Complete - Jaejoong

Chicken Soup for the Hopeless Romantic

"I know. I know. I know." I said to my manager for the fifth time as we strut down the hallway towards the waiting rooms. I had just finished my rehesarsal set and was heading back to catch a quick break before the concert tonight. It was Music Bank's special concert in Chile and I was thrilled to be in Latin America for the firs ttime in my life. Finally all those years of Spanish in high school will pay off. I thought to myself randomly as I tried to tune out my manager's last-minute instructions. No worries; they weren't all that important. A sudden movement and the appearance of four handsome, tall men further down the hall from me brought me back to reality. I shifted my gaze from scanning the crowd to hone in on the source of the noise. DBSK. Or technically, Yunho, Junsu, Yoochun, and Changmin. I couldn't see the last member, and I don't know if I really wanted to. Junsu picked that exact moment to look away from s and our eyes locked over the heads of the other staff personnel walking through the halls. He raised his hand and opened his mouth, but I didn't give him a chance to do anything. I quickly ducked and tried to blend into the movement of the other people, but I only earned odd stares. Left without too many options, I found the nearest door and slipped into the darkened silence on the other side.

I shut the door as quietly as I could and leaned against the door with my eyes closed while trying to regain my composure. I shouldn't have run, but I couldn't help it. I just don't think I could of faced Jaejoong, and I was lucky that he hadn't been in the hall with his teammates just now. I guess I should explain while I'm catching my breath. Jaejoong and I used to date. Huge emphasis on the "used" part. We were very happy, but both of us knew that we would always be limited because of our celebrity status. Not only that, his home was in Korea, and mine was still the United States. Even though I was Asian and spoke Korean perfectly, I couldn't just leave my other world, my friends and my parents, behind anymore than he could leave his world here. We came to a standstill when speaking of our future, and I realized that I couldn't sacrifice either side of I left. He didn't beg me to stay. I don't have the right to feel hurt at his acceptance of my departure, but his lack of "chasing" still stung. And, every single day, I wonder if I had made the right choice.

*Mou doue...Kimi wo suki ni natte shimattan darou?* My phone rang, interrupting my monologue. I glanced at the caller id and grimaced a bit in, I guess you could say, fear. "Hello?" I answer finally.

"Yah. What the hell was that?!" Junsu's angry voice snapped on the other side of the line. I winced at his tone, but cannot deny that I definitely deserved his annoyance.

"Sorry?" I replied as cutely as I could.

"Sorry?! Why on earth did you run? Are you that afraid of us now? Is this all we mean to you?"

"No. Of course not, oppa. You know how much you mean to me." I relocated to the vanity, sitting on the countertop and tracing figures on the spot next to me.

"Is this how you treat the people that are important? Should I feel extra special that you ran then?"

"Junsu-oppa...You know why I ran. Please don't be mad anymore." 

"I don't. I've never understood it. Yahh. Can't you guys work something out? I hate this. Like crazy. The other members too. Before you guys were dating, you were our little sister. We miss you."

"And I miss you too. But Jaejoong oppa..." I trail off. I hopped off the counter and sat in the chairs facing the mirror and stared at my pathetic reflection as I mumble excuse after excuse of why I couldn't see DBSK.

"Are you still in love with him?" Junsu oppa asked me once again. I closed my eye in troubled thought. My heart was shouting an answer, but my mouth refused the words.

"I...I..." I started without finish. A moving shadow in the back caught my eye and I gasped.

"What? What? What happened?" Junsu oppa questioned with urgency in his voice. My phone was taken from my grasp and I heard the distinct click of the call being hung up. I turned to face the mysterious figure. He watched me with unreadable eyes, no hint of a smile or a frown on his lips; he was just blank, a face he had never shown to me in all the years I had known him.

"Jaejoong..." I choked on the last part. "...-sshi..." His expression twitched, but the moment was so fast, I barely had time to register the change, much less what it actually was. I swallowed hard and continued as happily as I could, trying to repress my feelings of disappointment, hurt, fear, happiness, etc. A million emotions were running through my body, but in order to be as confident and normal as I could, I forced them all down and smiled brightly for the show. "How are you? I've been good. I hope you've been good as well. You deserve that." I chattered on and on.

And still, no word from him. No response. No reaction. Nothing. He just continued to watch me with those piercing gazes.

"Jaejoong-sshi. I'm just going to go...It was nice seeing you again." I turned and walked to the door. He didn't stop me.

My hand rested on the door knob, but I never made it out. Jaejoong spun me around and pressed me against the door. "Don't ever call me that again." He whispered into my ear lightly before kissing me deeply. The feelings I had been suppressing flowed out. How I had missed his kisses, his lips, him. The way our lips fit perfectly together. The feeling of being in his arms. The feeling of being complete. 


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Wah~ you had me tingling at the end XD