
We have different lovers when we love eachother.....

Ji Young's POV:


As soon as my eyes met with Taemin's he tackled me.

I heard Minnie scream, and I was so surprised.

Why was he attacking his hyung?

Not blood related, but still. I was his close hyung.

When Taemin threw a punch on my cheek, I snapped out of my daze.

I looked at him in sadness, and I threw him off, and quickly stood up.

He had a burning fire in his eyes and I knew we had to settle this once and for all.

This was the fight I could not control.



Taemin's POV:


I tackled Ji YOung hyung without thinking.

I don't know why, but seeing him with Minnie made me so angry, and before I knew it, I had punched Ji Young.

He wasn't fighting back which made me so guilty, and he was looking at me with sad eyes.

I felt guilty, but that feeling quickly vanished when hyung pushed me off.

I knew he found this as a fight.

And he was right.

This was a fight that we had to face for Minnie.

I heard her scream, and I froze for a second, but it was long enough to let Ji YOung throw me to the ground.

He was on top of me, and he punched my cheek.

I took it, but gave one righ back, and I saw him smirk.

He was a really good fighter, and I should've thought about it before doing it.

His punch was so professional, and I winced as it left a cut on my cheek.

My punch gave him a cut to, to my surprise, and he staggered backwards.

I got up slowly, but we were now both catching for air.

No matter what condition we were in, we both knew this fight was soon going to end.

We both ran towards ran towards eachother for the finishing blow, when Minnie screamed on top of her lungs.

We both froze, and turned to the now half crying Minnie.

She glared at the both of us, and we straightened up.

"Both of you are so immature! I was just in a serious fight a few weeks ago, and you both know how it effected me! Yet why are you guys like this?!"

We both flinched and we lowered our head in shame.

She was right. This wasn't fair.

She sighed, and pushed us aside, and opened her gate.

Ji YOung opened his mouth, but she held a finger out.

"No. We are not going out since you guys are fighting for it."

Ji Young hyung looked so sad and he looked like a kid and he sighed.

Minnie walked in, but turned to face me.

"Taemin, forget going out with me if you are going to be so immature about it"

I sighed too, and she turned again and stomped into her house.

We both looked at eachother and we kinda of laughed.

The bond wasn't going to be broken anytime soon.


We stepped into a nearby club, and we grabbed a seat.

I took out the menu, and the waitress came.

"Omo! Aren't you G-Dragon, and Lee Taemin-shee?"

We awkwardly laughed and she squealed.

I was ordering stuff, when this group called Fx came out.

We turned our attentions to them, and I guess the waitress saw us, because she kind of frowned, but still talked.

"They're called Fx, and they're are Victoria, Luna, Amber, Krystal, and Sulli"

One of the girls named Sulli looked at me, smiled, and winked.

I just awkwardly smiled back.

Minnie was the only one for me.

But still, Ji Young eyed me suspiciously and looked at the girls.

He shook his head, but smirked.

No way was I giving Minnie up now.





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yeaineedalife #1
taemin is so confused wit who to go to..n i myself is confused bout who i love more..T.T
well taeminnie...its going to take quite some time for minnie to forgive you! xD<br />
i mean seriously that is bad! you forget everything about her....and your relationship and hang out with your friends......i mean its like u care about your friends more than her! minnie! stay strong! :)
oh no! minnie! you better not commit suicide!
awww poor minnie she keeps on getting hurt and she doesnt know who she truly likes
I would hold it in, just so she knows that I'm nice, but for this story, Minnie should scream at her >=D
whoa~ everyone changes on who they like xD<br />
its weird but cool<br />
cant wait for the next one!
So many character changes! A possible Sooyoung and Jiyong couple O_o?
kind a confused yet sweet alot!!! hehehe...
supp012 #9
haha No... all comments are welcome unless they are like offending kind of thing which you guys don't do, so don't worry ^^