Chapter 7

Our Little Deal
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(Your POV)




We have PE this morning so I’m in my normal uniform and going to change at school when I get there later. I exhale deeply and bit my bottom lip; I look into the mirror and head out to take a cab to school. I hope Kris understands what I meant by ‘faking’ relationship or none of this would ever work. Finally, I’m here, I step out but I didn’t earn stares or glares, perhaps I’m gonna get it soon enough.



“Hyo Ri!” Seul Mi waves and I waved back; my bff whose always there for me, I have lots of friends but bff? Only one… “Did you do practice for PE?”

“You wish, I wasn’t born to be an athlete.” I roll my eyes

“But you’re fit though.” she pokes my flat tummy

“Balanced amount of food consumed.” I give her an eye smile



We change into our PE outfits and I look at my own reflection. I’m not that bad right? I closed the locker and head to the field.




(No one’s POV)




“Okay, today we have more students since the schedules changed.” Coach Yoo speaks out

“Why is he here?” Seul Mi whispers to Hyo Ri

“What? Who?” Hyo Rin turns her head

“Him.” Seul Mi holds her shoulder and moves her so Hyo Ri would see who was Seul Mi referring to

“Kris?” she blinks “The schedule changed right? So I guess he has PE too.” Hyo Ri shrugs

“Girls, run around the track for 5 times and guys; football.” he blew the whistle and everyone started stretching and do what was told



Hyo Ri runs first followed by the other girls; Seul Mi is a fast runner so she had no problem catching up. Seul Mi rushes towards Hyo Ri and went pass by her without breaking a single sweat.



“Try and win Hyo Ri!” she laughs

*I’m not gonna get beaten by you again Seul Mi!* Hyo Ri fastens her steps



The guys on the other hand are divided into two teams; funny how Kris and Min Hyun became opponents, AGAIN. And somehow it also ended as Min Hyun the leader for home team and Kris for the away team. Coach Yoo blew the whistle again and Kris runs for the ball; having long legs really does advantage him but Min Hyun wasn’t to look down; he is one of the school’s greatest football player.

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1977 streak #2
Chapter 5: her ex ticks me off too😤
haha that "bi-ch face" part xD
1977 streak #3
Chapter 4: haha kris is indeed tall as a ladder 😂😉
1977 streak #4
Chapter 3: omg i hate her bf💀
1977 streak #5
Chapter 2: i guess he really don't like her?? or he indeed is shy as heck 😳
Chapter 50: Okay minji is so annoying now
Chapter 78: I Enjoyed myself. I think I'm fan of yours now
Chapter 78: This got so angsty but the ending was cool.