Chapter 60

Our Little Deal
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You were laughing with Min Hyun under the tree at the school’s lawn just beside the cafeteria and you didn’t expect for you and him to go this well after what happened; but it wasn’t a bad thing. You had fun talking to him about miscellaneous things.



“May we join?” Seul Mi interrupted

“Hi guys, I thought you guys were gonna sit with Kris and all…”

“Are you kidding me? You’re our best friend and no matter what happens, we stick together.” Min Jung chuckles

“Seems fun, may we join too then?” JR grins

“Of course!” you beam “God I miss you guys!” you turn to JR, Aron, Baek Ho and Ren

“Yeah, blame Min Hyun here; he’s such a stubborn .” Ren mutters

“Yah! Are you really my friend?” Min Hyun throws a small carton of milk at Ren

“Stop throwing food!” you slap his hand

“Hah! Hyo Ri scolded you!” Ren sticks his tongue out

“I’ll get you later Minki.” he eyed Ren

“May I join too?” a soft voice interrupts

“Luhan… Of course you may, right guys?”

“Fine by us.” Min Hyun nods

“Aren’t you sitting with the guys?” Seul Mi looks at Luhan

“I’m gonna wait till Kris apologizes to Hyo Ri and me.” Luhan chuckles

“So are you not friends with them?” Min Jung slips in

“I’m okay with the others, it’s Kris who I’m not okay with.”

“Well come on guys, we’re not here to talk about the past, we’re here to eat and share laughs together.” you reminded and they all nod in agreement



Just from inside the cafeteria; Kris eyes never left the sight of you and Min Hyun since you sat down with him under the tree. It irks him to see how happy you are and how many friends you have around you to make you smile and there he was; feeling empty and hate.



“You’re not gonna talk to Luhan?” Lay asks; breaking the silence

“Does it matter?” Kris mumbled and continued writing down his essay

“Kris, you should really eat.” Ji Min was sitting at the same table as they were and she held out a plate of spaghetti

“I’m not hungry.” he mumbled without looking

“Kris, this is not helping anyone, eat up, you need energy to go through the day.” Ji Min frowns and he took the fork in her hand and when he was trying to put it in his mouth, some of the spaghetti fell on his pants

“.” he cursed “Aish.” he got up and headed towards the tissue section only to bump into… You



He looks up and so did you. You bow slightly at him and walk passes him to get a cupcake and headed back out to your friends; handing it to Min Hyun. Kris harshly grabs a tissue and wipes the stain off his pants; because he was being too impatient, the stain on the tissue stained his uniform. He throws the tissue on the floor, grabs his book and dash out of the cafeteria. Ji Min was about to go after him but Lay stops her.



“Don’t. Let him le

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1977 streak #2
Chapter 5: her ex ticks me off too😤
haha that "bi-ch face" part xD
1977 streak #3
Chapter 4: haha kris is indeed tall as a ladder 😂😉
1977 streak #4
Chapter 3: omg i hate her bf💀
1977 streak #5
Chapter 2: i guess he really don't like her?? or he indeed is shy as heck 😳
Chapter 50: Okay minji is so annoying now
Chapter 78: I Enjoyed myself. I think I'm fan of yours now
Chapter 78: This got so angsty but the ending was cool.