Chapter 2

Mystery High
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♈Chapter 2



Alice cocked an eyebrow at the two girls currently arguing in her new dorm room.

"This isn't fair! We even put each other down as requested dorm mates!" Jessica shouted, irritated at the school's silly mistake of dorm arrangements.

"It's not that big of a deal," Holly sighed and smiled to ease down her friend's rage. "At least we're in the same dorm. Besides, you only have one roommate. You're fine," she tried reasoning with the girl.

"Uh, do you know how much of our money just went into the making of this school?" Jessica remarked and crossed her arms."And they couldn't have been nice enough to put us in the same dorm!"

"It's our parents money actually."

"Same thing," the older rolled her eyes and clucked her tongue. 

Alice cautiously knocked her closed fist onto the open door, hoping to get the two to stop fighting.  The girl's within the room turned around, startled, and Holly stepped forward towards the witch. "Hi, I'm Holly and this is your roommate Jessica." A tight smile formed on her plump lips and she pushed the latter forward.  Jessica mimicked Holly, grabbing her arm as well. "I'm on the left!" She yelled out as she dragged her friend out of the dorm and down the hallway to who knows where.

Alice was about to question her new dorm mate's strange attitude, but decided strongly against it. Dragging it along, she plopped her suitcase onto the bed on the right. "Well, home sweet home."


Hana sighed sadly as she reluctantly parted from her sister. "You'll be fine. Don't worry!" Hyuna said optimistically and hugged the girl before walking out of Hana's dorm room. "Oh, you have got to be kidding me!" A voice was heard in the hall seconds later, causing Hana to walk out in time to see her sister.  Her worried expression deflated as she noticed the man she met outside was there smirking, before Hyuna.

"Boy, you better not be living here." Hyuna's irritated voice said and she grimaced at the cocky man. Haru sent her a flirtatious smile."And what if I am?" His voice came out sultry and soothing, making the girl cringe even more. Hyuna stepped forward and jabbed her finger in his chest, "If you so much touch no- look at my sister the wrong way I will cut off your and throw them into a shark invested river!" She could barely form a coherent sentence as she felt her blood boil within her. 

"Sharks live in the ocean, sweetheart." Haru replied impassively and chuckled.  Hyuna huffed and strutted down the hallway. Haru looked at the girl, well with his eye's aimed lower. He his heels to meet the younger sister of the interesting girl, but she was no longer there. Haru shrugged, then continued to make his way to his own dorm.

Hana laid her forehead against her closed dorm door. Most of the time she would stand up to someone trying to bully her or someone else, but at the moment she didn't want to make enemies with anyone. Besides, she knew Hyuna could take care of herself, one annoying snake won't change anything.

"What are you doing?" Hana whirled around and was startled by the two unknown occupants in the room. Minseok waved with a smile from his spot sitting on Claire's bed. Claire had a camera in hand and it looked like she was showing the boy the pictures it contained.

The elf jumped off the bed and quickly grasped the girls hand to shake it. "My name is Minseok! Sitting on the bed is Claire, we're your roommates!" "Yo." Claire saluted with her two fingers and snapped a photo of the girl above. Hana blinked and heard the boy's chuckle from her right.  "Uhm, it's nice to meet you too," Hana nervously laughed and brought her luggage up to her bed. "My name's Hana."

Minseok walked back over to Claire's bed, but not before peeking over Hana's shoulder. "Wow, well don't you have a for the Korean flag colors." He laughed as he noticed that the contents within the luggage consisted of clothes mostly in red, black, white, or white, hence the Korea flag reference.  Hana smiled and rubbed her nape as she nodded. "Y-yeah, I guess you can say that..." 

The girl finally situated herself and jumped on the bed, crossing her legs and resting her head on her palms. She eyed the photographer from across the room, and eventually catching her attention. "Yes?" Claire spoke and Hana jumped. "Um, nothing...It's just, you seem really different," she said and broke the awkward eye contact.  A light laugh escaped Claire's lips and she nodded, lifting herself up from the bed. "Is it that noticeable?" she asked with a tilt of her head. "I'm not a creature, I guess you can say. No offense!" She quickly turned to Minseok and he laughed and shook his head. "Yeah, yeah. None taken."

"I'm basically a simple human. I don't morph into anything like shape shifters, but I know what they're going to morph into." After Claire's explanation, Hana eyebrows furrowed and she scratched her head, staring deeply at the human. "Uhm, I'm sorry. I don't understa-" "I can see things before they even happen. Example: you're going to sneeze right now." An achoo! left Hana's mouth, and she was handed a tissue by the non-effected girl. "Bless you!" Minseok hollered and he ped his guitar case, revealing the large acoustic instrument. Hana sniffled. "Well I see you've come use to this quickly." The boy laughed and strummed the guitar lightly, tuning the strings. "Well, with going to a Supernatural school and all, I think it's something that's mandatory to get used to." Hana lips formed in an 'o' shaped and she nodded.


An irritated groan departed from the man's lips, as he ped the front pocket of his luggage, searching frantically for the key to his dorm. Damn. I had it when I left the car. Where the hell is it? Haru frowned and patted his pants' pockets but, unfortunately, there were no keys. "Ahem," a woman cleared and Haru sighed, looking up at the girl in a flowing white dress standing in front of him. He straightened up and smiled gingerly. "Hey, look. I'm sorta in a sticky situation right now, sweetheart. Maybe when I'm done, we can get straight to it, alright?" He cocked his head to the side and winked, displaying a charismatic smile. The girl couldn't help but to laugh at the man's words, making him look clueless. She raised an eyebrow and opened her hand to reveal a silver key. The girl swung it from her finger and tossed it to Haru. "Er, no thanks. You need to take me out on a few dates before that happens, honeybunches." Haru caught the keys with ease and smirked as he opened the door with them. The girl walked in and he followed. "So, do I get to know your name, or should I call you my life savior." She cringed at the thought, tossing her bag on a bed and turned to face him. "Belle would be great." 

The man nodded and extended his arm forward. "Baem Haru at your service. I can already tell that being roommates with you will be a delight." He winked again and Belle refrained herself to roll her eyes. Forgetting about the hand of the man, she turned around. "Oh? Someone else was already in here." Haru gave up and shoved his hands in his pocket, looking up at the occupied bed with a luggage surrounding it. "Yeah, seem

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Chapter 10: I love the story. ;;
pinkshika #2
Chapter 11: Is it to late to send in my character? I just started reading.
Chapter 14: I'm glad someone adopted it!!
keykim #4
Chapter 14: Oh, glad that it's been adopted!
We'll just have to wait and see =)
Chapter 14: I really love this story tbh!! ;;
If I wasn't so busy I would adopt it, but I am too busy rn! WHY MUST COLLEGE BE SO TIME CONSUMING? ;;
Chapter 12: lmao the way you characterize Haru is hilarious. he's definitely the player that's could potentially be harassing.. just about everyone? haha

salutations with two fingers? perfectttt. I'm surprised she didn't go with "Bless you" before the actual sneeze, but telling her works too :P

"I hate ugly people."
wow really? LOLLL we've got some interesting characters here, idol and OC. rolling toilet paper, never done it as an ice breaker, but it's a good idea.

now for those secretive glances to lead to our next chpt? :D
keykim #7
Chapter 12: OMG this is so cute!
My teacher actually did that same toilet paper roll thing back in high school!
Haha I like the variety of personalities in the characters. Sounds like a huge potential for a lot of drama
Chapter 12: Woot woot~ I really liked the idea of this game, it makes introducing the characters much more interesting. :P