A New Beginning


The tears fell down your face as you walked down the road, with your phone in hand, trying helplessly to hold them back, but it was useless, they just kept falling. What could be worse? It was your birthday, and so far, it had a been a great day, until now.. But the rain was heavy and it never really seemed to stop and it was cold, you were going to catch a cold, but nothing else really mattered now. Hyuk-Jae had broken up with you, nothing had happened to indicate he was even thinking of breaking it off. It just happened.


You walked through the front door, drenched and shivering. Still crying, you walked up to your room, leaving a path of soaked foot prints behind you. You took off your t-shirt, and soaked skinny leg jeans, leaving you just in your bra and , walking over to your drawers, grabbing a shirt Hyuk-Jae had given you as a birthday present last year. You hesitated a bit to put it on, though you felt so sad, angry and confused with him, you put it on anyway. It was your favourite shirt, it was way too big and daggy but it always made you feel better. “I'll just have to forget that he gave me this shirt.. It's really soft and comfy, I don't care.” You walked to the bathroom, opposite your bedroom, and grabbed for your tooth brush and tooth paste, looking up, you realized your eye-liner and mascara was completely smudged. “! Everyone driving past me earlier would've seen my horrible make-up and thought that I looked bloody stupid!”. This of course didn't make you feel any better.


Eventually you got yourself settled down on the couch, under your favourite blanket, the tv on, ice-cream and  a big spoon to eat it with and your teddy bear that mum gave to you when you were about five. You needed comforting tonight, it didn't matter how many calories were in that ice-cream or how much of a child you were, cuddling your teddy.


Your single mother was off with her boyfriend in Spain, or whatever Mediterranean country she said she was going to. You'd never really had a good relation-ship with her, so it was fine with you that she was gone for a while. You could be trusted though, you weren't the type to throw a typical drunken party on the weekend whilst the parents were out. You were kind of the high school loser. A+ student, always handing in homework on time, spent extra time after school to study and was just a good student. You never really understood why people labelled you like that just because you got good grades but, you just took it in your stride, it didn't really bother you.


So here you were, lying on the couch, eating ice-cream, holding your teddy bear tight, and still trying to fight back the tears from what happened earlier. Suddenly your started ringing, it was still up stairs on your bed. “It's probably mum calling me, half drunk asking me how I am.. Pssh.” you muttered to yourself, jogging up the stairs and answering the phone just in time. “Hey Luna, you're so stupid, you never would've had a long chance with Hyuk-Jae anyways, go back to being a library nerd, hahahaha!” Oh great. It was JiYeon, she'd taken his phone and called you up. She's the biggest in the whole school. She was drunk of course, she's the biggest , but everyone treats her like a princess. You could hear the music playing loudly in the back ground, her friends were all laughing with her, they were talking about you, but you couldn't catch what they were saying. “Yeah, well.. You know, j-just.. Go away..” How pathetic! The girl who is always smart in fighting back mean remarks, just crys. Fantastic. You hung up, and through the phone onto your bed, it bounced off and hit the floor. “ I can't wreck this phone, mum will KILL me!!” you said, walking back over to your phone, picking it up off of the floor, and checking that the screen wasn't smashed, and that's when you saw it. Your phones background picture was one of you and Hyuk-Jae, he was kissing your cheek, that was only last week. Amazing how things can change so fast you wondered. It was a bad idea, but you clicked on through your phone to your photo album, it was full of pictures of you and him. Happy pictures, with the best memories behind them. Scrolling through them, you found a screenshot of a text he had sent you, it read “I love you more than anything Luna. You're the most beautiful, most intelligent and most lovely girl I've ever met. I don't want to let you go, ever. I know you're going through a really hard time, but you'll get through this, and I'm always here for you, by your side, protecting you and supporting you, just know that. I love you so much, to the moon and back a million times, goodnight sweety! Xx” This was a text he had sent you, on the night your grandma died.

“Most beautiful girl”? Psssh. “Yeah right” you laughed. “How many other girls have fallen at your feet by that line?” You wished your grandma was still alive. She would've made everything better. You would've had a cup of hot chocolate, and talked about everything. She never really like your boyfriend. She always thought he was too up himself and self centred. You just laughed whenever she said that. You'd always talk to gran about this stuff, and now that she was gone.. There was no-one. Mum never understood and well, your classmates would probably laugh it off and tell you to get over it all. Not wanting to get even more upset, you gently put your phone on your bed and walked, slowly, back down stairs to your couch and teddy bear and probably half melted ice-cream. Walking by the light switch you turned the lounge light off. You got back under the blanket, your eyes were heavy and were begging for sleep. You switched off the T.V, ate the last bit of ice-cream, and snuggled up with teddy and cried yourself to sleep, today was one hell of a day, who cares if you cried.


In the morning you woke up tired and cranky. It was still raining and everything seemed gloomy and sad. You slept in for another ten minutes, then decided to get moving. You made yourself some jam toast, put it on a plate and sat back on the couch, eating slowly, letting the memories of yesterday flow through your mind. After you'd finished your toast, you placed the plate on the kitchen sink and had a glass of water. Today was going to be a difficult day you thought. You went to your desk, opened up your laptop and logged into Facebook.

The photo's from Elly's party last night were already posted and it was nothing out of the usual. She had nearly all her clothes off in every photo, she was clearly off her face and had her hand all over Hyuk-Jae. This made you sick, you weren't jealous or protective about it, you just felt pure hatred towards him now. It was a bit extreme, you admit, but what else were you supposed to feel? Happy that he had left you without a word, or pleased that he now had a new toy to play around with. Neither seemed good.

Enough of that you thought, closing your laptop and jumping onto your bed. You stomach rumbled, you were still hungry, and the thought of taking a quick walk down to the shop to grab a few snacks didn't bother you too much, it's not like you'd see anyone you know down there. You needed to get ready though, so to the shower it was. Your took off your over sized t-shirt, threw it in the hallway, turned the hot and cold taps on for the shower, adjusted it to the right temperature and stripped off your undies and bra and hopped in. The hot water was refreshing and seemed to wash away all the bad feelings from yesterday away. Hoping out of the shower wasn't an easy task, you almost slipped and broke your ankle, what's worse is that a lovely, big, fat pimple had chosen to appear right at the tip of your nose. You screamed in frustration and straight away got out the face wash. So far, you had predicted right, today was turning out to be a bad day. About an hour later you were ready, by this time it was about twelve in the afternoon, not bad. You really didn't worry about your appearance today, except for that stupid little pimple though, it was smothered in bb cream, the redness seemed to go down a bit, but the bump was still there. You wore a pair of lose trackies, blue anklet converses a lose t-shirt, and a big zipped up hoodie. It wasn't exactly a runway look, but it was comfy and you weren't going to see anyone important, boy were you wrong.


I dunno just something I started yesterday ^^ Tell me what you think? I loooove Changmin and recently watched a variety show with Luna and Changmin in it, and their characters are so bright and happy, I just wanted to write about them :)


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