Wrapped in a Warm Embrace ;; Third Person

Counting Down the Days

The sound of the DVD droned on in the background, becoming distant as Taeyeon's eyes drooped. Yuri and Jessica had fallen asleep under a blanket not long after the film had begun, giggling to themselves until they drifted off into a cosy sleep. Hyoyeon was sprawled across the floor with a blanket half draped over her, mostly being taken up by Yoona who was slumped into a beanbag. Seohyun was huddled into a small space between the wall and the bed, clutching Keroro. Sooyoung and Sunny had attempted to stay awake for as long as possible and they had only just slunk off into a deep sleep, heads resting against Yoona's beanbag.

Then, on the bed, sat Taeyeon and Tiffany. The sleepover had only started a couple of hours ago, the girls immediately rushing off to get into their pyjamas and microwaving some sweet popcorn. Yet after a small exchange of gossip and laughter, everyone had started falling asleep once Mean Girls had been put on. At first Taeyeon and Tiffany had felt awkward, but soon felt comfortable quoting the movie as the hours went by.

Now the credits had begun to roll. Taeyeon glanced towards Tiffany and noticed, as sleepy as she was, that she and Tiffany had gradually become closer throughout the duration of the movie. Tiffany saw it too, pausing with the popcorn she'd been munching on. For a moment they just looked into each other's eyes, or perhaps a few moments had gone by. Tiffany felt an odd feeling in her stomach. Was she ill? Was that what this all was?

It was a feeling she'd never felt before. Like being sick, yet it made her weak in a different way. Every time Taeyeon's eyes met hers, it felt like her heart sank to the pits of her stomach; like there was nothing else but - certainly nothing more important than - this feeling. Like she wanted to take Taeyeon into her arms and hold her forever, never let her go.

"The film's finished," she finally cut in, swallowing her popcorn nervously and dropping the empty bowl onto the floor. Taeyeon blinked suddenly, as though awakened from a vivid dream.

"Yeah... it is," she muttered, turning her head away from Tiffany's for it was far too close. She gulped.

What was going on between them? Really? Every time Taeyeon saw her talk with those lips, smile with those lips, laugh with those lips... she wanted to take them into her own, embrace them. She craved to be closer to Tiffany.

It was now or never, then.

"What happened the other day?" she managed, tucking her hair behind her ears, eyes still fixated on the slow moving credits.

"What do you mean?" Tiffany replied simply, avoiding looking anywhere near Taeyeon.

"You know. You stopped hanging around with us," Taeyeon shrugged. That was close enough, right? No answer. Aish. "Was it because of... of me?"

Tiffany's heart sank lower than ever. No words could express what she wanted to say, how she wanted to laugh and pull Taeyeon into a hug. Instead, she replied shortly. "What? No, Taeyeon..."

"But the alleyway," Taeyeon continued fast, voice raising a little too high. Yoona stirred on her beanbag. When she continued, she lowered herself to a whisper. "You know, when we were running. Then we were against the wall and you... well, you..."

"What are you talking about?" Tiffany's reply was sharp and harsh, sending a frown Taeyeon's way. "I was just having a bit of fun."

"But you left so fast, and-"

"I don't know what you're talking about, Taeyeon."


"Just shut up about it! Okay?"


Taeyeon picked at the end of her pyjama pants, biting her lip. That was it, then. She kept opening , searching for words. What was even appropriate in this situation? This ridiculous situation. She could face it now. Taeyeon liked Tiffany - liked her as more than just a friend, a best friend, by far. "Sorry," she mumbled. "I'm... I..."

What happened next was a blur. She bit her lip, drew in a deep breath and turned her body rapidly to face Tiffany's. Her arms reached up to hold Tiffany's chin as she raised their lips to meet in a short, sweet kiss. Tiffany almost yelped, jolting back, but Taeyeon kept a firm grip on her face. She found herself in shock, somehow... enjoying it.

Taeyeon broke away, a mischievous grin only expanding when she saw the hot pink colouring entering Tiffany's cheeks.

Silence again.

"What was..." Tiffany began, lost for words.

She didn't need words. In moments, Taeyeon was clinging onto her dressing gown, burying her face inside Fany's dark curls, giggling to herself. Tiffany tried to say something, but found that all she really wanted to do was hold Taeyeon. Now she finally got her chance.

They fell back onto the pillows of Tiffany's bed, Taeyeon's arms wrapped around Fany's waist and her head against her shoulder. Tiffany curled her arms around Taeyeon's neck, guiltily allowing a grin to slide onto her face. This was exactly how she wanted to spend the rest of her life. Safe, wrapped inside Taeyeon's warm embrace, not a single care in the world to plague them.

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This is amazing. The budding feelings that Taeyeon has for Tiffany, and the amount of doubt and conflict running through Tiffany's mind is definitely relate-able for any teen who has gone through the same. I really wonder where this would go.
Chapter 6: So Tiffany seems like the one who feels conflicted over the feelings she's having... while Taeyeon is having the time of her life. Hmm~ I wonder how Tiffany will through this, will she start to ignore Taeyeon now?

Thanks for the update!
I saw this fic on ssf but decided to subscribe on aff since I've been getting on this website on more lately, & don't want you to worry about sending PMs lol. Thanks for posting it on ssf^^ Wonder if Sica will find out Taeyeon's feelings for Tiffany soon, unless she knows already. Taeyeon usually tends to be pretty dense when it comes to feelings but since she was able to notice YulSic's love, how come she hasn't asked Sica or Yuri for either advice or if they're together?
Chapter 5: Glad to see that they're not ignoring each other or something. Even though Tiffany's solution to act like nothing even happened between her and Taeyeon is... *sigh* Well, if Taeyeon keeps on trying and not giving up, like she does now, I foresee the end of Fany's denial soon... Well on the other hand, maybe she's more stubborn than that, but I'm definitely looking forward to see what's in store for them. ^^
Thanks a lot for the speedy update! :)
Chapter 4: It was definitely worth the wait, dear Author~ ^^
Ah, both the phase TY and TF is going through a little too familiar for me. Tiffany's still at the stage of denial - even though she was actually really happy after Taeyeon kissed her... And Taeyeon, she's trying to accept this part of herself but it's hard when the one person who really matters doesn't.
Definitely looking forward to more of this!~
Thank you for the update~ ^^
Chapter 4: Ouch... Taeyeon, that must have hurt a lot.
I love the last part of this chapter, which i think could relate to some people whos struggling with their feelings out there *I m definitely not a homophobic :)

Loving this chapter?! ;D
Chapter 3: Ooo... Love this :)
Wonder what you had in mind for them after this.

Sub pairing? Hmm.. Yulsic or Yoonhyun*batting my eyes rapidly at you.. Lol