Christmas with SHINee (SPECIAL)


Let's say, we all spent Christmas with family and yeah, it's a great time. Watching those cute shiny decorations in the stores, the cute christmas trees, etc... Its' a good time. We all gotta admit, we're kind of excited with the presents. But the most important is that Jesus Christ was born in this special day and that we must spend it with our family or friends. If we're with our loved ones then it's great.

Well, what will SHINee think of this special festivity? How do they spend it? A special for Christmas that will make you laugh or even cry, I don't damn know whatever is your opinion but the truth is that I can't make one of those corny sentences people put in the end of the synopsis. So, read on! Or else... *next day, you disappeared*


Main Characters:




SM Town


Note: This is just a special. It may have a bit of the couples I ship (like MinYul or whatsoever) but it's mainly about how our dear SHINee family spends Christmas and how they're important for each other. Well, taking that sentence away, it's a special comedy with Christmas stuff. Salut!



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