Author's Note to You

We had it backwards


Dear you


Your love for my writings have frankly made me cry. I never realised that my creations are so loved. 

When I decided to jump off the wonkyu ship, I never thought that I will be met with so much outcry.

I was asked again and again why I am abandoning wonkyu so I decided to write the reason down here once and for all.


I am a Kyu stan. Everything I do, I do it for him. Shipping Kyu with Siwon was simply because Siwon treated my bb with so much tenderness. But lately, well maybe not so lately, since Siwon did a disappearing act last year, he is really getting on my nerves. The last thing I want to see is my precious bb portrayed as a needy lovelorn idiot waiting for someone who is just touching him all over because he couldn't keep his hands to himself.

So I decided to remove the remaining unfinished stories to avoid someone finding them in the future and wondering why the author has abandoned Kyu at his most needy.


And I am not giving my fics out for adoption either because every plot is painstakingly thought up by me, call me selfish if you wish.


Lastly, I am really really really moved by all your love for my writings, so much so that I actually had a change of mind. I will not delete this fic, but I will friend-lock it. I figured everyone on my 'friends' list would by now know about this incident, so I do not have to explain myself again. I will lock this in 24 hours so send in your friend's request if you like to be able to re-read this in future.


And last lastly, I will continue with 'Guns & Roses'. Don't ask me why, it will become apparent to you when the time comes.


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Chapter 12: Done with my reading.. siwon was such a coward but thank god he finally be brave enough to go against his father wish.. and yay happy ending for them hehe >< anyway thank you for letting me read this fic^^
mykyunie #2
Chapter 12: I love it.
I feel very happy to be able to read this fic.
I had seen it a long time ago but only friends could read it and that made me sad.
Thank you very much for allowing us to enjoy it.
Been wanting to read this fic for a long time but it was set tp friends only and now finally i can read this fic! Hehehe ><
abcdef88 #4
just read it in one's amazing...heart-wrenching and all but glad it ended happily..:)
Chapter 12: How could I just found it nowwwwwww? /selfslap

I feel like murder Siwon everytime here. Glad that he get his mind and stop hurting my baby kiyu >:)

By the way, I almost sure that in the las chapter I will read Siwon pay the cab-money he borrowed from his father back then with his smugly and jerk attitude :p but I love this ending better. Be careful Siwon, too eager will make you get Suho and Sulli :p

This story is soooooo good it makes me forget everything else right at the moment. I was in the middle of breaking from doing my assignment and looking for good fic to read as a mind relaxation. I found you update your drabbles then I look for your other stories and found it. I spend 2 hours to read it and crying in between.

Well, it's 4.30am here and I need to get back to my assg.

Thanks for making a good gooood wonkyu story <3
melody122 #6
Chapter 12: aWow! Finally a happy ending >.<
Although you declared that you already abandoned wonkyu ship, you still wrote it lovingly.
Thank you so much <3
mrs_kyu #7
Chapter 12: its happy ending how sweet ..
thanks for this story :)
mrs_kyu #8
Chapter 9: owww kyuu its fine don`t cry please...
siwon just love you..melanie is nothing !
Chapter 12: I re-read this again... Still imagining Siwon running around with boxers and socks only! I would loooove to see that! lol
mineforever021 #10
Chapter 12: So cute...sequel pls? With suho or Sullivan with it.. Hehe.. Tnx for letting me read ur fics..