Love Bites



You and your family move to a new town. To you it means having to start all over and making new friends. But you notice there is something strange with some of the people in the town. Soon you meet a strange yet attractive guy and become drawn to him. Its love at first sight for you both. Now he will have to protect you for the dangers that are head your way for giving your heart to a vampire.

Jiyong has always been a loner and likes it. Except for a few select friends he trusts no one. When he learns that there is a new girl in town it peaks his curiosity only to find himself being pulled to you and falling in love. He feels the need to protect you from Choi Seunghyun who wants you for himself.



"Fine! Fine! I’ll call him but I am not talking to him after this. I never want to see him again stupid vampire jerk. I pulled out my cell phone and pressed speed dial for his number. When I got home, I would delete that right away and all the pictures and throw away everything he ever gave me."






            Wants YOU, also hates JIYONG. Is a vampire; was turned in his 20’s. Wants JIYONG dead that way he can turn YOU into a vampire. Thinks JIYONG is a traitor to vampire kind and should be destroyed.


Seunghyun’s right hand man and only friend.


            Has a good heart. Is a vampire was Turned in his early 20’s. Self destructive, with hint of arrogance and conceit, highly intelligent cunning, educated, self critical, Bad Boy. In love with YOU and wants to protect YOU from Seunghyun.


            Just moved to new town with family. Is a loner, not very social and doesn’t have many friends. In love with JIYONG. Knows He’s a vampire. Think Seunghyun is a good person. Is Witty and hot tempered. Has a sweet and Playful side.


JIYONG’s little Sister. She is playful and tough. Looks out for YOU when JIYONG isn’t around.


            JIYONG’s a CL’s closest friends. 



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Stella112 #1
I hope you would update soon ^^ kekeke
waaah n that’s what I call intersting
can’t wait for the update
Kat321 #3
Are you still going to write the story??? if so update soon!!!
nightempress #4
I don't usually read stories with ME as a character but I just love GTOP vampires I don't know how to resist! update soon!!