His Rainbow Tears

His Rainbow Tears

AN: Well, this is it xD I hope you'll understand everything, though even I was a bit confused about the 'rainbow tears' part, so I'll explain everything in the AN at the bottom of the story^^

 Ever since he'd been small, Kibum knew that he was special. It wasn't because his family was rich, and instead of his mommy, his nanny had raised him, to him, it was natural. His mommy wasn't that kind anyway.

It wasn't because he was prettier than girls, he knew that it was normal for him to be pretty.

It wasn't because his first crush was on a boy, everyone around him kind of expected it. Why would he like girls if he was prettier than them?

Then what was so special about him, you might ask.

His tears were like paint, each a different color. This sounds crazy, things like colored tears don't exist. Right?

When he was small, Kibum was always bored. Very, very bored. His nanny usually only helped him to dress up, and then she would tell him to play something. Even though his nanny was sweet, she never played with him.

So Kibum would just play something with his stupid toys. They were so plain and boring. He would always ask for some paper and pencils so he could draw, but once he had them, he always forgot what he wanted to draw.

And that's when he would start crying. The first tears would be black, and then they would gradually became lighter. Red, blue, pink... A weird, but pretty mixture of colors. He never really knew how this happened, he couldn't have a rainbow in his eyes, could he?

And because of this, he loved crying. He would cry and look into the mirror, giggling  softly when the pretty pink tears streamed down his face. He hated it when his tears were black though, it was scary. And sometimes, they would stain his face, making it look like someone had hit him. But then, he would grab some paper, and paint his tears. The pinks, the blues, the greens, even the yellows and blacks... All of them.

As he grew, he realized that his rainbow colored tears were just a fragment of his imagination. He never really had any friends, and no one cared about him enough to spend some time with him.

Kibum was lonely, and he couldn't do anything about it.

Of course, soon, when he cried, his tears were just... normal. Transparent, not special at all. He couldn't have been older than nine, and he already felt like he was unnecessary. Yes, he was pretty. Yes, he had everything that money could buy, but he didn't have a real family. His mommy was always away, sometimes with her friends, sometimes with other men she told him he might call 'daddy' soon.

His daddy wasn't with them. He knew that sometimes he visited, but he never saw him. The only thing he knew about him was that his daddy was really rich. He was the one who bought Kibum his pony when he begged his nanny to tell his mommy that he wanted one. He really, really wanted one, and of course, he got it, so he would shut his mouth.

His nanny was kind, but she never really cared about him. She spent more time with him than his mommy, because she was the one who got him ready for school when he was small, but she never talked to him about things his classmates spoke about. She didn't talk about how icky girls were (actually, in Kibum's mind, boys were worse than girls, they were dirty and played with bugs,ate sand and things like that, but Kibum would have never admitted it out loud) or what movies they should watch. She just asked him if he needed anything, and if he did, he was given it on the next day.

His classmates thought that he was weird. He'd always hear that they though that he was pretty, but silent and scary. Maybe because he was as pale as those porcelain dolls. For their nine-year-old mind, he was just like those dolls. Beautiful, fragile, and scary.

So they didn't talk to him at all. As time passed, Kibum became more and more lonely. He just wanted some friends, but he never had one.

And he drew them. At first, he drew his classmates and himself. He drew them so they were talking and having fun.

After that, he would paint the rainbow colored tears again. Sometimes, on the same pictures of his classmates, sometimes on other papers. His nanny would always praise him that his paintings were nice, but his mommy didn't even look at them. Even when he painted a picture for her birthday,she just gave it to one of the maids, Kibum saw it, and it broke his tiny heart.

And time seemed to fly again. Mommy became mother, daddy became father. Kibum became Key. Everything seemed to change, yet nothing did...

Key was now popular in school. Everyone liked him, and everyone tried to be his friend. Even his old classmates. They admired him for his beauty, for his grace. They wanted to be close to him.

But Key didn't want friends anymore. No, he didn't care about others. He only cared about his paintings. He still painted his tears, yes, but now, they seemed much more lifelike than before. They were beautiful, just like him.

Girls envied him because he was prettier than them. He never really understood why though.  He knew that he was pretty, but he didn't feel like he was more beautiful then them. Boys wanted him, or at least wanted to be with him. But Key didn't want them. He didn't need them.

 The boy who was ignored by his classmates in the past, now pushed them away with cruel smiles and snickers... He had changed.

Along with his kindness, his laughter, his smiles, slowly, his inspiration left as well. For some time, he would still paint his tears, maybe forests or seas, black, of course, but after some time, whenever he lifted a brush, the inspiratation would leave him. And Key hated it.

So Key didn't paint anymore. He didn't really care, he felt like he didn't even miss it. Or at least that's what he told himself whenever he had the sudden urge to paint.

Time flew, and everything changed once again. Key was now seventeen, tall and proud. He felt like he didn't need anything anymore. He barely saw his mother, but they still fought. And because of one fight, one little sentence, she kicked him out.  

He didn't really mind it. His father was arrogant, and an , but he was barely home, and he didn't care about Key anyway.

The maids admired their young master more than they should have. They thought that he was a 'god', too beautiful and majestic to talk to. So Key, who thought that maybe, maybe he could live a normal life in the new mansion, was left alone again.

By that time, Key was used to being disappointed in people. He didn't care when the maids just bowed to him with a sickly sweet smile on their lips, he didn't care when his father didn't even notice him in the morning.

Some time passed, and Key fell into a routine. He would wake up at seven, dress up into whatever designer clothes he found, brush his hair and wait for his father's driver to take him to school. He would never eat breakfast, he didn't need it.

At school, he would sit through his classes patiently. Sometimes he would try to sketch something into his notebook, but nothing nice would come out. Key couldn't draw or pain anymore.

After his classes, he would go home, do his homework and spend his time with trying to paint. But he would never be able to paint anything.

One day though, it changed again.

It was an ordinary day for Key. He woke up, dressed up and left the mansion. He went to school and sat down. But then, someone suddenly poked his back. Key could feel a scowl creep onto his otherwise perfectly bow-shaped lips as he turned back. He glared at whoever poked him, preparing to yell at them for disturbing him. He couldn't help but be a little surprised when he saw who it was.

Kim Jonghyun. The same Kim Jonghyun that had been his classmate since elementary school. They've never talked before, but Key knew that Jonghyun used to admire him.  But it was when they were younger, and Jonghyun wasn't popular at all. Now Jonghyun was 'someone to die for'. The girls 'loved' him.

Sure, they 'loved' Key too, but it was different. They 'loved' him because he was unreachable. They knew that didn't have even have the chance to have a normal talk with him.

Jonghyun however, was a total 'lady's man'. He had many girlfriends before, and he treated them with love and respect. Or at least that's what they said while they were dating.

Key had to admit that he understood why they liked the popular boy so much. He was short, but muscled, Key could almost see the outline of his six-pack through his fitting T-shirt. His hair was short, messy, but somehow it fitted him. And his eyes... His eyes held something that Key hadn't seen before... They held love... Not admiration or lust, but love. And it made Key forget what he was about to say. He felt a dark blush creep onto his cheeks and he cursed himself. He had no idea about what was going on. Yes, Jonghyun was good-looking, and his eyes captivated Key, but that was all. He was like the others.

Without saying anything, Key turned back and got out his books and pencil case. His heart was racing. He didn't know why. It felt like Jongyhyun... cared about him. Other than his nanny, no one had ever truly cared about him. Maybe because he pushed them away, maybe because he was unreachable, he didn't know. And now, the 'popular boy' cared about him.

'Key...'he heard suddenly. He didn't even have to turn back to know that it was Jonghyun.

'What?' he asked back rudely, but his voice didn't come out as strongly as he wished it would have.

'Have you done you homework? I forgot to do mine...'Jonghyun said. Key rolled his eyes. So that's why he 'cared' about him.

'Copy someone else's.'he stated coldly.

'But I want to copy yours~' Jonghyun whined. He stood up and walked in front of Key. 'Please, give it to me~'he said, and looked at Key with eyes that resembled a puppy's who was begging for some food.. Key wanted to tell him to off, but he couldn't. He sighed and gave his exercise book to Jonghyun.

'Fine.'he said slowly, then took out a notepad and grabbed a pencil. He had gotten an idea. He wanted to draw it before it was gone.

The pencil slid across the paper gracefully, and within moments, a puppy was staring at Key. It had huge, dark eyes. Just like Jonghyun's.

But then, he realized that he had drawn something. Something that actually looked nice. The puppy was like it was ready to jump off the paper, it was so realistic. Key couldn't help the small smile that appeared on his lips as quickly corrected the small flaw the puppy's ear had.

'Here's you-' Jonghyun started, ready to give the exercise book back to the boy. He didn't even need it, he had done his homework just after he got home, but he wanted to talk to Key. The boy always looked so lonely and sad...

Jonghyun's eyes widened as he noticed the beautiful drawing. 'Wow...'he whispered. 'This is... Key this is beautiful!' he exclaimed loudly. Key tensed and looked at him slowly.

'Thanks...'he mumbled, not having the heart to yell at the boy as he usually would have done it.

'You're welcome.'Jonghyun smiled at him widely, and Key couldn't help but return the smile. He felt somewhat... lighter... He didn't know why, but he felt like he had his inspiration back.

It wasn't as great as he first thought it would be though.

For weeks, he spent all of his free time painting and drawing. Various things. It was like he just couldn't put the pencil or the paintbrush down. He couldn't sleep at night, every time he would be close to falling asleep, he felt like he had to paint. In one angry moment, a tear slid down his face. It was light blue... And he painted it... He painted a small boy crying blue tears...

Everything that happened, the painting, the drawing, the sleepless nights resulted in him getting sick from exhaustion. He could barely get up from his bed.

But every bad thing has something good in it... And the good thing was that Jonghyun visited him. Every single day of his sickness, Jonghyun would be there, bringing his homework. Yet both of them knew that it was just an excuse. He wanted to see Key. The Key he had once seen, the small, lonely, but kind boy that was slowly returning.

Soon, Key was back to school. He was still pale and exhausted, but his father didn't believe him. He thought that he was faking everything because of a test or something.

But Key didn't really care. He was almost excited to go back to school. Because he knew that he would meet Jonghyun.

And slowly, but surely, their friendship grew. Jonghyun would make sure to make Key smile at least once a day, because according to him, Key was only pretty when he smiled.

And Key would smile at Jonghyun, because he wanted the other to think that he was beyond pretty. He wanted the other to think that he was beautiful.

Without even noticing it, Key fell in love with Jonghyun...

One day, Jonghyun was walking Key home. He was chattering happily while the other boy was just walking next to him, sometimes laughing quietly at what Jonghyun was saying.

'I like you.'Jonghyun said suddenly. Key stopped in his track and turned to look at the other. His feline eyes widened when he saw the seriousness in his friend's eyes.'I've liked  you for a long time, but you never really noticed me...'he added. Key paled, but felt a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips.

He knew that he was attracted to the other boy. I mean, who wasn't? And Jonghyun was the first person who could ever talk to him without getting yelled or scowled at. Though, Kibum had changed since then. He actually had friends now, who didn't admire him, but loved him for who he was. 'I...' he started, but he couldn't finish his sentence. He could feel a pair of soft lips on his, and he couldn't help but let his eyes close as he returned the kiss.

Years later, a young, blonde-haired man was walking through a newly opened gallery. His short hair was a bit messy, even though he had styled it perfectly before leaving his home. He had a long day, much longer than he thought it would be...

Suddenly, he felt a pair of arms around his waist and he was pulled into a strong chest. He smiled at the familiar feeling. 'All of these are beautiful...'he heard his lover whisper into his ear. He smiled as he relaxed in the elder's embrace.

'Thank you...'he mumbled, closing his eyes. 'This is so strange...'he added softly as he turned and laid his head on the other's shoulder. 'Years ago... I couldn't even paint... and then.. then you did something, and now we're here...'he said. 'Thank you, Jonghyun...'

'I don't know what I've done, but you're welcome, love...'Jonghyun whispered before he leant in to kiss the younger slowly, deeply, to show how much he loved him, and how proud he was of him.

Quite a few guests were still browsing the gallery, but Key decided to go home finally. He was too tired to stay, even though the paintings and sketches there always made him smile at his past.

Jonghyun could understand what his boyfriend wanted, so he just grabbed his hand, and slowly, the two of them left the gallery. For a moment, they stopped in front of a poster that held the name of the exhibition on it. 'Rainbow Tears...'Key read it out loud, smiling. Jonghyun just chuckled and kissed him again before they walked home, hand in hand.

Okkay, so : The main thing behind Key's tears is that he felt so lonely and bored, that he imagined that his tears were like that, cause it made him feel special.

OR: They are simply the symbols of his heart and his inspiration. He lost his inspiration due to not having anyone around him. In the end, he got it back once he finally opened towards Jonghyun. Logical, huh? xDDD

Also, yeah, the part when they are in the classroom seems a bit rushed, but Key simply fell in love at 'first' sight xD He allowed himself to look at someone for a moment, and this happened xD

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ShipJongkey #1
Chapter 1: Love love love it
ichigo960103 #2
This fic really is beautiful. I once read it (before having an acc here) long ago. And now I read it again, I still remember the story ^^

keep the good work, author-nim ^^
This was so beautiful!! I loved the happy ending ! I like reading angst but with happy endings, just like this! I'm glad they got together ! Ahh it was perfect (:
Chapter 1: i loveeeeeeeeee thisssssssss!!!!
SohAnna #5
Chapter 1: So pretty!!! I meant the story... :)))
Chapter 1: that was so beautiful <3
Chapter 1: Omg it's brilliant! This totally kicked my entry's a**! -cries rainbow tears- XD I love it. I hope you win. I think you will because yours is the best I've read so far. <3 ^^ Man I love Jongkey!
Chapter 1: Im totally straight... straight as I can be and I really am not in the gay thing... BUT DAM THESE JongKey fanficts are SO ALLURING!!! >.<
youxme #9
Chapter 1: that was absolutely beautiful.... <3
Jenkeey #10
Chapter 1: This is beautiful...