Chapter 24

Our Little Deal
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(Your POV)




“I can’t believe you’re going to Busan with him this summer break!” Seul Mi squeals

“Ow! You’re hurting my ear with those squeal and screams!” I shouted back

“Well obviously because I can’t believe this fake relationship seems to be going on to the next level.” She laughs

“It’s not. He forced me.” I mumbled while packing “What are you gonna do?”

“Me and Joon and gonna go walking near Han River and go to Gangnam to shop things.”

“Cool, enjoy yourself.” I chuckle

“Yeah, you too…”

“Whoops, my mom’s calling, text me if there’s anything!”

“Sure, just make sure you guys don’t end up on the same bed, if you know what I mean.”

“Yah! Aish, got to go, bye!” I ended the call “Hey mom!”

“Honey! I missed you!” mom cooed at the end of the line

“I miss you too! I’m sorry for not calling; work, school and exam were getting to me.” I heave a sigh

“Aww, that’s okay, you must’ve been tired, it’s too bad you won’t be able to visit us this summer.”

“I know, I’m sorry, you guys were usually busy so I thought I won’t bother you guys and ended up having plans instead.”

“Who is it you’re going with again?”

“Kris, Kris Wu.” I replied

“Oh yes! The Wu’s, they’re one big influence in the business world, are you guys together or something?” mom sounded so excited

“No mom, we’re just close friends. That’s all; nothing more.” Tch, more like deal friends

“Okay, now take care of yourself ne?”

“Hyo Ri!” Kris called me from the living room

“Wait… Yah! What are you doing here? You’re supposed to wait in the car!” I shouted at him

“The door wasn’t locked and have you finished

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1977 streak #2
Chapter 5: her ex ticks me off too😤
haha that "bi-ch face" part xD
1977 streak #3
Chapter 4: haha kris is indeed tall as a ladder 😂😉
1977 streak #4
Chapter 3: omg i hate her bf💀
1977 streak #5
Chapter 2: i guess he really don't like her?? or he indeed is shy as heck 😳
Chapter 50: Okay minji is so annoying now
Chapter 78: I Enjoyed myself. I think I'm fan of yours now
Chapter 78: This got so angsty but the ending was cool.