Hoya and ME?

We have different lovers when we love eachother.....

I was soon freed from the hospital and so was SUngyeoul oppa.

I was walking out from my house when I heard a bell. I turned and saw Hoya on a bicycle and waving at me with a smile. I giggled and hopped on behind him.

"Hello princess~" I lauged.

"Thats so corny!!" Soon enough, we were off to head to school.

He went fast on downhill which made me hold onto him tighter. But still, we arrived at school safely.

I laughed when he made a puppy face. He smiled and took my hand. I looked at him wide eyed and he laughed.

I guess it was ok..... BUt then I stopped when I saw SUngyeoul oppa holding hands with Yoona.

He was smiling when he saw me. I looked away and dragged Hoya to the other side of school.

I didnt dar look at Sungyeoul for his sake and I started a conversation with Hoya.

Hoya was gladly and willingly talking t me and responding. But then I guess he realized that I was thinking about SUngyeoul because he kept calling my name.


"Minnie are you ok? I was just asking if you wanted to get something to eat at lunch....."

"Oh..... um yeah sure"

"Great!" With that, he gave me a peck on the cheek and left. I sighed as I thought of how messy things were getting.

I walked over to my locker and opened it. More love letters were spilling out for the dance to the Valentines thing. I sighed and stuffed them into my bag. I grabbed my stuff and shut the door. When I turned to go, there stood Yoona who was smiling at me.

"WHat do you want Yoona? Im really not in the mood to-"

"Im sorry"

"Wait what?"

"Im sorry I was mean to you, but I just didnt like you because of Sungyeoul oppa and since I am together with him and youre with Hoya, Ill consider you as my friend."

I scoffed very quietly. So she created all this drama and suddenly decides to end it?

"Im sorry, but I dont think we can be friends like that so easily..... but I do understand." I heard her gasp but I turned and walked to my class.

On the way though, I ran into SUngyeoul. I quickly ran around him into my class and I sat in my chair with my head low. Thats when my friends came and tried to talk to me.

"MInnie? Whats wrong? Youre not yourself....." I lifted my head up with a fake smile.

They looked unsure. They kept looking at eachother and then they nodded to themselves.

"Ok then......" They left and I sighed once again.

My mind was blank all through the day till lunch. Hoya came to get me and I forced myself to smile.

Cry later..... is my plan. I have to make myelf think Im alright and things can get better right? I sighed on the way to the store and Hoya stopped me. I looked up at him with curious eyes.

"Minnie tell me whats wrong."

"Its really nothing Im just tired"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes now lets get food before lunch ends" I pushed him playfully and he sighed and smiled again.

"WHen you want to talk about smething, talk to me ok?"

"Ok.... but you sound like a girl"

He laughed and so did I, and soon enough, we were at the store. I was about to go in when I saw SUngyeoul and Yoona. Yoona waved at me but SUngyeoul just looked at me, expressionless. That hurt my heart badly. How could he not remember me?

I rushed in with Hoya and I quickly held onto Hoya from falling because of the shock.

He looked at me in surprise and I just smiled. He started to order and I said I just wanted a cup of lemonade. Hoya looked at me with a weird look but eventually agreed.

We sat at a table near the window. I saw Sungyeoul and Yoona come closer and closer into the store. I looked away and I started to talk with Hoya.




"DO you..... want to go out on the day before Valentine's day?" I tought for a minute. DO I have any schedule? Nope.

"Yea sur ethat would be great!"

"Awesome!" And just then, the lunch bell rang. Lunch was over which means back to the class where I would be blank again. I sighed.

"Afraid you'll miss me?" I scoffed but smiled. He laughed and we both headed for class.


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yeaineedalife #1
taemin is so confused wit who to go to..n i myself is confused bout who i love more..T.T
well taeminnie...its going to take quite some time for minnie to forgive you! xD<br />
i mean seriously that is bad! you forget everything about her....and your relationship and hang out with your friends......i mean its like u care about your friends more than her! minnie! stay strong! :)
oh no! minnie! you better not commit suicide!
awww poor minnie she keeps on getting hurt and she doesnt know who she truly likes
I would hold it in, just so she knows that I'm nice, but for this story, Minnie should scream at her >=D
whoa~ everyone changes on who they like xD<br />
its weird but cool<br />
cant wait for the next one!
So many character changes! A possible Sooyoung and Jiyong couple O_o?
kind a confused yet sweet alot!!! hehehe...
supp012 #9
haha No... all comments are welcome unless they are like offending kind of thing which you guys don't do, so don't worry ^^