Bad days

We have different lovers when we love eachother.....

MInnie's POV:


The following days were not pleasent.

I fell twice, and my left hand was scraped, which was now wrapped in bandage, and my right elbw hurt ever time I moved it.

I cried in the bathroom realizing that Hoya was not close to me, but to a different country.

I sighed as I waited and made sure no one was in the bathroom either.

I heard nothing, so I stepped out, and washed my face.


I sighed and took in a deep breath, and stepped out of the bathroom, and was about to walk back to class when I fell.


I had bumped into someone again.

I sighed, and I looked up to apologize.

I froze when I saw that it was Taemin.

He started to smile, but stopped himself.

He gave me a small smile, and I sighed and gave him one.

I turned to go, but as expected, he grabbed my wrist.

I was spun around, and he opened his mouth o speak, but quickly closed them.

He only looked deeply into my eyes.

"I'm sorry for.... before and..... making you fall......"

He lowered his head, but I could see him pout.

How cute~!

I started to laugh, and I guess he was delighted by that.

He smiled, and he hugged me, and twirled me.

I giggled, but I was soon silenced by a dark voice.

"Put her down Lee Taemin."

I looked and saw Ji Young.

Not this again!

Taemin looked up, and sighed.

"Hyung...... we have to settle this, without fighting."

They looked at eachother and Ji Young finally gave Taemin a nod.

I exhaled, and I made my way to class.

I felt the tension and stares that came to my back as I walked away from them, and I knew that they were going to be pretty disappointed.

I had made them this way after all......


Bell rang for lunch.

I got up from my seat, and I made my way towards the cafetaria.

On the way, a familiar looking girl was coming and she looked lost.

She looked up and met eyes with me.

I froze immediately realizing who it was.

The girl from my dreams who told me that I had lost to her on something.

But the question was what was that something?

Sorry if it's boring and sorry it's short!

I'll try to update more later!! ^^ enjoy~

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yeaineedalife #1
taemin is so confused wit who to go to..n i myself is confused bout who i love more..T.T
well taeminnie...its going to take quite some time for minnie to forgive you! xD<br />
i mean seriously that is bad! you forget everything about her....and your relationship and hang out with your friends......i mean its like u care about your friends more than her! minnie! stay strong! :)
oh no! minnie! you better not commit suicide!
awww poor minnie she keeps on getting hurt and she doesnt know who she truly likes
I would hold it in, just so she knows that I'm nice, but for this story, Minnie should scream at her >=D
whoa~ everyone changes on who they like xD<br />
its weird but cool<br />
cant wait for the next one!
So many character changes! A possible Sooyoung and Jiyong couple O_o?
kind a confused yet sweet alot!!! hehehe...
supp012 #9
haha No... all comments are welcome unless they are like offending kind of thing which you guys don't do, so don't worry ^^