The Spirit of Exo

Mingled Thoughts

I actually wasn't planning on doing these guys yet until I felt more stable in my writing, but I got this assignment in my creative writing class and this idea came to me and wouldn't leave. So, here is an attempt at an Exo fanfic.

A/N: The names will change if I actually do continue the story on AFF. My teacher wanted me to stray away from Korean names and fanfiction, but somehow, I keep going back to it... (I guess it also works in my favor that the setting is an alien planet and I can do whatever I want) So yeah, the names don't match up, but that would change should I decide to continue it at your request. Except, the main characters name would stay the same.

A/N2: This is completely different from my previous fluffy fanfic, but I wanted to try something new. Tell me how I did.

A/N3: The beginning part in italics is the quote that I came up with that started this whole plot. The part underneath it might be the Forward/Description or something.



Sometimes, when the world seems dark and gloomy, like the sky during a heavy storm, there are still small pockets of clear sky in the distance, giving light and hope.  Those pockets keep us going, keep us fighting, until we reach that peace and tranquility. 


Millions of light years away from what is known as Earth, in another universe entirely, orbits a planet called Exo.  For many ages, the people of Exo prospered, reaping the benefits of the lush land around them.  However, darkness crept onto their planet, masking their beautiful sky in a shroud of black, darkening their sun until is pulsed with a smoldering, blood-red hue, bringing almost no light at all.  No one knew how this had happened, what had caused it, or how to reverse this awful fate.  They had no choice but to continue on with their lives, watching the sky with worry and fear.  After a few years, without sunlight, crops began to wither, refusing to grow.  Soil that once abounded with fertility lay dry and cracked on the ground.  Forests that once were made of huge, lush green trees now showed skeletons of their former glory, their bare arms reaching for the light that used to be, but never will again.  The people of Exo withered as well, pathetic pale creatures that fought to survive any way they could.  With the darkness, fear arose.  Those monsters of the night that were kept at bay for the light –vampires, werewolves, ogres, zombies– now roamed freely, wreaking havoc wherever they traveled, leaving behind only fear and anguish.  People were starving.  More people died every day.  Hope ran out, and no one knew how to bring back the light.


“Mimi!” my mother called sharply.  I quickly set down the dirty dishes I had been washing and ran to her.

“Yes, mother?” I asked.

“What is this?  You call this clean?” she gestured to the folded clothes I’d just taken down from the line.

Slowly exhaling, I muttered, “I’ll wash them again.”

“No, I will do it myself.  Go finish the dishes.  And do it right.”

After nodding my head, I scurried away to the kitchen, a last glance of the excess dirt rising off the cloth hurting my chest.  I scrubbed the dishes furiously, determined to remove the grime, placing them carefully back in the cupboards.

“You okay?”

My head whipped up at the voice.

“Yeah, I’m fine,” I murmured to my brother, going back to my work.

“She doesn’t mean to speak like that.  The past few years have been hard on everyone.”

I scoffed.  “Of course she’s means to speak like that.  It’s understandable, though.  Here she is, with her wonderful homemaker powers, with a husband who can help the community with his earth powers and a son who can help hunters because he can hear the rustling feathers of a hawk ten miles away.”  My voice turned bitter.  “It’s reasonable for her to feel disappointed in her only daughter, one who doesn’t have a power.”

“But you are the strongest of all of us,” Jiji reasoned, attempting at comforting me.  “You are the most determined.  You have the broadest range of skills-”

“Jiji, no matter how many times we have this conversation, nothing is going to change.  Mother will forever go on hating me.  Father will always come home dirty and tired and fallen-hearted.  You will be the best asset to the hunters, as how it has been since the day you turned twelve.  And I,” I sighed, “I will be the family letdown, the shameful shadow of an otherwise perfect family.”

“You know, I think you do have a power.  The power of forever being pessimistic,” Jiji responded sarcastically.

“Shane has that power, and he helps us with our defenses, making sure our village doesn’t get plundered.  Even if I had that, I could be useful.”

Jiji groaned.  “You know what, I give up.  I give up trying to convince you.”

I couldn’t help but crack a small smile.  My brother would never give up.  He would keep on trying to lift up my spirits until he knew I was sure of ‘my worth to the community and this family.’ 

“Don’t you have a hunting party to get to?” I asked.  As much as I loved my older brother, I wanted to wallow in my self-pity a little while before Luka came over.

“Fine, fine,” Jiji waved goodbye before leaving the room.

Taking one last longing look at the door, I turned my attention to my work and returned with vigor.


“Mimi!” a voice called out to me.  I looked up from my drawing in the dirt to see a figure in the distance.  Within seconds, that figure stood in front of me, violet eyes gleaming behind white bangs.

I stood up, brushing off the dirt on my hands.  “About time you got here.  I’ve been waiting for at least five minutes.”

Luka’s eyes widened.  “What?  No way!  You couldn’t have been waiting for more than a minute.”

I laughed, the giggles finally escaping my throat.  “I’m just teasing.  But seriously, you know I’m not the most patient person.  Let’s go!”

Luka smirked.  “You’re really telling me that?  Do you know who you are talking to?”

I cocked my head.  “An annoying, very conceited boy?”

His smirk vanished, replaced with a glare.  “Well, let’s duke this out in a race, hmm?”

Scoffing, I turned from him, walking confidently into the copse of dead, ghostly trees.  “I’m not going for that.  You’d win, Mister Speedy Shoes.”

Luka came up beside me.  “Come on, Mimi.  It’s been forever since I’ve had a good race.”

“Then you should go head up with Kar, he would gladly beat your .”

“Mimi~” he whined.


“Hmph, fine.  Where are we going?” the boy pouted.

“I need to find some food for tonight.  Mother decided just now to let me know that we needed some berries and roots for supper,” I informed.

Luka rubbed his hands together.  “Perfect.  What places should we go?  There’s the old dried up lake.  There are a couple of bushes over there.  Or maybe the rock cliffs.  I heard that there is a patch of turnip roots in that area.”

I shook my head.  “We need a new place.  We’ll clean out the lake, and see if the rumor about rock cliffs is true, but we should find a different place where no one else has been.”

“But everyone has been everywhere within a 200 mile radius of the village.”

“Then I guess we’ll have to go 201 miles.”

“How do you plan on executing that?”

I gave him a sly glance.  “I have one idea.”

Luka stared blankly at me before the confusion cleared away from his violet eyes, replaced by enlightenment and then incredulity.  “You can’t be serious.  There is no way I can make it that far and back in time for supper.  Maybe if we had started out early this morning, but not now.  Besides, you know my endurance isn’t very developed.”

“It’s not my fault,” I defended myself.  “Mother didn’t tell me until after most of the chores were done.  What better time to work on you endurance than the present?  Come on, Speed, let’s run.”

Groaning, Luka picked me up, swinging me onto his back.  “I swear you get lighter every day.”

“Or maybe you’re just getting stronger,” I teased.

“Ha!  Don’t make me laugh.  That’ll be the day.  Luka, the strong.”  With that, he took off, ending all conversation.



“Okay, I need to rest,” the boy gasped, dumping me in the dirt.  He collapsed next to me, trying to even his breathing. 

I played with my fingers, trying to rid myself of the guilt I felt.

“You’re getting better,” I complimented.  “We’ve travelled at least forty miles in the last fifteen minutes.”

“…T-thanks…,” he wheezed.

I searched the pocket of my cloak for the flask I’d brought along.  “Here,” I handed it to him.

“You beautiful soul,” he panted, chugging down the water.

I chuckled.  “Better be careful.  That’s all the water I have.”  Immediately, Luka dislodged his lips from the top, capping it securely.

“I just need five minutes, and then I’ll be ready to go again.”

“Don’t push yourself,” I cautioned, worry erupting in my chest.  I looked up to his narrow, violet eyes with my large silver ones.

After a moment, Luka cracked a smile ruffling my auburn locks.  “I’ll be fine.”

Ducking from underneath his hand, I fixed my hair, lips sticking out in a pout.

After an amount of time passed, Luka stood up, stretching.

“Let’s go.  I’m ready now.”   We both stood and just when I was about to jump onto his back again, we heard rustling and twigs snapping.  Heads snapping towards the noise, we both gasped.  A lone, dark figure made its way to us at a steady pace.  Its skin paled under the soft red of the sun, glowing eyes glittering, fangs bared.

“Oh no,” I breathed.

“Mimi, get on my back,” Luka hissed.  I heard him, but remained paralyzed.  It was a vampire.  I’d seen one before, and the encounter had not ended well.

“Mimi,” Luka reached for my hand, squeezing my fingers.  “Mimi, snap out of it.  We need to run, now.”

More twigs snapped to our right and left and two more figures stepped out from behind the thick trunks of the trees.  What?  Vampires never travelled in packs.  They were loners, feasting on their prey indulgently, never willing to share.  What were these three vampires doing together?  More snaps sounded behind us.  Make that four.

Mimi,” Luka hissed again, squeezing my hand hard.  Finally, I was brought out of my paralysis, moving quickly and jumping on his back.  The moment my body hit his, we were off, dodging trees and booking it away from the vampires.  The monsters chased after us, snarling and hissing.

I felt the screams build up inside my throat, begging to be released, but at this speed it was all I could do to choke them down.  I clung to Luka tightly, silently urging him to run faster.  He picked up the pace slightly, but any more and it would become dangerous with all of the trees around us.  The vampires continued to chase us, following our every move, slowly gaining on us as Luka’s strength began to wane. 

No, no, don’t wear out just yet Luka.  Don’t you dare stop now.  Lose them.  Outsmart them if you can’t outrun them.  Just don’t let them get us!

As if able to read my thoughts, Luka took a sharp turn, swinging around a tree, changing direction.  He took an erratic path in an attempt to lose our pursuers, but it was all in vain.  In front of us loomed a steep, rocky cliff.  Luka attempted to change direction, but the rocks were looser in this area, and the pair of us skidded along the ground, Luka desperately searching for firm footing.  To keep up from sliding over the edge and to our certain death, the boy crouched down, digging in his fingers for a hand hold, leaving bloodied trails along the sharp stones.

The vampires screeched delightedly, the scent of blood now in the air.  They converged on us, cornering us at the edge of doom.  Luka shook beneath me, chest heaving, sweat dripping from his pores in torrents.  He was exhausted.  He might be able to last a little longer, but he had used up too much energy for his power.  Bitter tears swelled in my eyes.  If only I had powers too.  If only I could do something to get out of this situation.  If only I could do one last thing for my best friend, to save his life.

Screeching, the daemons rushed at us, blood lust glowing in their red eyes, claws outstretched, fangs bared for the kill.  They moved fast, but somehow Luka was faster.  He ducked low, shooting between the legs of the predators.  But his energy had been depleted.  He was carrying an extra burden.  He stumbled.  He fell. 

I landed on the rocky terrain brutally, flesh tearing, my blood staining the unforgiving earth.  I groaned in pain, quickly sitting up, trying to get to Luka.  I could not let the vampires get to him.  In my worry, I’d forgotten something.  More blood coated my body than did his.  My scent lingered in the air, not his.  I was a young girl –the ultimate, favorite prey of the vampire.  They weren’t converging on Luka.

They came for me.

The next seconds passed by in slow motion, allowing agonizing time to view every minute detail that lead to my death without giving me chance to change the end fate had created for me.  My eyes slid past my murderers to Luka, kneeling on the ground, eyes wide in horror as he looked on at me, he just as powerless to do anything. 

Mimi!” he screamed, his voice the only sound penetrating my ears.

One thought ran through my mind before the vampires fell onto me, claws ripping open my flesh and tearing into muscle.



A bright flash erupted in front of me, around me, lighting the cliff side, casting sharp shadows in all directions.  The vampires hissed in pain, shielding their eyes, fleeing from the unnatural white light.  It only lasted a moment, but the monsters had vanished when the light diffused.  I stared, wide eyes unseeing, mind unable to process the significance of the occurrence.  Luka was the first to find his voice.

“Mimi!”  The stunned boy scrambled to my side, grasping my shoulders tightly.

Then the pain came.  I screamed with each throb of my heart that pumped more blood through my veins and out of my open wounds.

Luka tried to calm me, repeating my name over and over again, trying to stop the bleeding.

“This is bad,” I heard him say through my sobs.  “We need to bind these wounds, clean and bind them.”

Gently, he picked me up in his arms, wincing as I cried out again and a new surge of burning fire rushed through me.  It came as a relief when darkness clouded my vision and I slipped away into the tender mercies of unconsciousness.


So, how did I do?  Remember, the only way this will work out is if you guys speak your thoughts.  For those of you reading this, thank you for staying with me!

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Annielamie #1
Chapter 3: Hey Author! Don't stress about our feedback! In the end this is your story! You have so many readers just dying to know what happens next! We I assume all love your writing! You have the final decision so do what you think is best :]<3(You can't please everyone)
iamout #2
Chapter 1: i'll say go for Kwangmin and Hyesoo's story next :DD
Kristii #3
Chapter 1: Personally, I think you should write a SHORT-ish story on Minwoo. I'm interested what your view on his "love life" would be. :)
Annielamie #4
Chapter 2: Omg yes on shot on Kwangmin! I want to know how they became a couple! I think you should have a sequel with minwoo! I feel like Yougmin and Jin are too perfect right now and need something to test them then live happier ever after :D
Chapter 1: It would be great if you made a oneshot and a minwoo story^^ I for one love your writing style. I know I'll be a subscriber no matter what^^
even though I'm not a fan of EXO, I'll still subscribe to you
CuteyDuckey21 #6
Chapter 2: Kepp on writing like this and I guarantee you will get a Noble prize!! XD