Offer letter

Our P.R.O.M.I.S.E

" Tok tok tok ", my room's door being knocked by someone. I'm still on my bed and I'm lazy to open it. 

"Hey, open this door ! ", my lil brother shouted.

" Don't disturb me ! I wanna sleep ! Go away ! ", I said to him.

" I just want to give a letter. Faster, open this door or I just throw away your beloved mp3 player.

I quickly opened the door after being threatened by my bro.

He gave me a letter. I closed the door after took the letter from him.

What letter is this ? That questions puzzling in my mind.

I opened the letter.

~ Kyung Hee Cyber University ~

" Mwoya ? University ?, I shouted.

I sighed alone. This is what I'm waiting for but I don't want to put a burden to my mom to pay for the fees.

" I better throw this letter". I threw it out from my room window and I took my bath.



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