Ha! You’re funny. Not going to happen.

- What? I’m a guy to!

She gave me one last kiss.

- Call me oppa.

- What?

- You asked what you had to do to make me feel better. Call me oppa. You’ve never done that before.

She sighted.

- Youngbae oppa~ I love you, Youngbae Oppa~

I couldn’t help but to let out a little chuckle.

- Okay, fine. 

She smiled.

- But did you really have to dress like that?

She was dressed in office wear, but with her own twist, it looked young and y for some reason.

- What?

I bit my lip.

- For god’s sake, Youngbae, You’re making me age ahead of time.

Byul’s POV

There were many reasons to why I changed jobs. Mostly because the guilt trip Seung-hyun gave me. Sure we were friends but still, he had his way of teasing me. And also because I kinda imagined me working in an office, recently I had gotten a job at an office for some business hot shot. I was his secretary, I guess working at YG with Big Bang was a good thing to have on your resume. My job assignments were kinda the same. Make some phone calls, get coffee, food or anything else he needed and book meetings. Easy enough and the pay was really good.

I did appreciate the way Youngbae was acting. I smiled to myself. I really liked when he was a bit jealous. I really don’t know why but I just found it really cute.

- Okay, we’re here!

Youngbae pulled up in front of the huge skyscraper.

- What is it?

- It just hit me that the office I’m going to is on the 50th floor.

- Scared of heights?

- You have no idea…

- You could always quit, he said and smirked.

- Fears are meant to be faced.

I was about to get out of the car when he grabbed my arm and pulled me back in.

- What?

- No good bye kiss?

I leaned in and gave him a quick peck.

- That doesn’t count as a kiss, he said and pouted.

I smiled and got out of the car, before I closed the door I said to him:

- I promise, I’ll give you a better one if you come and pick me up after work!

He smiled and I got into the building.

“Please no glass elevators, please no glass elevators.”

I got to the elevators and of course they were made of glass. I took a deep breath and got in. I pressed the floor I was going to and closed my eyes. I was facing the door so I wouldn’t have to look out. The elevator stopped and I opened my eyes. 20th floor… A girl walked in and I closed my eyes again.

- Scared of heights?

I slightly opened my eyes and nodded.

- It gets easier if you talk to someone and stop thinking about it.

She smiled warmly.

- I’m Sun-Hi.

- I’m Byul.

- You’re going to the 50th floor too?

- Yeah, it’s my first day.

I felt less conscious of the height when talking to her.

- Are you perhaps the new secretary?

- I am.

She smiled at me.

- I heard you used to work at YG entertainment. I’m so jealous~ she pouted.

Sun-Hi had that natural aegyo and a warm personality. You kinda couldn’t help but to like her. She was also extemely beautiful.

- Did you ever meet Big Bang?

- I did.

- Seriously?! I’m so jealous. Seung-hyun oppa is totally cute.

I smiled and realized that I wasn’t scared to death anymore. The elevator stopped and we got out.

- Byul, let’s be friends okay?

I nodded and we quickly exchanged phone numbers.

- Call me when you have a lunch break, I’ll wait for you!

I felt so much more at ease when I made a friend. I walked into the office where the owner of the company was. Aka, the man I would be working for. The first room I went in to was a reception.

- Byul?

The girl behind the desk looked young and extremely pretty. I kept wondering if he only hired beautiful women. Wow, that really sounds like I think I’m some kinda beauty queen.

- Yes.

- Mr. Lee is waiting for you inside his office. The first office is yours but the one after that is his.

I just nodded. I had my own office? I opened the door and there it was. My own office. Once side had a big window instead of a wall and I could see a big part of Seoul from it. It was decorated in white with some green plants. Really modern and simple. I really loved the simplicity. I knocked on the door before entering. His office was breathtakingly beautiful. It had the same style as mine and the rest of the building but still, it was beautiful. Glass, green plants and white seemed to be the ongoing theme. He looked at me up and down and smiled.

- You’re finally here, Byul.

- It’s nice to meet you Mr. Lee.

- Your name really suits you.

- I’m sorry, I said and looked at him confused.

- Star. Your beauty alone could brighten up even the darkest sky.

I just nodded and couldn’t help but to laugh at how stereotypical he was. Creating a big company with the funds of his already rich parents adding to their wealth and also a playboy. Wow, he’s really something. And with his looks he looked more like a drama actor than a owner of a company.

- Well, what I want you to do today is basically just call up some clients, book some meeting and learn how we work around here. It’s easy work.

I just nodded and heard how the door knocked.

- Come in.

The same receptionist as I earlier spoke with came in.

- Mr. Lee, Mr. Baek is here.

A man in his 40’s came into the room. He looked extremely handsome for his age. He had wide shoulders and some lines in his forehead which gave him this bad boy look. Him and Mr. Lee looked extremely alike.

- Hyung!

They looked excited to see each other but I felt how his gaze was on me.

- And who might this be?

- Meet Byul, she’s my new personal secretary.

- Nice to meet you, I said and bowed.

He smiled.

- You should take her to the fundraiser next weekend. She would definitely be a great front for your company.

- I’m not dumb.

They both laughed.

- I’ll leave first, I said and bowed before leaving the room. Fundraiser? What on earth were they talking about?

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cri_mson #1
Hahaha her boss is minho's boyfriend, I thought he will be the 3rd wheel between byul and yb..<br />
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kikokang #2
Please update soon, I'm missing this fic
hey you stopped when it was just about to get good. oh dang I just admitted that I have a somewhat y mind. Oh I love Sun-Mi, she is awesome
hahaha that boss of hers really thought he had her, but guess what Mr. Boss she has Taeyang so yeah lol. OMG Sun Mi is gonna FREAK when she sees who Byul's boyfriend is and who 'his' friends are, I know I would. Oh I can't wait to read the next chapter it should be fun
oh Taeyang is jealous kekeke. he is just adorable. I'm happy that she changed jobs
yay the sequel is here oh what are they gonna go threw ???