CHAPTER 5 : GRENADE (part 1)

Love Me, Forget Me-Not
Love Me, Forget Me-Not


‘Boy I love your style, love your smile, wish that you could be... Only mine, be only mine... I can’t let it go, I don’t kno-‘


Bigbang’s ‘Number One’ suddenly stopped being played in Kibum’s phone as he answered the call. It was only seven in the morning. In a Saturday morning. He had not wake up yet, but the loud ringtone woke him up. Well, actually it was not that loud, but that ringtone was a special ringtone he set for a special person. It meant that the regular ‘wake up call session’ would be started.

“Morning baby... Did I wake you up?”

Jonghyun’s sweet voice could be heard from the phone. Flirty, as usual, just like Jonghyun’s style. Kibum bit his lower lips to prevent himself from giggling.

“Uh-huh.. But that’s fine, I was waiting for it though...”

“Great then, so... How was your sleep?” Jonghyun let out a chuckle.

“Mmm... It was great, how about yours?”

“Mine is amazing, because I dreamt about someone.” He paused for a second.

“And that someone is you...”

Kibum finally giggled, he couldn’t hold the urge anymore, Jonghyun was really corny, but Kibum loved it.

“Did you eat your dinner last night? How’s your pregnancy? Do you feel alright?”

“Ngg... I forgot to eat last night, but I’m alright, just feel a bit tired, It’s not a big deal.” Kibum assured him.

“Baby, I already told you not to skip your meal right? Please, please take a good care of yourself. Remember, you’re pregnant...” He begged Kibum. A hint of sadness could be heard from his voice o the other line which made Kibum felt really guilty.

“ I’m sorry, I promise I won’t do that again... “

“You promise?”

Jonghyun was really cute when he was pleading like this. Kibum just couldn’t help but smile.

“Yes, sweet heart... I promise.” Kibum chuckled.


It was like a dream, a very beautiful one. Kibum almost couldn’t believe it. Just about a month ago he thought that he wouldn’t be able to see Jonghyun again, since Jonghyun already knew the truth, and Kibum assumed that he hated him so much. Who knew that now he still could be this close with the owner of his heart. Jonghyun was an angel. Kibum’s angel. Everyday became so delightful because of Jonghyun’s presence in his life, coloring Kibum’s days with every miracle he brought. Jonghyun’s voice would be the first thing that Kibum heard in the morning through the lazy wake up call in the bed. And in the afternoon, Jonghyun would bring Kibum a nutritious food for lunch, helping him to carry his bag while they were on the way to the school gate. Jonghyun would drive him home safely and gave him a kiss on his forehead when he excused Himself. Then he would come again in the night, just to accompany Kibum in the house or to take him out for dinner. He would always try to be there, even if he was really busy, since he was on his senior year and not to mention that he still had the responsibility for the soccer team’s captain position. It felt so heavenly right when Jonghyun was by his side, it felt like there was nothing that he couldn’t do. Jonghyun was really caring and loving. Silently he said many thanks to God for allowing him to meet Jonghyun.

But sometimes Kibum felt a bit guilty, because he almost had no time for Minho. Even just for a quick chit chat time. He would always say no when Minho asked him to go out of lunch or dinner. This was unfair actually, because Minho was the father of the baby after all. Even if Kibum already knew that, but still.... He didn’t give him any chance. Minho never gave up though. He would still be there for Kibum, trying ti start a conversation, asking Kibum to spend the spare time with him, hoping that someday Kibum would open his heart.

He didn’t mind. It was fine for Minho, at least Kibum was happy now. Like what people said,
”Happiness is when you see someone whom you love happy, even if you’re not a part of that happiness.”
And in Minho’s case, he was. He might not taking a part in Kibum’s happiness, but he was surely happy to see him back to his own self, the cheerful and lively Kibum. Beside, what else he could expect. He still remembered his promise to Kibum clearly, that he would disappear from his life once the baby was born.


“Minho, may I ask you something?”

Jinki asked him in a sudden when he was arranging the barrels. It was already late and it was Saturday, but he still came to work. He took the overtime, so that he could get the extra paid.

“Yes, Sir?”

“Why do you work this hard? I mean, you’re a teenage boy, you could have hanging out or goofing around with your buddies. Oh come on.. I was a teenager back then, I know it well.” Jinki laughed. Taemin nudged his dad’s elbow quickly, giving him the warning look.

Minho’s face was going pale. He never expected this question to come out.

“I-I work hard... This is for-“

For your lover? So that you can ask them on a fancy date?” Jinki chuckled. “Or you wanna buy a pair of new soccer shoes?” He added teasingly.

“Yeobo, stop that... Don’t . Look, he’s confused...” Sunny said, she felt sorry for Minho because of her husband.

“Why? He works for me, I just wanna know what I pay him for.” Jinki relied jokingly, while trying to hold the urge to laugh at his wife’s pouting face.

“Mr. Lee’s right mam, he has the right to know it...” Minho said silently, glancing his head down.

“Nah, I’m just kidding son, don’t take it seriously.” Jinki laughed.

“No sir, sooner or later, I really have to tell you about it. I’m doing it because...”

Minho stopped for a while, inhaling some fresh air.

“Because I’ll be a father soon.”


A/N :  Oh God, I'm really sorry for being so late T___T my connection is reallt messed up these days. It's so hard to go online. I hope you guys still wanna read this story. Anyway thank you so much for all of the comments and the subcribtions ^^ It really means a lot to me :) <3

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shawolmart #1
Chapter 10: Minho deserved better😭😭
annzh4ng #2
UPDATE PLSSSSS ;-; such a good story!! :33333 :p tbh im a jongkey shipper but after reading this-pffffff minkey 4 life

;-; updateeee T.T
shawolmin #3
Chapter 16: Really nice story.. please update...
It's sad to see this story being abandoned. Anyway I loved all the chapters even though I read it after like 4 years from the publish of this story!
Chapter 16: Idknif u still here author nim. But i really like this story and i really want to know what will happen to minkey n jongkey. Three of them really suffered a lot
Please update as soon as you can!
Chapter 16: KJDKLA;SDJFKA GOSH! In every chapter you manage to build up tears in my eyes.. >.< and I can feel the pain for Kibum, Minho and Jonghyun... I can't wait for the next chapter.. please! please! please! update this...
kim_play96 #8
Chapter 16: omg! I love this story! Please update soon. I want to know what happens next.
Chapter 1: "And because I'm a man, Kibum. A man who's in love with you." WOW, those lines are killer. I am so hooked now!
Chapter 16: New update from you since a long long long time... :)